Ini Iwan, my ex student..he graduated in 2006. Now, he is a tutor at UiTM. He is very close to me and my kids love him very much!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Photos with students..
Ini Iwan, my ex student..he graduated in 2006. Now, he is a tutor at UiTM. He is very close to me and my kids love him very much!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My family: part 3
Mengadap pantai di Terengganu..semasa menginap di Awana Kijal
Dalam bas AEROLINE ke Singapura..eiii..seronoknya
Dengan Che'Jie, his favourite autie..tengok LRT ingat kat Che'jie..

masa Kecik dan masa kurus.. he!he!
Sayang atuk..Ikut mana2 saja atuk pergi..
Lutfi..anak mama
anak saya cuma 3 orang..semua lelaki..semuanya dah besar..alhamdulillah.
My family part 3 ni, khusus untuk anak saya yang bongsu, ahmed Lutfi abdul rashid. Dia lahir pada 20 Jun 2000 ( masa tu ramai wanita2 cina ppakat nak beranak sebab masa tu Tahun Naga) Saya bagi nama dia Lutfi sebab selalu baca Harakah dan tertarik dengan idea2 dan tulisan Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan Harakah ( sekarang), Ahmad Lutfi Othman. Kononya pilih nama Lutfi,nak minta anak ni seorang gentleman ( bukannya nak bekeng macam naga), lembut pekerta budinya..mudah2an..amin.. Walaupun Lutfi ni sebnarnya pongoh juga..tak pa lah..UJIAN untuk mama dan hu..
My Family: part 2
Monday, October 20, 2008
my family..

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Jamuan Hari Raya
tak tau lah, apa yg dibincangkan tu..ralitnya
Last saturday, I have invited some of my students to join the jamuan hari raya. It was not a big one due to the small space of my condo. I have invited only two my colleagues, kak mah and Kak jun..Che noh also came and so did yati and Ajib.The rest are all my students and my two sons's friends.
I called this jamuan hari raya and not Open House. In my perspective, Open House is a real Open House where you inivite your friends, neighbours, officemates and many2 peope will turn up. But mine is, with a small budget and small portions of food plus small house..That is it. But I welcomed all my invited guests with BIG heart..
I took a few pictures..actually I did not take the pictures but my son, zaki and anthony ( my student). The pictures are yet to upload due to laptop problem. Now I am writing my entry at my office while waiting for the class at 5pm.
I hope those who came to my house were happy and enjoyed the food and hospitality at my house. Please forgive me for any shortcomings and anything to do with the food or drink..I was told that air bandung tu, terlebih manis.. kena kacau sikit tu sebelum tuang.
This saturday, there will be some studnets coming to visit my house..What to cook, huh? Let me know then..
I called this jamuan hari raya and not Open House. In my perspective, Open House is a real Open House where you inivite your friends, neighbours, officemates and many2 peope will turn up. But mine is, with a small budget and small portions of food plus small house..That is it. But I welcomed all my invited guests with BIG heart..
I took a few pictures..actually I did not take the pictures but my son, zaki and anthony ( my student). The pictures are yet to upload due to laptop problem. Now I am writing my entry at my office while waiting for the class at 5pm.
I hope those who came to my house were happy and enjoyed the food and hospitality at my house. Please forgive me for any shortcomings and anything to do with the food or drink..I was told that air bandung tu, terlebih manis.. kena kacau sikit tu sebelum tuang.
This saturday, there will be some studnets coming to visit my house..What to cook, huh? Let me know then..
Monday, October 6, 2008
Eid Mubarak..Eid Said..
Hari Raya or Eid Day was celebrated by all Muslim in Malaysia on the 1st october. Of course, it is considered as the Winning day for all the Muslim who had successfully completed the 30 day puasa and at the same time able to withold their nafsu and desire over the sinful acts/intentions. Alhamdulillah, my family including my two sons managed to complete the puasa. But Lutfi, managed to fast 29 days and 9 5.20 pm he broke his fast after much persuasion since 12 pm. I have to allow him to break his fast due the constant demand from him..Well, the real reason was , dia dah boring..ahnaf, alya and haikal were not around. These people are his playmates. So, what else..merengek2 la..
We spent 5 days in was wonderful though. As usual, Lutfi, tak nak balik Gombak. he insisted that he wanted to stay in Kelantan and go to school there too. After much persuasion, I managed to convince him that, InsyaAllah next trip, he would be staying here for at least one week. He would always follow his Atok, wherever Atok goes except to the toilet.. he wants to eat biscuit like Atok, drink like Atok..Hmm..Lutfi, Lutfi..
Kakak, Aisyah and Janna were absent this Eid. I am sure they are coping well with this situation. I am yet to celebrate Hari Raya outside Kelantan. I am sure, I will be crying the whole day if I were in their shoes. Anyway, hope to see you guys in kg soon.
I have two lectures today, alhamdulillah , many of my students turned up in the class this morning. Only one or two students absent today.
I am so happy today because Hayyi brought me one big gunny sack of Keropok Lekor and Keropok Keping. Yummy! Yummy! I am sure my three sons would love to eat all these...
Outside, is still drizzling..nice weather today..a good time to doze off..
Need to go home now, getting ready for buka puasa in the month of syawwal. I hope Engkar will cook something special today..
We spent 5 days in was wonderful though. As usual, Lutfi, tak nak balik Gombak. he insisted that he wanted to stay in Kelantan and go to school there too. After much persuasion, I managed to convince him that, InsyaAllah next trip, he would be staying here for at least one week. He would always follow his Atok, wherever Atok goes except to the toilet.. he wants to eat biscuit like Atok, drink like Atok..Hmm..Lutfi, Lutfi..
Kakak, Aisyah and Janna were absent this Eid. I am sure they are coping well with this situation. I am yet to celebrate Hari Raya outside Kelantan. I am sure, I will be crying the whole day if I were in their shoes. Anyway, hope to see you guys in kg soon.
I have two lectures today, alhamdulillah , many of my students turned up in the class this morning. Only one or two students absent today.
I am so happy today because Hayyi brought me one big gunny sack of Keropok Lekor and Keropok Keping. Yummy! Yummy! I am sure my three sons would love to eat all these...
Outside, is still drizzling..nice weather today..a good time to doze off..
Need to go home now, getting ready for buka puasa in the month of syawwal. I hope Engkar will cook something special today..
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