On the boat, heading for island hopping..
Monday, March 30, 2009
Trip to Langkawi Island
We went to Langkawi Island during maulidirasul holiday. This was our second trip to Langkawi after more than 10 years! Of corse there was a tremendous changes in terms of the hotel, places of attraction, food price and etc. Whatever it is , we enjoyed our stay there.. we snapped a lot of pictures there. Here are some of the relevant and publishable picture for public viewing.. of course tak leh lawan aussies.. :-)

On the boat, heading for island hopping..
On the boat, heading for island hopping..
Friday, March 20, 2009

saya dapat maklumat ni dari seorang teman. mungkin ada yg pernah tengok graf ni. walaubagaimanapun, saya harap dgn maklumat dan fakta yg kita tgk ni, mudah2an iman kita pada Allah akan lebih bertambah dan Yakin dgn sebenar2nya bahawa tiada Tuhan melainak Allah azzawajalla..
Lihat foto di atas betul-betul dan kaji.Ini merupakan graf surah-surah dalam al-quran beserta bilangan ayatnya.Jika diplotkan.Inilah yg terhasil.Subhanallah.Foto ini saya temui dalam satu website.Berikut serba sedikit info mengenai isi kandungan Kitab pegangan kita ini.Didapati banyak perkara telah disentuh dan telah dibuat kajian oleh manusia seperti nombor, astronomi, angkasalepas, perubatan, geologi, kejuruteraan, minda dan sebagainya.Al-Quran sudah lama membuktikan banyak perkara sains ketika manusia baru menemuinya.Bilangan tentang perkara yang disebutkan di dalam Al-Quran:
DUNIA - 115 kali AKHIRAT - 115 kali
MALAIKAT - 88 kali SYAITAN - 88 kali
HIDUP - 145 kali MATI - 145 kali
FAEDAH - 50 kali KERUGIAN - 50 kali
UMMAH - 50 kali PENYAMPAI - 50 kali
BALA/MUSIBAH - 75 kali BERSYUKUR - 75 kali
BERSEDEKAH - 73 kali BERPUAS HATI - 73 kali
MUSLIMIN - 41 kali JIHAD - 41 kali
EMAS - 8 kali KEMURAHAN HIDUP - 8 kali
KEAJAIBAN - 60 kali FITNAH - 60 kali
ZAKAT - 32 kali BERKAT - 32 kali
MINDA - 49 kali NUR - 49 kali
LIDAH - 25 kali SUMPAH - 25 kali
NAFSU - 8 kali KETAKUTAN - 8 kali
KESUSAHAN - 114 kali KESABARAN - 114 kali
MUHAMMAD - 4 kali SYARIAT - 4 kali
LELAKI - 24 kali PEREMPUAN - 24 kali
BULAN - 12 kali
HARI - 365 kali
LAUTAN - 32 kali DARATAN - 13 kali
LAUT dan DARAT = 32 + 13 = 45
Justeru itu, peratusan laut = 32/45 x 100 = 71.11111111 peratusPeratusan daratan = 13/45 x 100 = 28.88888889 peratusJUMLAH = 100 peratusKajian sains oleh manusia telah membuktikan bahawa air meliputi 71.111 peratus daripada bumi dan tanah meliputi 28.889 peratus.
Begitulah kebesaran dan keagungan ciptaan Allah SWT!!!Nota: Diterjemahkan daripada karya asal yang dipetik daripada "The Series Of The Scientific Miracles In Quraan," oleh Dr. Tariq Al Suwaidan.
Moga ada manfaat.
Islam is..
This morning I have a visitor from Taylor’s College. Currently she is doing research on Islamic law and civil law in Malaysia. Her name is Trishella. She came to get my insights on Islamic law. Among the questions asked were, “ why do you think that Islamic criminal law particularly hudud punishments are important?”, “ What are the reasons of the high crime rate in Malaysia” and “Do you think that Islamic criminal law is still relevant today?”
These among the questions asked to me. I was very happy to answer all the questions and to see her interest to know Islamic law. But the happiest moment would be that I feel relieved;I have done my job in explaining to her the beauty of Islam, the greatness of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S A W and the mentality of some Muslims who did not believe in the efficiency of Islamic criminal law in curbing the crime rate in Malaysia. The problem today is not Islamic law but the mentality of some people who did not believe in the strengthness of Islamic law and at the same time try to improve the administration of Islamic law.
I am sure there are still a large number of Muslim who hesitate the relevancy of Islamic law to be implemented today. Worse still is that they also distorted some of the rulings provided in Islam or those people who are very vocal to talk about Islam and they themselves had no background on Islamic law.
Our duty is a Daaie..a preacher..to enjoin what is good and to forbid what is evil. Islam is the religion of tashil..to ease, to facilitate us and not to cause burdenship on us..
These among the questions asked to me. I was very happy to answer all the questions and to see her interest to know Islamic law. But the happiest moment would be that I feel relieved;I have done my job in explaining to her the beauty of Islam, the greatness of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S A W and the mentality of some Muslims who did not believe in the efficiency of Islamic criminal law in curbing the crime rate in Malaysia. The problem today is not Islamic law but the mentality of some people who did not believe in the strengthness of Islamic law and at the same time try to improve the administration of Islamic law.
I am sure there are still a large number of Muslim who hesitate the relevancy of Islamic law to be implemented today. Worse still is that they also distorted some of the rulings provided in Islam or those people who are very vocal to talk about Islam and they themselves had no background on Islamic law.
Our duty is a Daaie..a preacher..to enjoin what is good and to forbid what is evil. Islam is the religion of tashil..to ease, to facilitate us and not to cause burdenship on us..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pesanan untuk putera puteri ku..
saya selalu berpesan pada student2, nak tuntut ilmu ni, hati kita ni kena besar..kena buka seluas2nya..kena ada ruang untuk masuk pelbagai pelajaran dan juga untuk masuk pelbagai pengalaman hidup.
Ruang itu digunakan untuk memahami pelbagai kerenah/gaya guru mengajar.. Terima seadanya cara guru mengajar dan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memahami pelajaran tersebut. Ada sekumpulan pelajar2 perempuan saya mengadu bahawa lecturer lelaki dalam kelas mereka, tidak pernah memandang wajah mereka di dalam kelas semasa mengajar. Sudah tentu saya tak boleh nak mengajr lecturer tersebut dalam hal sebagini. tapi saya memberitahu pada pelajar2 tersebut, ini adalah cabaran buat awak semua. cari alternatif lain untuk memahami pelajaran itu. Fikir and cari jalan secara berkumpulan. bergerak secara berjemaah. tanya lecturer yg mengajar sabjek yg sama dan cuba minta tolong dari dia..
Ruang untuk memahami kawan2; perangai yg macam2, yg lambat bangun tidur, yg lewat dtg discussion group, yg minta kita belikan dia lunch atau dinner, yg suka memnijam wang atau barang kita dan yg macam2 lagi. belajar untuk menangani masalah tersebut dgn berhikmah bukannya dgn bermasam muka..
Ruang untuk memaafkan orang lain dan memaafkan diri sendiri. Jgn alpa dgn sifat yg kita rasa kita adalah manusia sempurna.. belajar memaafkan orang lain hatta sejahat mana manusia tersebut. Ampunan Allah sentiasa terbuka, rahmat Allah sentiasa ada di mana2.. seterusnya jgn juga kita lupa juga untuk memaafakn diri kita yg tidak sempurna ini. belajar untuk menerima realiti hidup hari ini, sejarah hari kelmarin dan esok yg penuh misteri..
Ruang seterusnya ialah ruang yg paling penting dan berada di tengah2 iaitu ruang untuk Azzawajalla..Allah yg Maha esa, yg empunya Ilmu yg ingin kita tuntut. Taqarrub pada Allah dan berzikir padaNya agar dapt kita menarik perhatianNya supaya setiap usaha yg kita jejaki mendapat keredhaanyNya.. Kita mesti menjadi manusia yg merendah diri jika kita nak menuntut ilmu..
Ruang itu digunakan untuk memahami pelbagai kerenah/gaya guru mengajar.. Terima seadanya cara guru mengajar dan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memahami pelajaran tersebut. Ada sekumpulan pelajar2 perempuan saya mengadu bahawa lecturer lelaki dalam kelas mereka, tidak pernah memandang wajah mereka di dalam kelas semasa mengajar. Sudah tentu saya tak boleh nak mengajr lecturer tersebut dalam hal sebagini. tapi saya memberitahu pada pelajar2 tersebut, ini adalah cabaran buat awak semua. cari alternatif lain untuk memahami pelajaran itu. Fikir and cari jalan secara berkumpulan. bergerak secara berjemaah. tanya lecturer yg mengajar sabjek yg sama dan cuba minta tolong dari dia..
Ruang untuk memahami kawan2; perangai yg macam2, yg lambat bangun tidur, yg lewat dtg discussion group, yg minta kita belikan dia lunch atau dinner, yg suka memnijam wang atau barang kita dan yg macam2 lagi. belajar untuk menangani masalah tersebut dgn berhikmah bukannya dgn bermasam muka..
Ruang untuk memaafkan orang lain dan memaafkan diri sendiri. Jgn alpa dgn sifat yg kita rasa kita adalah manusia sempurna.. belajar memaafkan orang lain hatta sejahat mana manusia tersebut. Ampunan Allah sentiasa terbuka, rahmat Allah sentiasa ada di mana2.. seterusnya jgn juga kita lupa juga untuk memaafakn diri kita yg tidak sempurna ini. belajar untuk menerima realiti hidup hari ini, sejarah hari kelmarin dan esok yg penuh misteri..
Ruang seterusnya ialah ruang yg paling penting dan berada di tengah2 iaitu ruang untuk Azzawajalla..Allah yg Maha esa, yg empunya Ilmu yg ingin kita tuntut. Taqarrub pada Allah dan berzikir padaNya agar dapt kita menarik perhatianNya supaya setiap usaha yg kita jejaki mendapat keredhaanyNya.. Kita mesti menjadi manusia yg merendah diri jika kita nak menuntut ilmu..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
...so what?
I just want to share about the attitude of some of my students in my class. The attitude that concerned me most is being childish and immaturity. There were two my students who did not come to my class last week. When I saw them in a next class, I enquired about their absence. Both were saying ( at different times) that they were already late to the class, so they were afraid of that I would scold them from coming late to the class. I asked both of them, " If I scold you...So what? " Please, please girls..Grow up!
It is perfectly normal if you at times being corrected by your teacher. I dont want to use the word scold. It is a wrong term. If anyone comes late to my class, I will just ask him, why did you come late to my class. That kind of question is already considered as a scolding to them. That was not a scolding, girls... it is a punishment. Why did you come late to the class, in the first place? 5 minutes late, can be tolerated but not 10-15 minutes!
My dear studnts, you are here at this univ is to study and to learn. You are not perfect..Getting scolded, being corrected and being punished by your teacher are part of growing process, part of learning process.. if you are wrong,you are wrong.. stop making all kind of excuses to defend you. Learn how to say sorry, thank you and please. I am not using any form of physical punishment on you neither foul language to you..It is a matter whther you want to admit your mistakes or not. If any of my students get reprimanded, it does not mean that I hate you..No, never.. But many students liked to pre judge their lecturer before they knew him/her. This is absolutely wrong.. well, for me..I am getting immuned with all the negative comments on me.. when the going gets tough, the gets get going..
It is perfectly normal if you at times being corrected by your teacher. I dont want to use the word scold. It is a wrong term. If anyone comes late to my class, I will just ask him, why did you come late to my class. That kind of question is already considered as a scolding to them. That was not a scolding, girls... it is a punishment. Why did you come late to the class, in the first place? 5 minutes late, can be tolerated but not 10-15 minutes!
My dear studnts, you are here at this univ is to study and to learn. You are not perfect..Getting scolded, being corrected and being punished by your teacher are part of growing process, part of learning process.. if you are wrong,you are wrong.. stop making all kind of excuses to defend you. Learn how to say sorry, thank you and please. I am not using any form of physical punishment on you neither foul language to you..It is a matter whther you want to admit your mistakes or not. If any of my students get reprimanded, it does not mean that I hate you..No, never.. But many students liked to pre judge their lecturer before they knew him/her. This is absolutely wrong.. well, for me..I am getting immuned with all the negative comments on me.. when the going gets tough, the gets get going..
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Oh! shazrin..
shazrin is my first year student and currently he is taking Islamic Legal System subject with me. First class with him was a surprise to me. He asked me about 15 questions and I could not remember what were the questions.. Next class, I think 10 questions and third class I told him that I would allow him only 3 questions during the lecture hour. He agreed. Of course he is still asking questions but with limitation.
in one of the last lecture, i read a statement from a civil court judge"...Mohammedan Law is the law of the land.." before I could not finish my sentence, he immediately said to me," that was wrong to say Mohammedan Law", with a firm voice. I was so taken aback with his remark. I said " I am reading from the statement of a British judge in a civil court and this is the original words from him..You should not interject me while I am reading the statement". he was quiet...but for a while, of course.
Yesterday, I had a class with him and I gave a lecture about the qualifications of a syariah court judge. I was reading the list of criterria of a judge and after I gave the last criteria; male..he immediately raised his hand to say something. I allowed him. " yes, shazrin?" With a loud and firm voice he said" The criteria of being a male is FAKE! FAKE!" His index finger was pointing at me. I was so shocked not only with the comment he made, but the way he pointed his finger at me..Wow! Wow! this is boy is really amazed me..the whole class was making..wooohh..woohh.. everybody's with frowning face. Mr Ah Thiam was simply smiling and shaking his head. Looked like, this is quite normal if this comment comes from shazrin. I said to him.. " Why do you have to spat your anger on me?" Trying very hard to hold my composure I told him and the class about the need to anlyse the juristic views and strike a balance with the current needs.
After the class is over, I told him to wipe the whiteboard ( his duty for coming late to the class), with a slow voice he said" I want to apologise of what I said to you just now..sometime i cannot control my emotions.." With motherly voice, " apology accepted..and i will always love you, shazrin.." He left the class with a grinning face.
the moment i left my class, I hold no grudges to any of my student,including shazrin..they are my children.. I love them..
in one of the last lecture, i read a statement from a civil court judge"...Mohammedan Law is the law of the land.." before I could not finish my sentence, he immediately said to me," that was wrong to say Mohammedan Law", with a firm voice. I was so taken aback with his remark. I said " I am reading from the statement of a British judge in a civil court and this is the original words from him..You should not interject me while I am reading the statement". he was quiet...but for a while, of course.
Yesterday, I had a class with him and I gave a lecture about the qualifications of a syariah court judge. I was reading the list of criterria of a judge and after I gave the last criteria; male..he immediately raised his hand to say something. I allowed him. " yes, shazrin?" With a loud and firm voice he said" The criteria of being a male is FAKE! FAKE!" His index finger was pointing at me. I was so shocked not only with the comment he made, but the way he pointed his finger at me..Wow! Wow! this is boy is really amazed me..the whole class was making..wooohh..woohh.. everybody's with frowning face. Mr Ah Thiam was simply smiling and shaking his head. Looked like, this is quite normal if this comment comes from shazrin. I said to him.. " Why do you have to spat your anger on me?" Trying very hard to hold my composure I told him and the class about the need to anlyse the juristic views and strike a balance with the current needs.
After the class is over, I told him to wipe the whiteboard ( his duty for coming late to the class), with a slow voice he said" I want to apologise of what I said to you just now..sometime i cannot control my emotions.." With motherly voice, " apology accepted..and i will always love you, shazrin.." He left the class with a grinning face.
the moment i left my class, I hold no grudges to any of my student,including shazrin..they are my children.. I love them..
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