First and foremost, my gratitude and thankfulness to Allah, the Almighty for giving me the greatest chance to wake up from my long long sleep and able to enjoy His creations again.. Alhamdulillah..
Just to share my experince in the hospital..I had an operation at 12.30pm and ended at 3.50pm. The operation was thought to be a normal or a standard procedure turned out to be a compliacted one according to the surgeon. Instead of making 3 holes on my stomach, he had to dig another 4 holes! ouch! My gallbladder and gallstone are too big, so he had to make another one so that the two beautiful things would be able to be removed from my stomach..
Well, it seems here that I dont have much things in my abdomen. A few things have been removed so uterus, my ovary ( one more left ) and my gallbladder..I guess I still can enjoy my life even without those precious things in my body. The most important thing I am happy, healthy with my loved ones..
Cannot wait to go to office and see if any of my students around. This time operation, I had only one guest from amongst my students :-( However,I am sure they are praying for me out there.
One great thing happened today is that I managed to perform my solat in a proper manner i.e. standing on the 7th day after the operation...Syukur.
Till then, take care!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
" bercuti rehat"
Sebenarnya segan juga nak cerita pasal diri sendiri dalam blog saya ni.Blog ni lebih kepada nak berkongsi pengalaman saya mengajr di UIAM dan berdepan dgn pelajar2 di AIKOL.
W/pun, kali ni nak sisipkan sedikit personal note. saya akan bercuti rehat selama ( kata dr, 3 hari) di pusat perubatan pantai di Bangsar, KL. InsyAllah, saya akan dibedah oleh consultant surgeon di sana, Dr Fahmi Abdul Karim. Penyakitnya tak da lah besar sangat..kecik je. Tapi bila kena general anaesthetic tu, risau juga. Kot2 tak bangun-bangun!
Pembedahan akan dijalankan pada hari isnin, 25/5 jam 12.30pm. Saya akan mula masuk wad pada Ahad (24/5) jam 9 malam. Saya pun sebenarnya mahu pembedahan ini dibuat secepat yg mungkin. Maklum lah UIAM sekarang ni tgh cuti semester panjang ( w/pun ada yg mengajar tetapi hnya segelintir saja). Sya risau sgt kalau saya sakit semasa sem berjalan.. risau takut tak boleh buat kelas..nanti student ketinggalan pelajaran dari kelas2 lain.
Yg pasti kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan..
Akhir sekali, doakan saya..mudah2an semuanya selamat dan berjalan seperti yg dirancangkan.. Amin Ya rabbal alamin
W/pun, kali ni nak sisipkan sedikit personal note. saya akan bercuti rehat selama ( kata dr, 3 hari) di pusat perubatan pantai di Bangsar, KL. InsyAllah, saya akan dibedah oleh consultant surgeon di sana, Dr Fahmi Abdul Karim. Penyakitnya tak da lah besar sangat..kecik je. Tapi bila kena general anaesthetic tu, risau juga. Kot2 tak bangun-bangun!
Pembedahan akan dijalankan pada hari isnin, 25/5 jam 12.30pm. Saya akan mula masuk wad pada Ahad (24/5) jam 9 malam. Saya pun sebenarnya mahu pembedahan ini dibuat secepat yg mungkin. Maklum lah UIAM sekarang ni tgh cuti semester panjang ( w/pun ada yg mengajar tetapi hnya segelintir saja). Sya risau sgt kalau saya sakit semasa sem berjalan.. risau takut tak boleh buat kelas..nanti student ketinggalan pelajaran dari kelas2 lain.
Yg pasti kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan..
Akhir sekali, doakan saya..mudah2an semuanya selamat dan berjalan seperti yg dirancangkan.. Amin Ya rabbal alamin
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hari Guru
Hari Guru telah disambut pada 16 Mei lepas. Masa tu saya berada di Batu Kikir, negeri Sembilan. Banyak text message saya terima pada hari tu..pelbagai madah dan ucapan dari student2 saya sekarang ni atau pun bekas2 student yg dah lama grad dan bekerja. Ada yg dah lebih setahun tak tanya khabar, akhirnya ada juga ucapan dari mereka. Sya pulak, bila dah 3 bulan tak tanya khabr, saya akan delete no hp mereka..itu time limitnya. macam nak file suit juga. ada time frame dia, bila dah habis cause of action..betul kan?
ada juga yg hantar email pada saya berserta dgn kad ucapan. kdg2 bila baca isi hati dia orang ni buat airmata saya bergenang..saya sendiri pun boleh agak, adakah ucapan dari idea dia sendiri atau pun chain message yg di forwardkan dari seorang ke seorang yg lain.
Semalam saya dtg office, ada kad besar lebih satu kaki panjang di tepek di pintu office saya..Bila buka rupanya dari Jidah..Norjidah mohd jusan. Bekas student saya yg sekarang ni sdg buat MBA di UIAM juga. Yg buat saya terharu bila baca puisi dari jidah..Here it goes..
" I m like a cloud
an you are my wind
the wind that blows me with knowledge and wisdom
So i will safley arrive at mys destination
I m like a cloud
and you are my sun
the sun that showers me your golden shine
to guide me through the darkness in my life
I m like a clould and you are my moon
the moon tha glows me with inspiration & aspiration
So that i will survive the dullness of life
I m like a cloud and you are the sea
the sea that provides me with virtues
I will absorb whatever you provide me
and i will drain out all the vices as rain falls
But in the end I m ME
and you are YOU
which in the end
there ever is for me!
Thank you very much jidah..
To all of my student
thank you for being my student..
thank you for letting me sharing my limited knowledge with you..
Thank you for being so patience with me
Thank you for giving me the time to understand wht life is all about
Thank you for allowing me to know you..
and most of all, thank you for carved my name in you heart..
ada juga yg hantar email pada saya berserta dgn kad ucapan. kdg2 bila baca isi hati dia orang ni buat airmata saya bergenang..saya sendiri pun boleh agak, adakah ucapan dari idea dia sendiri atau pun chain message yg di forwardkan dari seorang ke seorang yg lain.
Semalam saya dtg office, ada kad besar lebih satu kaki panjang di tepek di pintu office saya..Bila buka rupanya dari Jidah..Norjidah mohd jusan. Bekas student saya yg sekarang ni sdg buat MBA di UIAM juga. Yg buat saya terharu bila baca puisi dari jidah..Here it goes..
" I m like a cloud
an you are my wind
the wind that blows me with knowledge and wisdom
So i will safley arrive at mys destination
I m like a cloud
and you are my sun
the sun that showers me your golden shine
to guide me through the darkness in my life
I m like a clould and you are my moon
the moon tha glows me with inspiration & aspiration
So that i will survive the dullness of life
I m like a cloud and you are the sea
the sea that provides me with virtues
I will absorb whatever you provide me
and i will drain out all the vices as rain falls
But in the end I m ME
and you are YOU
which in the end
there ever is for me!
Thank you very much jidah..
To all of my student
thank you for being my student..
thank you for letting me sharing my limited knowledge with you..
Thank you for being so patience with me
Thank you for giving me the time to understand wht life is all about
Thank you for allowing me to know you..
and most of all, thank you for carved my name in you heart..
Thursday, May 14, 2009
gambar2 dgn student ILS sem 2 2008/2009
Gambar2 ni dah lama awai bagi cuma tak sempat nak upload je.. nama sebenar awai ialah Ridhwan bin jalaludin.. budak laki dalam gambar bwh ni awai.. yg buat peace tu, farhan alia..monitor dalam kelas. very helpful girl..boleh buat menantu..

Gambar bwah ni pulak group photo semua student dalam kelas..budak2 dlm kelas ni memang happening! sebabnya adalah..cikgu dia la lagi happening! jgn mare!
Gambar bwah ni pulak group photo semua student dalam kelas..budak2 dlm kelas ni memang happening! sebabnya adalah..cikgu dia la lagi happening! jgn mare!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
no human touch at all
kali ni saya nak bercerita pasal org2 muda zaman la ni..tidak ada human touch langsung..tak ada mesra alam sekeliling dia termasuk lah orang yg lalu lalang. yg dia tahu, tengok handset, taip message, hantar email guna 3G, i phone..atau pun, pasang MP3/4 dan lekat benda Allah tu kat telinga, kita panggil pun tak dengar. aktivit sebgini bukan setakat di tempat awam malah berlaku di surau2 atau di masjid.
senario begini juga berlaku di kampus UIAM Gombak. ramai student berjalan mata tengok bawah..warak bunyinya. sebenarnya mata tengok handset. Lecturer lalu sebelah pun tak nampak. malah ada juga yg melanggar saya sebab asyik melayan message dalam handset.
Saya teringat zaman saya kecil2 dulu, saya suka menegur org2 tua hatta kat perhentian bas. bertanya, makcik/pakcik nak pergi mana? banyak barang makcik bawa..atau pun bagi salam pada mereka dan senyum kemesraan dilemparkan kepada mereka. sekarang ni, jauh sekali nak tengok anak2 muda zaman sekarang bersikap sedemikian. semuanya Mind your own business!
sya teringat, satu ceramah yg diberikan oleh Datuk Harrussani, mufti negeri Perak ( negeri yg popular sekarang ni di seantero dunia) sekarang ini, dia ada memperingatkan diri kita bahwa, badan kita dan aktiviti yg kita lakukan sehari2 adalah milik Allah semata2. Peribahasa melayu jangan mengacau tepi kain orang adalah silap dalam konteks Islam...kita kena bersedia untuk dikritik, dikomen atau ditnya tentang tindak tanduk kita sehari-hari..
senario begini juga berlaku di kampus UIAM Gombak. ramai student berjalan mata tengok bawah..warak bunyinya. sebenarnya mata tengok handset. Lecturer lalu sebelah pun tak nampak. malah ada juga yg melanggar saya sebab asyik melayan message dalam handset.
Saya teringat zaman saya kecil2 dulu, saya suka menegur org2 tua hatta kat perhentian bas. bertanya, makcik/pakcik nak pergi mana? banyak barang makcik bawa..atau pun bagi salam pada mereka dan senyum kemesraan dilemparkan kepada mereka. sekarang ni, jauh sekali nak tengok anak2 muda zaman sekarang bersikap sedemikian. semuanya Mind your own business!
sya teringat, satu ceramah yg diberikan oleh Datuk Harrussani, mufti negeri Perak ( negeri yg popular sekarang ni di seantero dunia) sekarang ini, dia ada memperingatkan diri kita bahwa, badan kita dan aktiviti yg kita lakukan sehari2 adalah milik Allah semata2. Peribahasa melayu jangan mengacau tepi kain orang adalah silap dalam konteks Islam...kita kena bersedia untuk dikritik, dikomen atau ditnya tentang tindak tanduk kita sehari-hari..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
invigilation duties
Whenever exam season is coming, one of our main duties is to main invigilate our exam paper or somebody else's exam paper. If it is our paper, it would not be boring because student could ask question and we are qualified enough to answer it. However, if somebody else's paper..eeeiii..boringnya..dah la tak kenal sangat student and it is not our paper. The invigilation duty becomes so human touch at all!
I am always looking forward to invigilate my paper. I will write a notice outside and inside my office, i will set an alarm in my HP about it...this to make sure that I will not miss it. Any conference, seminar, workshop will defintely be set aside during examination and marking weeks. I strongly believe that my studnets need me at the exam hall, physically and mentally. Physical- I MUST be there. My presence would actually motivate them to answer the question. Sometimes, they would ask me question; my comment on the question would relieve their confusion..or may be they dont ask question but I smile at them or wish them good luck..I am sure this small gesture would create wonders to them, mentally or emotionally..
Having said all this, I am so so geram and upset whenver I hear (or see in the minutes meeting) that any one of my colleagues who did not turn up at the exam hall at all..with no reasons! No M.C.! Where are you? Do you think that your duty ends whenever your lecture and tutorial end? Dont you want to see your "children's" faces? This is a total IRRESPONSIBLE lecturer/teacher.. Worst still, if he also submit the exam result late and give problem to the stduents later on.
I always try my best to give my exam result on time..always try my best to protect their rights so that Allah will protect mine.. what goes around comes around..
I am always looking forward to invigilate my paper. I will write a notice outside and inside my office, i will set an alarm in my HP about it...this to make sure that I will not miss it. Any conference, seminar, workshop will defintely be set aside during examination and marking weeks. I strongly believe that my studnets need me at the exam hall, physically and mentally. Physical- I MUST be there. My presence would actually motivate them to answer the question. Sometimes, they would ask me question; my comment on the question would relieve their confusion..or may be they dont ask question but I smile at them or wish them good luck..I am sure this small gesture would create wonders to them, mentally or emotionally..
Having said all this, I am so so geram and upset whenver I hear (or see in the minutes meeting) that any one of my colleagues who did not turn up at the exam hall at all..with no reasons! No M.C.! Where are you? Do you think that your duty ends whenever your lecture and tutorial end? Dont you want to see your "children's" faces? This is a total IRRESPONSIBLE lecturer/teacher.. Worst still, if he also submit the exam result late and give problem to the stduents later on.
I always try my best to give my exam result on time..always try my best to protect their rights so that Allah will protect mine.. what goes around comes around..
Monday, May 4, 2009
Exam result
Exam result was released about a week ago. As usual, my inbox is full of messages from my student, thanking me..( betul2 ke ni?) for passing them. Of course, those who failed, never ever thanked me for failing them..he!he! but they would cursed me instead. Anyway, normally I will tell them that I did not give you A or B or D or F. You earned those grades. I marked your paper as prescribed in the answer scheme.
I received a group of students of my previous sem class about appealing their failed paper. I advised them, if it is D grade, may be you can appeal..but if if it is D-or E or F, i guess there is no point of appealing. The chance of upgrading your grade is very very slim..or may be no chance at all. Some thought that they did well in the exam yet they failed. I said , may be your efforts is not well enough.
I believe to pass in your exam is not only needs your efforts and doa but also your luck..your rezeki.. Most of the times, what you thought is not what you got.. believe in your self, put enough efforts, abstain yourself from making ma'siyat, respectful to your parents and make doa as much as possible..insyallah, if that is your rezki, you will get what you dreamed for..
my personal note on this, I dont pray of getting A or A- in my paper. I only pray that i will pass my exam...I study according to my own stress, no jealousy, no envy, no competition..always enjoy my life to the fullest.. :-D
I received a group of students of my previous sem class about appealing their failed paper. I advised them, if it is D grade, may be you can appeal..but if if it is D-or E or F, i guess there is no point of appealing. The chance of upgrading your grade is very very slim..or may be no chance at all. Some thought that they did well in the exam yet they failed. I said , may be your efforts is not well enough.
I believe to pass in your exam is not only needs your efforts and doa but also your luck..your rezeki.. Most of the times, what you thought is not what you got.. believe in your self, put enough efforts, abstain yourself from making ma'siyat, respectful to your parents and make doa as much as possible..insyallah, if that is your rezki, you will get what you dreamed for..
my personal note on this, I dont pray of getting A or A- in my paper. I only pray that i will pass my exam...I study according to my own stress, no jealousy, no envy, no competition..always enjoy my life to the fullest.. :-D
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