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Monday, June 8, 2009

being sensitive..

Since I have not been going to office for the past two weeks, there is not much story I could tell about my students..There are a few of them whom I have been catching up lately..Those who are still rememberand concerned about me

anyway, the above topic that I chose today is not that I am being sensitive lately..I am doing great, alhamdulillah :-D Enjoying my life at home with my Bibi until 3.20pm everyday ( minus friday, sat and sunday).

This is about others being sensitive..or I would say too sensitive..

I remember when I had my 1st operation in 2007, I did not disclose about my illness to my friends. It was a very personal matter until the last day when I need to inform to some of them about the operation whcih was schduled on the next day. I found out later, after the operation and I was discharged from the hospital, that there was one of my colleagues who felt offended ( kecil hati la) that I didn not infrom her personally. Of course, she did not come and visit me at all.

Another inicident happened in 2008 when one of my students passed away in Ramadhan. I did not tell her about the death right away..I mean the moment I heard the news at 5am in the month of Ramadhan..I had no idea that she knows the students. Besides, I did not send message to any of my friends including her until afternoon. My friend sent me a text message that she felt kecik hati sebab tak bagi tau pada masa tu jugak..

This year, 2009, I had again another operation and I did not infrom about it to one of my female friends. ( yg lain pula ni..) I was informed later that female friend kecik hati dgn saya because I did not tell her and she got the news from somebody. Of course, no message, no email no visit from her.. well, I have no idea what to say. I am sure all of you know when is the right time to disclose about yolur sickness to others. If no one asks about your health and wellbeing, I dont think you will make anouncement to anyone you bump into. Sometimes, you need find the right time and right place to do that...

I hope by tomorrow ( 9th June), when I turn 40 years old, I will become more matured woman and learn not to be selfish..

A friend in need is a friend indeed..


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...


in my opinion, tak kisah laa bila kite ckp kite ni not feeling well or blia kite tahu kawan kite tak sihat, yg penting, doa kite sentiasa bersamanye n on how much we care about our fren....

ramizah said...

gitu lah faezah yg sepatutnya..tapi org ni macam2.. yg penting kita tak wat gitu pada orang..

dhue comel said...

welcome back to aikol...

jauhariah Omar said...

Selamat Panjang Umur madam... semoga kita semakin tabah dan sabar atas setiap dugaan yang mendatang. Memang sukar untuk kita puaskan hati semua pihak, mustahil untuk kita jadi manusia sempurna untuk semua, cukuplah kita lakukan apa yang terdaya kita buat,orang sakit hati dengan kita tu biasalah,hmmm madam ada kecik hati dengan saya tak? hehehe....kalau ada, harap maaf byk2...semoga cepat sembuh dan senyum sokmo...