With my friend, dr CT from UM, in front of Melbourne Law School..Hmm on the way nak gi shopping to Victoria Market for the 4th time! Ouch...

Cruising Yarra River with myfriend Kerstin from Germany..She is a lecturer at UniMelb

During Question and Answer session..trying very hard to comprehend what was the question..

I was smiling while giving my presentation but nobody knows what were in my stomach! Not only butterflies but dinosaurs and King Kong were fighting too!
The above photos were taken last nov 2007.
wah sampaikan dinosaur dan kingkong pun ada? betul2 nervous ni.. hehe
bestnya dapat pergi melbourne present paper! lain kali kalau ustazah pergi jangan lupa bwk saya tau ;) hehehe.
-sh. izzati-
wah..this is a new proverb..dinosaurs and king kong fighting in my stomach...
wah.. seronoknya berjalan2. bangga sebagai anak murid ustazah:)
owh mdm dah pegila seminar yang kerstin invite tu ye... takde citer pun huhu... emm tahniah2... smakin glamor l untazah rock nie.. hehe
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