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Saturday, March 14, 2009

...so what?

I just want to share about the attitude of some of my students in my class. The attitude that concerned me most is being childish and immaturity. There were two my students who did not come to my class last week. When I saw them in a next class, I enquired about their absence. Both were saying ( at different times) that they were already late to the class, so they were afraid of that I would scold them from coming late to the class. I asked both of them, " If I scold you...So what? " Please, please girls..Grow up!

It is perfectly normal if you at times being corrected by your teacher. I dont want to use the word scold. It is a wrong term. If anyone comes late to my class, I will just ask him, why did you come late to my class. That kind of question is already considered as a scolding to them. That was not a scolding, girls... it is a punishment. Why did you come late to the class, in the first place? 5 minutes late, can be tolerated but not 10-15 minutes!

My dear studnts, you are here at this univ is to study and to learn. You are not perfect..Getting scolded, being corrected and being punished by your teacher are part of growing process, part of learning process.. if you are wrong,you are wrong.. stop making all kind of excuses to defend you. Learn how to say sorry, thank you and please. I am not using any form of physical punishment on you neither foul language to you..It is a matter whther you want to admit your mistakes or not. If any of my students get reprimanded, it does not mean that I hate you..No, never.. But many students liked to pre judge their lecturer before they knew him/her. This is absolutely wrong.. well, for me..I am getting immuned with all the negative comments on me.. when the going gets tough, the gets get going..


Ahlami said...

i don't mind getting scolded for being late to class. it's just a part of whatever it takes for you to get full achievement. tabah la kan. biase la tuee...


ramizah said...

great attitude!

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

i don't mind getting scolded for being late to class but i never face that kind of situation bcoz i'm always early especially if it is 1st class of da day
n if it is ustazah ramizah's class, any problem will b given prior to da class

ramizah said...

faezah: caya la!

Roseriana CA said...

hairan kenapa ada student yg tak suka lecturer??tyme sy dulu sy hormat semua lecturer yg mengajar.kena marah tu biasalah..tapi tak pernah simpan dendam di hati..wahai adik2 ku..esok2 bila dah ada kerjaya sendiri baru lah u all sedar bahawa betapa besarnya jasa dan ilmu yg dicurah kepada kita..time tu baru u all sedar kerana merekalah kita jadi insan berjaya...

Janna Wan Muhammad said...

waktu skolah..kena marah ngan cikgu...dok umah..kena mrah ngan parents...dok U kena marah ngan lecturer..besok2 dah keje..kena marah ngan bos plak..! so bab kena marah ni perkara biasa lah...kalau salah kita..kita terima dan cuba utk ubah...I pom dulu2 biasa je kena marah ngan Mdm ramizah nih...hihihi...aper2 pon I like the tajuk...mcm lagu PINK..So What? hehehe

ramizah said...

sayangkan anak tangan2kan, sayangkan isteri tinggal2kan, sayangakn pelajar marah2kan..

Anonymous said...

Saya pernah di 'hek elehkan' oleh pelajar pabila saya mendenda mereka di dalam kelas. Nampak penghormatan pelajar pada pensyarah semakin berkurangan. Mungkin sebab muda lantas mereka menganggap kita boleh bertoleransi? Res ipsa loquitor :)