For the past 15 years teaching at IIUM, I have at least two non muslim students in my class every semester. This sem, I have two; one brother one sister. I enjoyed haviung non muslim students in my class. First I think this is the opportunity for me to explain to them about Islam.. the beauty of Islam. second, I would like engage some intellectual discourse with them about their understanding on Islam. Generally, they respect the Islamic values and aware the limitations as prescribed in Islam. To certain extent, they know better about Hukum syara' and remind their fellow muslim students not to commit any prohibited acts.
I remember one of non muslim student, his name is Nicholas Netto, whom i gave him " A" for Islamic Crimnal law paper. Another student, Ng boon Ka, who is extremely good in Shariah papers and he alslo memorised some quranic verses. Low Chin yi, Brother Ling..these are the few names whom I remember that they gave full commitment in my class and memorised the Quranic verses.
Every student in my class, whther Muslim or Non Muslims, is treated equally..They must memorise the quranic verses and hadith ( optional) and produce it in the form of writings. However, if they come and tell me that they have problem in memorising, that would be fine but they need to remember the exact translations from a specifc book. What is amzing, they did not want to be exempted. They wanted to memorise the quranic verses too! This is what i called, Passion and commitment. Besides, they told me that they aware about Islamic law where Quran and Sunnah are the sources of Islamic law. It very sad though to hear some muslim students refused to memorise and dont evern remember the surah's names in the holy quran..they dont have the will and commitment in their academic's life.
This encouragement to non muslim students to study the Quran, memorise the verse and explain the verse, is to show Quran is the source of hukum for everybody. This is the problem with Muslims..or Malay Muslim. They think that Quran or Islam is for solely for them.
We must exemplify to non muslim that Islam is not only amputation of hand, stoning to death etc..Islam is a way of life.
want to share you one great news..will contact you later..
Ya ke? apa dia? :-O
mdm, talking about non muslim and quran, what say u about DAP YB that recite quranic verses in his speech recently???
im very dissappointed with the respons given by some muslim leaders and in fact i heard that majlis fatwa had came out with the same opinion as well...
if u have time plz read tuan guru's opinion on this and his letter to that YB on this totally agree with him...
daus: ni la problem org melayu islam..cepat melatah. saya suruh lama dah studetn non muslim saya baca and study quran. malah dah ada yg masuk islam!
madam..I've informed you the great news a week ago..remember??hehe..
Tentang isu yang dibangkitkan di sini, saya bersetuju non-muslim boleh sama-sama membaca Al-quran tapi tidak bersetuju jika ia dilakukan bagi tujuan politik..mereka bukan hanya perlu membaca tapi juga menghayati isi kandungannya..jika tujuannya hanya politik semata-mata..saya rasa ia tak patut..hanya sekadar pandangan saya..mdm sila komen..
Ya, betul kalau bca sebab nak dptkn political gain memang tak patut..tapi, betul ke YB DAP tu bca sebab politik? Politk juga sbhg dari Islam..Politik tak boleh dipisahkan dari Islam..
kena dgr betul2 apa yg terjadi pada malam/hari tu.. facts of the case
saya setuju dengan mdm. saya tak nampak ket mana salahnya bila YB Nga Kor Ming menyebut ayat tersebut... sememangnya bertepatan dengan keadaan an waktu...
islam itu syumul dan diturunkn untuk semua.. kalau kita melarang mereka mendekati Al-Quran mana mungkn mereka ingin menghayatinya... apabila seseorang yang belum islam itu sdah mula menjadikn ayat Allah itu sebagai hujah dalam pertuturannya maka itu sudah menjadi permulaan yang baik.. soal hidayah dipulangkan kepada Allah sahaja...
p/s saya berpendapat sesetengah org menganggap YB Nga mempermainkan ayat tersebut kerana bacaannya. memanglah makhraj dan tajwidnya tak sempurna tapi perlulah difahami bahawa mereka bukannya ditanam dengan ayat tersebut dari kecil.. sedangkan org yang lahirnya islam pun masih ramai yang gagal melengkapkan diri dengan bacaan Al-Quran yang sempurna...
mdm dan saudara firdaus..sudah saya katakan saya bersetuju sesiapa pun boleh membaca al-quran..perkara itu memang tak dapat disangkal lagi sementelah nabi pun sedari dulu menganjurkannya..saya cuma secara peribadinya menolak jika perbuatan itu dilakukan tanpa keikhlasan dan atas demi mengejar ke"popular"an dalam politik semata-mata..Allah juga yang maha mengetahui..
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