I turned 41 last Wednesday, 9th June 2010. I was born on 9th June 1969. The combination of these numbers are really interesting especially in 1996. Allah is great! :-)
I think at this age, by the grace of Allah s w t, I have accomplished so many things in my life. I became a mother and teacher when I was a 25. I have performed my hajj at the age of 40.
Well, people used to say that age is just a number..yes, I agree with that. The most important thing is attitude. There are some people who have reached this stage yet his attitude just like a 15 year old girl [ sometimes it happens to me as well]. There are some of them who are yet to reach the age of 18 but show their maturity and responsibities [ not my zaki..ishk2].
I want to remember more about my loved ones and seldom think about my enemies. Do I have one? I am sure I have..Life is full of jealousy and envy but you must grab the opportunity and enjoy your life to the fullest.. :-)
Assalamualaikum puan.
Harap puan sihat. Tertarik nak komen di entri ni sebab tarikh lahir kita sama.
Sanah Helwah ya khalah :)
Btw, tarikh 9 Jun memang unik ;)
tahun pun sama jugak ke? :-) sya rasa dah shahir pggil saya, khalah, mkasudnya saya jauh lebih tua dr shahir..t.kasih.
saya 1987. 18 tahun lebih muda dari puan. ;)
seronok baca My life my love. dapat banyak ibrah.
sama-sama puan. semoga puan dalam redha Allah sentiasa. :)
salam mdm..ibu saya kirim salam.sudah lama beliau suruh sampaikan. beliau bertemu dgn mdm di mekah ketika musim haji yg lepas. she admired u so much.
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