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Monday, December 29, 2008

Puisi Hijrah

Hijrah datang lagi
untuk aku yg sentiasa menanti
Walau hakikatnya aku sendiri tidak pasti
Bila aku kan berjumpa lagi

Pada setiap saat yang pergi
Aku membilang jari
Berapa jumlah amalan telah diamali
Cukupkah untuk aku bertemu Ilahi
Mendengar soalan yang aku geruni
Melihat suasana yg pasti ditakuti

Oh..Tuhan Rabbul Izzati
Ampuni lah dosa-dosa ku...
serta dosa2 orang2 yang aku sayangi.

Salam maal hijrah untuk semua....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

popular? Yes, yes..

I am a popular lecturer in AIKOL! Yes, it is true..I am not kidding.

I am popular among the law students because;

1. They dont like me due to my style of handling my classes; very strict in punctuality, attendance and behaviour of my students

2. There are not many people of getting "A" grade in my class; of course there are a few failures.

3. I like to have extra classes; this is due to certain public holidays and i need to finish the syllabus

4. There are extra works to be done in my class; finding an article, memorise quranic verses and hadith. They just want to come to the class, take notes and that is it..

5. I like to ask questions in my class. They dont like this because they said that they feel pressure whenever I ask questions.. Besides, no fun la!

6. The number of students in my class is between 20 to 25 students per class. I could see that only a handful of students would like to join my class. However, this sem 2 2008/2009, the number of the students has increased to 46 due the non appeareace of lecturer's name in list. I am sure these students would be terribly shocked to see me enetring their class.. Oh! Goshh..

These are among the reasons why I am popular in AIKOL, hence nobody wants to sign in my class..

Whatever the reasons they gave to me, I know what I am doing. the most important thing is that, I did not violate any rules in doing that. Only a handful students who understand the wisdom and significance behind those rules..

one thing that they will not forget me is that, I remember all their names..I memorised their names..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rindu kat student..

Hmm.. dah masuk seminggu cuti semester bermula. Dah mula terasa bahang rindu..rindu serindu2nya..mana studet semua ni! Waa! Masuk je dalam kampus, kereta pun kurang, deruman motor tak kedengaran, student jalan pun kurang..Yg nampak muka lecturer tengah tension marking kertas periksa. Malam ni, jam 11.59 malam adalah saat terakhir untuk semua lecture key in ( masukkan grade secara online) result. Kalau lewat, alamaknya dapat surat cinta la dari Ketua Jabatan. Result exam untuk sabjek ILS dan Usul Fiqh telah di key in pada 21 nov lagi..Alhamdulillah selesai semuanya.. selesai untuk saya tapi mungkin tak selesai untuk setengah student..

Apa2 pun, ini adalah adat resam kehidupan. ada yg lulus dan ada yg tak lulus. yang menjadi ukuran di sini ialah sikap kita..atitude. Kita hendaklah sentiasa berfikiran positif dan Yakin pada setiap kejadian yg berlaku, ada lah hikmatnya. Satu lagi, bersangka baik pada pensyarah2.. ada sebab kenapa mereka yg dapat A, B, C, F dan sebagainya.. Saya selalu ingatkan diri saya untk berlaku adil pada setiap pelajar..Kalau saya tergelincir, saya pasti saya akan dapat balasannya.. Mungkin di dunia lagi ( nauzubillah dan astaghfirullah)..

Dalam surah al Nisa' ayat 135, Allah ada berfirman " hai Orang2 yg beriman! Hendaklah tegakkan keadilan serta menjadi saksi bagi Allah meskipun atas dirimu sendiri atau kaum kerabat mu..dan walaupun keputusan itu tidak meyebelahi orang kaya atau miskin. Sesungguhnya Allah itu lebih megetahui antara keduanya.."


Monday, November 24, 2008

Inter semester vacation

I have a long break of not writing any entry for the past 2 months. First, I was very much occupied with the seminar which was held on the 12 and 13th november. Since I was the secretary, I was in charge of all the speakers, moderators, forum panelists and invited guests. It was really a tough job taking care of those people. It was an amazing experience though.

Actually, my students who are going to graduate this year had a Law Dinner on the 12th november. However, i could not make it to the dinner due to my commitment at a day time and I could not sacrifice my my family's needs at night. I am very sorry to all of you such as Pokye, Cik Puan, Noraisyah, Fitri, J, Pok Weil and many of them.

Well, organising such programme was taking its toll on me..I felt so dizzy one day and decided to check my health at the University Clinic and my blood pressure has gone up! It was really surprising for me because, I never had such problem before.. anyway, i took rest and tried to calm myself and not to think about the programme seriously. The next day, it has gone down a little bit.

After the programme finished,I have 3 bundles of exam scripts which have to be marked and I have finished marking all of them last week. It was really a big relief..alhamdullillah. I have key in all the result and hopefully my students can check their result by 1st of Dec 2008. It is perfectly normal to have a handful of failures and one or two studens who got 'A'.

Now, I am bit relax and at the same try to updtate my report of the seminar. I can also update my blog. My parents and my sisters in Kelantan, will be coming to KL tomorrow night. My kids are very excited to meet theirs cousins. It is quite sad because I dont know where to keep them in my house..My other house in Sungai Pusu has problem with water and cannot be repaired on time. In the first place, I thought of keeping them at sungai pusu but now I dont know how to accommodate them in my house..hu!hu!

To all of my students, happy holiday!

Take care

Friday, October 24, 2008

Photos with students..

Ini Iwan, my ex student..he graduated in 2006. Now, he is a tutor at UiTM. He is very close to me and my kids love him very much!

Ini Hasliza..( rasanya la..) sori for the background. Memang berterabur!

Ini Faezah Talib..My student, my friend, my sister..she is now in Terengganu. She is PatungHujan...Why patunghujan? Why not PayungHujan?

This is Manjeet Singh. Lecturer pulak yg malu2..Malu2 kucing!

Ini Noorjidah Mohd Jusan..Sayang Jidah :-*

My family: Mere Zindagi

Our Family Tree...

He is a family man..Loves his 3 son very much

Hmm...macam dalam filem Hindi je ni..

Lutfi is his playmate

Mere Zindagi..berapa kali suruh posing..Ni baru dapat..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My family: part 3

Lutfi dan Che'adik..anak bongsu dan adik bongsu
sangat kreatif..guna dumb bell, buku sekolah dan remote control untuk membuat bangunan

Lutfi never missed brush his teeth and gargle after brushing..

Mengadap pantai di Terengganu..semasa menginap di Awana Kijal

Dalam bas AEROLINE ke Singapura..eiii..seronoknya

Dengan Che'Jie, his favourite autie..tengok LRT ingat kat Che'jie..

Lutfi masa kecik dengan ahnaf

masa Kecik dan masa kurus.. he!he!

Sayang atuk..Ikut mana2 saja atuk pergi..

Lutfi..anak mama

anak saya cuma 3 orang..semua lelaki..semuanya dah besar..alhamdulillah.

My family part 3 ni, khusus untuk anak saya yang bongsu, ahmed Lutfi abdul rashid. Dia lahir pada 20 Jun 2000 ( masa tu ramai wanita2 cina ppakat nak beranak sebab masa tu Tahun Naga) Saya bagi nama dia Lutfi sebab selalu baca Harakah dan tertarik dengan idea2 dan tulisan Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan Harakah ( sekarang), Ahmad Lutfi Othman. Kononya pilih nama Lutfi,nak minta anak ni seorang gentleman ( bukannya nak bekeng macam naga), lembut pekerta budinya..mudah2an..amin.. Walaupun Lutfi ni sebnarnya pongoh juga..tak pa lah..UJIAN untuk mama dan papa..hu hu..

My Family: part 2

Ini ahmed wafi, lahir pada 7 februari 1996 bersamaan dengan 15 ramadhan

wafi ni comel la..bila senyum..mata bulat..rambut lebat.

masa kat Bukit Merah

wafi dan alya..macam malam dan siang..

nak pakai kasut kat atas tangga rumah nenek yg baru dicat..(pada masa tu)

Wafi suka apa saja cerita mengenai ALIENS..Berkhayyalling.

Wafu suka ambil gambar sendiri..syok sendiri.. Ouch! masa ni kat rumah Umi di Singapura

Monday, October 20, 2008

my family..

Berangan2 nak punya kereta sport ni..

dengan sepupu dia, najihah. mungkin masa ni zaki umur 1o tahun..

Zaki with his Ustazah..Sorry guys, I dont know how to turn this picture upside down.

This is my eldest son, Ahmed Zaki Abdul Rashid Moten. He was born on 24th January 1994 which is equivalent to the month of Sya'baan. He weighed 4 kilo after he was born. He is a matured son, responsible as well as rival to his younger brothers. He likes to eat Roti Tisu at restoran mamak..

This is Zaki last year, during Che'jie's wedding...sorry for the background..

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jamuan Hari Raya

tak tau lah, apa yg dibincangkan tu..ralitnya

...dengan Kak Jun dan 2 anak daranya

Kak Jun , Pok Ye, Pok Wei dan Pok Keiri..( jgn mare, Zul)

Last saturday, I have invited some of my students to join the jamuan hari raya. It was not a big one due to the small space of my condo. I have invited only two my colleagues, kak mah and Kak jun..Che noh also came and so did yati and Ajib.The rest are all my students and my two sons's friends.

I called this jamuan hari raya and not Open House. In my perspective, Open House is a real Open House where you inivite your friends, neighbours, officemates and many2 peope will turn up. But mine is, with a small budget and small portions of food plus small house..That is it. But I welcomed all my invited guests with BIG heart..

I took a few pictures..actually I did not take the pictures but my son, zaki and anthony ( my student). The pictures are yet to upload due to laptop problem. Now I am writing my entry at my office while waiting for the class at 5pm.

I hope those who came to my house were happy and enjoyed the food and hospitality at my house. Please forgive me for any shortcomings and anything to do with the food or drink..I was told that air bandung tu, terlebih manis.. kena kacau sikit tu sebelum tuang.

This saturday, there will be some studnets coming to visit my house..What to cook, huh? Let me know then..

Monday, October 6, 2008

Eid Mubarak..Eid Said..

Hari Raya or Eid Day was celebrated by all Muslim in Malaysia on the 1st october. Of course, it is considered as the Winning day for all the Muslim who had successfully completed the 30 day puasa and at the same time able to withold their nafsu and desire over the sinful acts/intentions. Alhamdulillah, my family including my two sons managed to complete the puasa. But Lutfi, managed to fast 29 days and 9 hours..at 5.20 pm he broke his fast after much persuasion since 12 pm. I have to allow him to break his fast due the constant demand from him..Well, the real reason was , dia dah boring..ahnaf, alya and haikal were not around. These people are his playmates. So, what else..merengek2 la..

We spent 5 days in Kelantan..it was wonderful though. As usual, Lutfi, tak nak balik Gombak. he insisted that he wanted to stay in Kelantan and go to school there too. After much persuasion, I managed to convince him that, InsyaAllah next trip, he would be staying here for at least one week. He would always follow his Atok, wherever Atok goes except to the toilet.. he wants to eat biscuit like Atok, drink like Atok..Hmm..Lutfi, Lutfi..

Kakak, Aisyah and Janna were absent this Eid. I am sure they are coping well with this situation. I am yet to celebrate Hari Raya outside Kelantan. I am sure, I will be crying the whole day if I were in their shoes. Anyway, hope to see you guys in kg soon.

I have two lectures today, alhamdulillah , many of my students turned up in the class this morning. Only one or two students absent today.

I am so happy today because Hayyi brought me one big gunny sack of Keropok Lekor and Keropok Keping. Yummy! Yummy! I am sure my three sons would love to eat all these...

Outside, is still drizzling..nice weather today..a good time to doze off..

Need to go home now, getting ready for buka puasa in the month of syawwal. I hope Engkar will cook something special today..

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hari ini hari sedih :-(

I have been crying since 5am this morning when Pok Ye, one of my students, broke the news that Zumratullah Zakaria, my dear student also, passed away this morning between 4 to 4.30 am. I am still in shock. My tears have not stopped rolling down on my cheeks..

My dear Zum,

You never did anything wrong to me..You have been very dear to me. Surely I will miss you a lot. You visited me twice at my house when I was sick.. You have been coming to my house during hari Raya Aidil Fitri or Haji since 2005. Defintely I will miss you this cmoing Hari Raya.


You never failed texting me a message enquire about my health and catching up certain things. I used to ask you to go to my house to collect habbatu al sauda' from my parents so that you could bring those things to me in Gombak. Before balik kampung, you text me a message and asked if I need to send something for my mom and before datang ke KL, you would ask me if I need anything from Kelantan.. You are such a nice boy, Zum.. You are a young man with the best of akhlaq.

Zum yang saya kasihi,

Sekarang Zum berada di sisi NYA..tenang lah di situ..hari ni hari jumaat, penghulu segala hari.. Zum pergi pada bulan ramadhan yang mulia. Saya doakan Zum bahagia di sana..

Zum suka makan Coklat crispy..Zum cakap, murah jah coklat tu.. RM 2 sepeket. Tiap kali Zum bawa saya Habbatu sauda', saya kan bagi Zum Coklat crispy..

Akhir kata, kita yang hidup ini pasti akan mengikut Zum nanti..Tempat yang sama.. Harap dapat berjumpa lagi Zum!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

no wonder la, student takut...

The number of students in my class is always less compared to my fellow colleague. However, this semester, I have been assigned to teach 1st year 1st semester student, in other words, these are fresh students and they have no idea whatsoever who I am..hence, the number of students in that class is 36. Kira ramai la ni.( my fellow colleagues's students is 54) usul fiqh's students are altogether 58 students for two sections. This is unusual because if you have two sections you may have at least 100 students beacause each section is limited to 50 to 55 students.

I start my 1st class with these following statements:

1. I am a very nice person, kind hearted lecturer, very friendly one...BUT i dont like latecomers. You should be waiting for your teacher in the class and NOT me waiitng for you!"

2. My duty is teach and guide you and definitely NOT to please anyone of you here. If you like me, that is great and if you dont like me, I wont change myself because of you!

3. If you want to survive in this class, you need to follow my rules. It is not only that MUST follow rules but.. I will make sure each and everyone here, follow my rules.

4. This class belongs to me..You must listen and obey me as long as it is within the scope of Shariah.

5. Anybody who missed my class, it is going be his/her responsibilty to come and explain about his/her absence at my office. Dont you dare to stop me anywhere you like over this issue.

6. It is a crime for those who missed my class without any reasonable reason and he/she should be punished with Ta'zir punishment....

7. If you think you are now at the wrong class, you'd better change the section right away...

Sometimes I have a few police officers in my class. These people are very tough and very hardworking. some of them are Special branch officer, ASP and they are not scared to any criminals should they need to arrest them and fight with them..However, when they are in my class..Hmm..they said ( after they have passed my paper) they have never sacred in their life as much as they are in my class. They told me that I was a MUHARIB ( a criminal who committed HIRABAH). In my Islamic criminal law class, i used to define that a MUHARIB is a person who successfully instilled fear to the victim... That 's me :-) He! he! Well, I am just doing my job...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Consulatation day with students

Yesterday was friday and as usual it was a busy day for me attending my students' needs or having a meeting. It was a taxing day yesterday due to the much-talking task and my throat was dried plus my mind was boggling a bit due the intense conversation with one of the parents of my students who came to see me yesterday. We started at 12.20 and ended at 1.25.. I was so tired as well as PISSED OFF with the student. Let me just name her SITI..( not siti aisyah wan muhammad)

Siti has been missing in my class in the beginning of the semester. So far, the number of missing class is already reached 8 times which means, by right, I can bar her not to sit for my paper. I have issued her warning letter about her absence and one copy was sent to her parents. To make it short, her mother came to see me. We had a long conversation and Siti, on the other hand did not give much attention to our conversation though it was concerned about her. She was busy texting a message. When I asked her a few questions, of course there was not much eye contact due to her "commitment" texting message on her mobile.

Her mother started crying when she related to me how she sacrificed her time and energy back and forth sending her daughter almost everyday to UIAM and hoouse in Puchong. A couple of times when they reached home at 6 pm and after 5 minutes she told her mother, I want to go back to UIAM Once, they reached home and buka puasa and right after that, send me back to UIAM. What a crazy life i have gone through, she said. One day, siti texted her a message that she wanted to apply for study leave and asked her mother to find a way how to get through this. After 5 minutes, she said, I changed my mind, I dont want to do it. I wan to study..

Siti's mother was asking me, if possible she wanted Siti to apply for study leave due to her personal problem. I said, study leave is meant for those who have medical reasons and for this we need a letter from the doctor. But I said, she was not sick but she made your life ( maybe be my life too) sick. It could be some other reasons like magic or sihir, depression etc. Later she said I may take her to Datuk harun Din. I said, if you take her to datuk harun din, if the latter tiup dia 1000 kali pun, this will not help. Why? because she is not sick . She needs to change her attitude and stop dreaming. She was too much khayyaling. She said she had two boyfriends and all of them dumped her! She was so frust menonggeng as such she got to miss my class and other classes.

Every time i have a lecture and she is in the class, she always looks down. She never looked at me. When i asked why are you doing this? She said, this is the 3rd time I am taking this subject and I thought...( I dont know what she meant, I dont know what to write). Siti, if you think you are good enough, why did you fail in the first place?

I guess her mother's wish to see her continue studies will not come true unless she change herself and transform to be a mature and responsible student. I guess, University does not need tis kind of studnet either, giving trouble to the parents, teacher and university. Her PTPTN has been stopped this semester due to poor result.. I strongly believe, to be a good daughter/son, a responssible daughter/son does not require one to go to the university. univerity is an institution to seek for knowledge. But it is not a place which can make you happy and a responsible person.. Only you can do that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dealing with students.. part 2

One 1st year student came to see me on monday after I summoned her for missing my lecture last week. This was our second meeting because of the same reason. She told me that day that she was having period pain and could not make it for the class. I told her that having period and period pain are inevitable..hence, i cannot accept her m.c. for that reason. Later I verified from the clinic she was actually having tonsil and the m.c is admissible then. Then I persuaded her to tell me what made her missing of my classes and sometimes I could see her face was not in the mood of learning. No smile, no bright eyes, no laugh and no feeling.. All I could see was her gloomy eyes, looking straight to the whiteboard or to me with no sense.. not at all. After much persuasion..she told me that she has no interest in Law but her dad is the one who wants her to pursue this course. In our 1st meeting she already told me that but I thought this would go away as time goes. It seemed that she determined to change course. I guess she should change course and I assured her that I would help her on this. I called her dad yesterday and he finally agreed with me after much persuasion.

This is the case of doing something which is against your own will. As a parent, it is wrong to force or persuade her to study the course which she has no interest. This will cause a tremendous pressure on her and she would anything such as missing the class, incomplete homework and eventually would give trouble the teacher and classmates. the duty of parents is to guide and encourage her in all her undertakings. I hope this matter could be resolved ASAP so that the coming semester her dream to pursue other course will turn out to be true.

Last 2 months I was called to attend the meeting of readmission students. Majority of these students telling the committee that the reason why they failed the subjects and sometimes barred from sitting in the exam because Law is not their cup of tea. However, their parents insisted that they should give a try and try and try..and they keep on failing.. *sigh* I felt very sorry to them when i was at the meeting room. They had to defend their case for the sake of their parents. of course all of them cried when we asked them, " tell us why we should re admit you after you have been dismissed. Defend your case" When I see this my heart cried and to certain extent I cannot help myself as well..I cried too.

You have to do something that you loved most so that you have the passion in doing that. At the same time, you will always give your best shot on that. When my son, wafi asked me, " Mama, what do you want me to be after my graduation?" My answer was, " All i want is you to take care of Solat, read Quran regularly, respect others, love and make doa to Mama and papa" That is all about it.. Then the song by Doris Day was played.." Que Sera Sera...whatever will be..will be.. the future is not in our hands to see..Que Sera, sera.."

Friday, September 12, 2008

dealing with students..

Today is friday and it is my consultation day with my students. The first appointment was at 10 am and here came one 1st year student. He has problems with his attendance. I called his mother yesterday and complained to her about her son's missing in my class. Of course, the mother was very shocked to hear that. But she was calmly listened to my explanations and alhamdulillah she is a teacher and understood my situation. Anyway, the student came to my office and we had a long talk.. I gave him a Khutbah Jumaat and of course after listening to my Khutbah, nobody left my office with red eyes and a couple of tissues which I already prepared in front of them. The rule here is that anybody who missed my class without reasonable reason would be punished..and i will make sure he would feel contented with he had done. I feel pity to him as well but rule is rule..I have to take action agaisnt him. besides he is still in his 1st year..I am sure he has plenty of time to change. Normally, student, he would tell me, " I want to change, Ustazah". I said, Dont say you want to, You are changing it now! I pray for him that he will do well in his studies..

After he left a couple of students came in asking about presentation next week and about their test result. having done that, there was another problematic student waiting outside my office. She did not sit for the test last wednesday. She also missed a few classes last week, however she is interestd more whther she could give a chance to sit for the test which she missed. I simply asked her, do you have m.c? She said, No. Then i said, no m.c no test. That's all about it. She was quite suprised with my answer. Later she was asking if there is a possibility that I may bar her from sittnig the paper in the final exam. My answwer was, " if you do not come to my class 3 more times then I will bar you, definitely!" She left..

The last studetn waiting outside witb face down and looked scared. My first question to her, was How are you? She said I was depressed. Depressed? What kind of depression you have, huh? Then..there goes my free lecture to her. She gave me her m.c for the two missing classes. I asked her, what happened to you?She said, I had stomachache. I looked at the m.c. The m.c was not from IIUM clinic. I asked her again, you have a lot of money to go to private clinic? She nodded. Did you pay for this? She was shocked with my question and explained that she paid for the treatment and not for the m.c. I jotted down the phone number of the clinic. Then I said to her, " saya akan cari sampai ke lubang cacing samada awak bagi tahu saya, yg benar atau tidak!" She started crying and telling me it was a lie. She was not sick, she was just scared of the presentation which she was supposed to do it last Monday. I could not imagine, a 3rd year student have this feeling and on top of that lied to me.. Of course , there goes my khutbah..

This is part of growing process, either you learned it hard way or easy way..

whatever happened, I dont have any grudges to anyone of them. They are my kids..I care for them. But rule is rule, if you violate it, you have to pay..

Selamat berbuka puasa!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Photos in Singapore

While waiting for the performance "Creatures of the NIght" at Night Safari. Engkar ( my maid) was a bit scared..

With my 3 soldiers. Actually, 4 soldiers..but the other one is Colonel "Retired" Brigadier General..Since he has retired, he could not make for the trip..

I was so GERAM with abang, he spoilt the picture when he made that lousy face. Lutfi was forced to be part of the picture..Angah was in his controleled -macho face and I, as usual in a SHEER FUN Mood.. This photo was taken while we were in the Singapore Flyer..165 Metre high!

This picture was taken in front of the my sister's block..You can see on top of our head, Block 614. Abang took this picture and Ann was stil in her school uniform

Thursday, August 28, 2008

How are you?

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt..

I will start my entry this time with lafaz Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim..I hope, with this words, those my fans out there ( ouch!) would be pleased to see my writing..finally. I am very sorry for the delay..It was purposely done due to my busy schedule :-) I was busy with my classes, students ( asyik dok marah and dok ngepek ko students!) and my research ( action nampak?)

My last entry was before I left to Singapore, it was more than one month ago. Anyway, the trip to Singapore was amazing. We ( my kids and I) loved everyminute there, including the wrong MRT trip which we took :-( But it was fun though. The most memorable experience, when we took the Singapore Flyer..It was a breathtaking view. Wow!

Actually, I have many test scripts to be marked..I have been carrying them to and fro my house. But I did not mark any..I was so malas..( Arasy, dont be angry, huh?) I hve decided, anyway, to finish marking by the 4th of sept, InsyAllah ( pure islam and not Melayu).

I ve got to go now..

Hope to hear your feedback soon!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Punctual to the class..

Yesterday, I had a class at 9 am and until 9.15 there were still some students coming to my class. It was very annoying to see them entering the class with their "slumberland face" that there was nothing wrong on their part. Well, guys! You have committed a crime with ta'zir punishment!

I finished the class at 9.45 am , a bit early so that I could give them a little nagging about their these latecomers. "If you think that you cannot make it on time, dont come to my class or else, drop my section and join other class! I dont like latecomers and these people deserve to be punished!" This was an ultimatum given to these people. The whole class was quiet and I could easily hear the pin drop onto the floor.

I went back to my office and I got a text message from one of them, saying sorry for being late. He was a regular latecomer..starting from the first day of the semester until yesterday. I gave him a warning already..Yet he did it again.Hmm..now he knows very well who I am.

Today, I was a little early at my office, around 8.15. Normally, 8.30am, I am at my office. Anyway, on the way to my room, I could see some students who were just rushing to their respective class..The lecturers have started their class and these students dok terhegeh2 lagi cari kelas! I caught one of them who was in my class before and never be late in the class..hmm.. Dapat lecturer baik gak, you take advantage on them..Kalau kelas saya, dah lama saya halau!

The virtue of being punctual is rooted from out habit to pray on time..I strongly believe, if you have this attitude you would become a self discpline student and a successful person in this life and in the hereafter.. This is what Islam preached for us to be punctual and respect the time.

Got to go now..I have spent 20 minutes to write this entry and my coffee is getting cold..

see you guys!

p.s. I will be going to Singapore this friday, 25th July to 28th July. InsyAllah, I am going to meet my eldest sister who live there with her family.There will be no lecture this Monday. See you guys on Tuesday!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Life goes on..

The new semester has begun already. We have finished the second week of the semester. Each semester, we need to teach 26 to 27 lectures within 14 weeks. I am glad I have covered 6 lectures already within two weeks due some extra classes that I have made since last week. Alhamdulillah. Most likely I will be missing one or two lectures in the coming weeks. So, since I have the opportunity, let me have all the extra classes before I could miss them so that I dont have to replace them in future.

There are a lot of things happened for the past one week. First, I lost my uncle who had been bedridden for the past 6-7 years..Well, I got the news quite late due to my busy schedule as an academic advisor which i had to be at a specific room from 8.30am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4.30pm. It was a hectic time for me..However, when I got 3 missed calls from my sister in Singapore, one missed call from my Mom and the other one from my sister in Bangi, I started to feel that something wrong had happened. While I was tying to figure out what could be, a group of students knocking the door and told me they had a big problem with subjects and clashes of classes..This problem had to be dealt meticulously from one student to another student. Having done that, there was another student coming to get my signature..fuyooh! I need to to call my mom right away. I could only make a call around 1.45pm. I was right, she broke to me the news.. Well, what to do..I almost broke down and suddenly, one student coming with sad face and complained to me about her problem..She was very sad that her result was not good..her eyes sparkling with tears..Sigh..i also have the tears and my heart sunk hearing about the death of my uncle..but i have to stay strong.. I have to console and motivate her and looked ahead. the past is history, today is reality and tomorrow is still a mystery..

Some of the students are so engrossed with the Dean's List at the expense of their life and health. They study like a hell , forgot about eating and health so that they could maintain their CGPA. To be on the Dean's List is a bonus in your life..The most important thing is to inculcate the positive values and good attitude because these virtues are the important elements for you to be happy. As a teacher, I have to be happy and show to my students that I am always a happy person so that they will be able to enjoy my class and benefit from my lecture even at the expense of personal feelings.. I did not tell this to any of my friends because I know this would make me feel more sad..

Today, I spoke to my aunty ( late uncle's wife) and she seemed to be positive through her voice tone..I am just asking how she was and how did she cope with her life now.. She said everything is fine. " I was just missed him..Missed the normal routine that I sat next to him, gave him food and cared for him.."

To my students, life is very short..There is no need for you think seriously about what is in the past.. look ahead. beyond the horizon..grab the opportunity before you. May Allah grant me long life and best of health so that I will be able to teach my students and give them marks accordingly..Please Allah, dont make me sick so that I will not miss my class, otherwise my students will suffer because of my absence.. Dont make me a burden to other people.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I always remember all of you..

Today, one of my students who graduated in 2006, Hammad called me. He went to Mecca last month and he brought me some kurma. Well, actually,I told him to buy me some kurma which there are almonds inside it...( pandai pandai pula nak mengarah) While he was in Mecca, he text ed me a message what did I want from Mecca. Orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal la katakan..apa lagi? Cakap je la..he!he! anyway, the moral of the story is that he never forget me wherever he goes abroad, be it personal trip or official trip he would definitely called me..Hammad, hammad..awak ni kan anak yang baik la..

Another student who always contact me is Iwan..Izuan izzaidi Azmi. He is now a lecturer at UiTM in Shah Alam. When there is Hari Guru, he would be among the first one to wish me..Hari raya, he never missed sent me a card plus a number of sms es. My birthday, he would sent me birthday card and gave me a thoughtful token whcih I would hang here and there at my office or even at home.

Yesterday in the morning another student, fauzi ( shamila, how do you feel now?Ehem..) gave two packets of Buah pala from Penang, as promised fauzi said..I could not recall when he made the promise. But never mind la, I got my favourite buah pala! Thank you so much fauzi.

Last month, Reza brought me some kuih from Kedah..quite a number of things. I was so excited to get it and browsed what were inside and there was no karas? Reza, you said this is from Kedah. But where is karas? Ouch! MasyAllah, madam, madam..orang dah bagi amik je la.. Tak bersyukur langsung nih. Ore bagi betis dia nak peha pulok dah! Sorry Reza, for being so extrovert and outspoken about what I want..

I will not forget either Shamila, izzati and faezah who are still keep in touch with me.. These people just like my friends when they are no longer in my class..I love you gals!

Last night, Zukhairi also sent me a message assking whther i will be around or not today.. Hmm.. I am putting my two hands together, making some ( or a lot of doa?) that when I see him, his hand is not empty.. Hopefully he is carrying a paper bag with metrojaya logo.. I am dreaming too much la..

Last year when i was hospitalised there were over 70 students came to visit me. Some came to the hospital and some to my house.. Some of them, I didnt even know but they knew me.. The feeling was overwhelming.. I could see their efforts to see me when they said that they waited for one hour to catch a bus and later had to rush back to catch another class..To certain extent I cried because I was so happy to see them and their love to me. I felt very bad to one of them, when she was actully failed the subject which I taugh her and yet she visited me. I am sure she did not have any hard feeling on me despite she got E in my subject.. sigh.. Well, I have to uphold justice though it is bitter..

To all of my students, i will never forget you..you may see me as a strict lecturer, very hard to compromise on certain things, very adamant in terms of punctuality and what not, but deep inside my heart, you have a special place in my heart. When new semester begins, I will see a new batch of students and the journey will begin..One thing for sure is that I remember all my students' names!

Whatever it takes, be positive and set your intention in your life..Love your parents and always make doa for them and always ask them to make doa for you as well.. I am not going to change you unless you made the commitment to change yourself..

see you guys, next week!

p.s. Zukhairi came to my office yesterday with two paper bags..My dream turned out to be true..thank you Zul

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hmm..dont know what to do :-(

I have a paper to be prepared this coming august. The organizer wants me to submit the full paper on the 18th of July. so far I have written only 2 pages..My time has been allocated for the coming seminar on Isu2 Mahkamah Syariah this coming November. Inviting the presenters, moderators and panelists..this is a tough job. Secretary is the busiest person in any organisation/committee. I am looking forward that this upcoming seminar is going to be grand and well received by the public. I hope so..,

My paper to IKIM is another freaking out issue..They asked me to present on Sejarah pentadbiran Islami di Malaysia..Wow! This is really a History. History in the sense that, first time I am going to present a paper in IKIM and first in my whole life I am going to present it in Bahasa Melayu..Huu Huu..hayyi, please help me.. I am afraid that my Kelantanese dialect will come out instead of bahasa Melayu..

I am still infront of my laptop..staring at the file of IKIM paper..and a number of books piling up on the table. I have to read them all and verify which one is /are relevant..Ouch! Interstingly enough, the most important thing is the Kamus Dewan bahasa dan Pustaka which I have not stopped flipping from page to page..trying to figure out what are the right words to use..I dont want to say, " I looked stupid if I say it in bahasa" I should say that I looked shameless if I dont know how to speak a good bahasa! This is a challlenge for me..I must give my best shot for this conference.

till then, see you guys soon!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Puisi lagi..

We have two more weeks to go before the new semester begins on th 7th July 2008. I am looking forward to meet new batch of students. There is a major reshuffle for the courses I am teaching next sem. My sections have been given to another lecturer and his sections were given to me..I am sure those students who already pre registered would be terrified to see my Common face in their classes and I am prretty sure they will be running like a drunk looking for academic advisor to endorse their new class..and you know what? I am the ACADEMIC ADVISOR! Ha!Ha! This is going to be very interesting story..

You know guys, not many students would like to enrol in my sections..They dont like me! Besides, the case of last semester where a number of students had petitioned against me over the their grades! This has created a "landmark case" that madam ramizah's class is not worth taking..Sigh.. What to do, huh? Anyway, this is quite normal..Being a " celebrity"..hot gossip, rumours..no comment answer..Ha!ha!

Whatever it is, i have one puisi for my last semester students..Here it goes

Aku Masih Berdiri Di sini
Melilau lilau dan mencari-cari
Wajah-wajah yg ku kenali
Dan nama-nama yang ku ingati
Agar dapt rindu dikongsi
Sambil memintal benang di sisi
Untuk menjerut kasih di hati
Agar Aku jangan engkau lepas pergi
Biar saja ia bersemadi
Pada setiap sanubari
untuk ke sekian kali..

I missed my students very much! They have a special place in my heart and through discussion with them i managed to grab some idea in my research..
Hope to see you soon!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Photos in Melbourne

With my friend, dr CT from UM, in front of Melbourne Law School..Hmm on the way nak gi shopping to Victoria Market for the 4th time! Ouch...
Cruising Yarra River with myfriend Kerstin from Germany..She is a lecturer at UniMelb
During Question and Answer session..trying very hard to comprehend what was the question..

I was smiling while giving my presentation but nobody knows what were in my stomach! Not only butterflies but dinosaurs and King Kong were fighting too!

The above photos were taken last nov 2007.

To say goodbye..


Today I went to Bandar Utama, Damansara to say goodbye to Noojma, the late dr Mohd akram's wife. It was very sad moment for me and my friend azizah. Her husband, dr akram, had passed away last april. I got the message about dr akram's death when I was in Kota Bahru. I could only gave her a visit two weeks later. She was a good friend despite we seldom meet to each other except at any Kulliyyah's programme.

She was in Malaysia for over 17 years and she never thought she is going to leave Malaysia without her husband. I shared her grief when she told me that her husband died on her lap.. It was a heartwrenching moment to hear that from her.. Sigh..I dont know what will happen if the same thing happens to me.

She will be going to her daughter's house in Brisbane to finish her eddah period in august and later she will fly back to India to be with her siblings.

It was a very brief visit to her house and I left her with tears rolling down on my cheeks and wondering when will I see her again.

My last message to her was that, hopefully one day Allah will allow us to meet again if not in this world..it would be in the hereafter.

To Noojma, may Allah bless your husband's soul and place him among His the Syuhada' and Beloved. At the same time may Allah grant you the best of health so that you could grab the opportunity to be with your children and grandchildren and ultimately to do Ibadah to Allah. Our time will come..sooner or later..

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome back!

It has been a long long time that I did not not post any entry..The last entry was in March. I was not that busy..but I got no time to write anything. I have no idea what to write because my mind was occupied about the house, my job and my kids.

To all "my fans", Janna, Hayyi and kakak..I know all of you missed me so much. Sorry guys, to keep you waiting during my absence..well, absence makes heart grow fonder! Ouch!

Now, I am back! My maid is also back..he!he! that is the great news, huh? Anyway, there are a lot of things came up for the past 3 months. My maid was gone and I was there, in the house, with 3 grown up kids plus "my roomate" of over 15 years. Alhamdullilah we are still in one piece.

There are a few important things that essentially appeared during her absence; My kids become more responsible citizens, My beloved hubby beccomes more generous and considerate and myself..hmm..I became acquainted with my house! Wow! This is great!

I went back to Kampung penambang last two weeks to be at my 7th sister wedding. It was fun to be there despite being in a crowded place. My elder sister in Singapore also was there and stayed in KB until 6th June, i guess.. The theme colour for this marriage is green..You can check the photos at janna's homepage ( gornamarima.blogspot.com) My kids enjoyed most of the stay in Kelate, espcially Lutfi who has not stopped asking me when are we going back to kelantan..He said "I want to stay in kelantan for 100 days!"

What else, huh? I am not that busy now because semester will only begin on the 7th of July and I will be damn busy for the first and second week of the semester. The faculty had appointed me as an Academic Advisor of the Kulliyyah..this is going to kill my time with my students assigned in my sections. Anyway, hopefully it is going to be an amazing experience dealing with all AIKOL students. Wish me Good Luck!

Till then, will write again!

Chow Chin Chaw!

Friday, March 21, 2008

A motivational thought

I pasted this message on the notice board of my office. I am very happy that some of my students here liked it so much. They even asked a copy for them and I was more than happy to give it to them. We are a human being.. Vulnerable in nature. We must constantly be reminded and motivated.. So enjoy reading it and get motivated!





My parent's house in Penambang

This is our house where my sisters and brother were brought up..We live here since 1976, the year when Janna was born. It is in original form..No painting. However, Abah planned to do the painting soon! It is going to be on the inside part of the house though. The towel hanging from the window could be weloh's.. Ha! Ha!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Actually I dont know know what to write today. However, I am quite free at this moment, so I thought I should jot down something..something that bothering me lately..about my maid. She is leaving for Bandung this saturday morning for a two-month break. It bothers me a lot because all this while I have been " pampered" by her service for the past 8 years! Now she is going back for a cuti after 3 years in service :-D She deserved that.

Let me just share with you about my maid, her name is Engkar which literally means "disobedient". However, my father has changed her name to Taat which means the opposite of Engkar! She has been very good with me and helped me a lot in taking care of all the household chores.Alhamdulillah..Whatever is less I consider it as a human being and always try to look at the bigger side of her contributions in my family. I remind her too to forgive me for any shortcomings when dealing with her..and always be thankful to Allah for what she has now. Today we are baking Famous mama's cookies ( my hubby gave the name of the cookies) for the last time before she leaves..

Well, since she will be gone for two months, I have to familiarize myself with the equipments in the house from wet kitchen to dry kitchen, from living room to dining room, from children's rooms to master bedroom and most importantly utilitiy room! My husband has told me that most probably he would not be hear any blender's sound, food processor's sound and cake mixer's sound in this two months period..Ouch! Ha! ha! most likely.. What I dont like most is ironing clothes! I am trying to get a part timer to help on that..

I am attaching here a picture of me & kids together with Engkar when we went to Sungai Petani, Kedah last year...

To Engkar, Bon Voyage and enjoy your holiday with your loved ones!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Me, Mom and Ami..

This is a picture of me, ami and our dearest MOM! There was a picture of ami when she was 3 years old and now she is 21! She is not chubby anymore but healthy though..Yet skinny! Look at my mom..I mean look at her hands, tightly holding her handbag..That is how she is.. " Ma takut la..Ramai ore sini" :-)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Before and after..

It has been a long time that I did not update my blog. I was quite busy marking my students' scripts. However, I keep thinking what to write anyway..It means that I am still thinking about my blog.

Anyway, before the post election is over let me just share with you what I have gone through before and after the election. Of course , I am not one of the candidates :-) He! he!

Before the election- I was in Gombak and I could see the election fever was going on with a huge number of posters everywhere. My kids have been asking me which one should I vote and I told them that "Undi anda adalah rahsia!" These kids, huh, they are very curious about poilitics.. Hmm..No wonder they are because their father is a political scientist!

I went back to kota bharu to cast my vote, with my youngest son, Lutfi. We took MAS flight and during the inflight, there was quite a rough turbulence that shook plane a bit. This really scared me and Lutfi also frightened. He told me that he wanted to get down so that we can take a bus back to Kota Bahru.. I calmy said yes..I mean, I pretended to be calm..I am scared more than Lutfi!

My sister jie fetched from the airport. I saw a load number of posters more than in Gombak. Wow! Kelantanese people..Wow! I dont know what to say..This is much bigger than hari Raya, dude! It was awesome :-)

After the election- The major agenda is done, fulfilling my duty as a citizen. Now next agenda is to go to bazaar for shopping. Shopping is my number one list in every trip to Kota Bahru. Shopping here is inresistible. I told my husband that I am not a persuasive buyer, no one can persuade me to buy anything if I dont want it.. he told me I am right, absolutely right. But he said I have another type of buyer.."A compulsive buyer!" Hmm..Bummer.. What to say? he is absolultely right!

Till then..Have a nice day!

Puisi lagi..

Ada satu lagi puisi yang dibuat untuk semua pelajar2 saya yang amat saya kasihi..Bila semua student tidak ada di kampus, biasanya hati saya begitu berat sekali membawa rindu saat2 bersama pelajar, mengajar mereka, ketawa dan kadang2 tumpang bersedih bila mereka dirundung masalah..Tidak lupa juga bila ingat saat saya bertegas dgn mereka, sampai menangis dibuatnya, but..I am just doing my job. Attitude is the essence in your life

Aku masih lagi berdiri di sini

Melilau-lilau dan mencari-cari

Wajah-wajah yang aku kenali

Dan nama-nama yang aku ingati

Agar dapat rindu dikongsi

Sambil memintal benang di sisi

Untuk menjerut kasih di hati

Agar aku JANGAN engkau lepas pergi

Biar saja bersemadi

Pada setiap sanubari

Untuk ke sekian kali..


Friday, February 29, 2008

being a teacher..

In my last entry I spoke about being a student..the duties of a student. Now I guess it is fair to say something about the roles of a teacher.

Being a teacher means that you have to face a number of students. These students are those whom you should groom them with your knowledge and skills. On top of that, you need to set an exemplary conduct to your students. Whether you realise or not they are going to imitate what you have been doing and saying!

There was one incident happened here recently which triggered me to ponder what happened in the past for the last 15 years of teaching. To look back if any mistakes that I might have made unconsciously. Well, we are also human beings with full of shortcomings. However, once you are a teacher, sometimes students would not understand that you are a human being like them. They used to think that a teacher is somebody who will teach you and somebody whom they can emulate your footsteps.

being a teacher, first and foremost, you must love students! Love to teach them and love being with them. Try to remember all their names and mention their names when you talk to them. they are would feel wonderful if their teacher could remember their names.

Being a teacher, you need to correct them if they make mistakes and remind them if they forget. I guess a teacher should reprimand them if necessary. Sometimes a sort of punishment would make them think what went wrong and give them a space to think about their mistakes.

being a teacher, you need to exercise your creativity in dealing in with students. students have different categories with different approaches from a teacher.

However, one thing that a teacher ought to avoid is to use any harsh words and foul language to his student. I am sure, if he ever used it, it will remain in the students' mind throughout their life..

A teacher also should respect his student so that student will respect him because respect is not to be asked but it is earned..

Respect to yourself, people will respect you

Love to yourself, people will love you..

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Puisi untuk dikongsi bersama..

Puisi ini ditulis pada 16/07/2007, sehari sebelum pembedahan dilakukan di Hospital Pantai, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur...Terimakasih pada Dr Hamid Arshat yang mengetuai pembedahan. Seorang doktor yang berpengalaman dan berjiwa Islam..

Aku redha dgn ketentuanMu

Bila Mendengar berita duka ku

Sehingga aku menjadi kaku pada takdir Mu

Tapi, akhirnya aku menjadi pasrah dan setuju

Lebih-lebih lagi aku juga semakin tahu

Bahawa semangat harus jitu

Mengharungi onak dan debu

serta percaya pada sifatMu

Bahawa Engkau Maha Kuasa ku

Yang Menghidup dan mematikan aku

Bila ajal sampai waktu... :-(

16 Julai 2007, 7.32 pm Isnin

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hmmm..student, student..

I am very busy lately..especially with my students, I mean studens who gave me hard time in dealing with them.. Studnets who lack of discpline, virtues, manners and most importantly those who did not know what are their roles as students in the university.

Whenver I remember about these students, I remember about their parents who sent them here and sponsored their studies here. They actually did not know what their children are doing! They skip my classes, they did ot complete their assignment on time and they even lied to me! When they lied , that is the end of their journey..I have to give them ultimatum.

I always tell my students that ".. I am here to teach you and guide you..I am here not to please anyone of you here.. If you like me, it is great to hear that but if you dont like me..I wont change myself because of you"

My life as a teacher/lecturer in this university has given me a tremendous experience in dealing with the studnets..I hold no grudges to those whom I have "scolded" them..Life is full of experience, trial and error..Life goes on as the saying goes :-)

To enjoy your life at the fullest but not at the expense of somebody else's life!

Friday, February 15, 2008


This is a photo taken in 1989 when Ami ( my sister) was 2 years old. I like this photo because of our smiling which are similar. I still keep it and I am sure she does not have this photo. Now Ami is 21 years old and studying in Adelaide, Australia. Ami, all the best in your studies! Bon Voyage!