Kau semakin jauh pergi
Bukan lagi seperti yg aku kenali
Ketawa manja mengusik mesra
Kau semakin jauh berbeza kini
Bukan lagi penunggu hati
Di taman abadi
Tapi membiarkan aku kini berkarat sepi
Kau mungkin sudah bertukar ganti
Dan aku bukan lagi
Orang yg kau kasihi
Dan mungkin juga bukan lagi org yg kau kenali
Aku ingin berlalu pergi
Membawa hati pedih sekali
Dan tak ingin menoleh kembali
Pada setiap cetusan hati kita rasai
Coretan kanvas yg dikongsi
Biar saja di laluan sepi
Lambat laun akan hilang pergi...
Walau sakit di hati
Tapi kenangan tetap dihargai...
p.s. ramai yg bertnya apa cerita di sebalik puisi yg tidak bertajuk ini..sebenarnya idea menulis puisi ini tercetus bila mendapat berita tentang bekas2 student saya berkawin, bekerja dan sbgainya. Ada juga student yg dulunya tahun satu dan menganjak ke tahun dua yg mana sya tidak lagi mengajar mereka. Mereka ini selalu menghubungi dan menziarahi saya pada satu ketika dahulu... Tak kurang juga yg suka mengusik dan membuat lawak dgn saya.. tapi dek kesibukan tugas, hidup baru, kesibukan belajar..mereka tidak lagi menghubungi saya..malah ada yg buat2 tak kenal lagi dgn saya.. Puisi ni hanya secara umum..apa2 pun saya tetap menghargai setiap kenangan bersama mereka.. Buat mereka yg masih setia..anda andalah satu dalam sejuta..kasih sayang dan ingatan anda kepada saya tidak bermusim..tetapi abadi..terimakasih.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
I am back!
Alhamdulillah, I am back to Malaysia. Thanks to Almighty Allah S W T for giving me a chance to come home and reunited with my family.
Actually when I left home, I have in my mind 50-50 chance of coming back. I thought I may have died in Macca or Madinah or along the way..
How to start this entry? I have no idea at all..I mean the idea on how start. I have a lot of things to share while I was there..Some of them are up close and personal and some of them are shareable.
Let me just say one thing when I am back here, I thought I am going to have a jet lag since the time difference between Malaysia and Saudi are 5 hours. But alhamdulillah..It did not happen. Why? thanks to my sisters, my uncle and aunty who kept my busy until evening.. I was supposed to sleep at the day time since in Saudi was still in the morning. But I beat my sleepy and forced myself to stay awake even at 11pm. Well, during the 8 hour flight from Jeddah to KL, I did not sleep at all. Just tidur2 ayam. The anticipation of seeing my family is irresistible. Then at 12 am, I began to feel so so sleepy and the moment i put my head on my missing-favourite pillow..I was gone..he he.. I woke up as usual and behaved like any Malaysians throuhout the day until today.
The first thing my youngest asked me to do was to fry him some nuggets..This is better than asking me to prepare for him home made nuggets.
Actually when I left home, I have in my mind 50-50 chance of coming back. I thought I may have died in Macca or Madinah or along the way..
How to start this entry? I have no idea at all..I mean the idea on how start. I have a lot of things to share while I was there..Some of them are up close and personal and some of them are shareable.
Let me just say one thing when I am back here, I thought I am going to have a jet lag since the time difference between Malaysia and Saudi are 5 hours. But alhamdulillah..It did not happen. Why? thanks to my sisters, my uncle and aunty who kept my busy until evening.. I was supposed to sleep at the day time since in Saudi was still in the morning. But I beat my sleepy and forced myself to stay awake even at 11pm. Well, during the 8 hour flight from Jeddah to KL, I did not sleep at all. Just tidur2 ayam. The anticipation of seeing my family is irresistible. Then at 12 am, I began to feel so so sleepy and the moment i put my head on my missing-favourite pillow..I was gone..he he.. I woke up as usual and behaved like any Malaysians throuhout the day until today.
The first thing my youngest asked me to do was to fry him some nuggets..This is better than asking me to prepare for him home made nuggets.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Entry yg terakhir ..untuk tahun ini..
Rasanya ini entry yg terakhir sebelum berangkat ke Makkah pagi esok. Lebih byk update FB dari blog sejak dua menjak ni.
Doakan semoga saya selamat pergi dan selamat balik ke Tanahair ke pangkuan keluarga yg tercinta.
Ini merupakan haji pertama saya selepas 40 tahun hidup di dunia ini. Seruan nabi Ibrahim beribu2 ( puluhan ribu mungkin juga)tahun yg lepas, insyAllah baru dapat saya jawab..Labbaika Allahum Malabbaik..
Pemergian ke bumi para anbiya' ni adalah kerana Izin Allah semata2. Keinginan saya yg membuak2 untuk ke sana sudah lama..tetapi tiada keizinan dari suami membuatkan saya terpaksa menangguh dari setahun ke setahun dan tahun yg berikutnya.. saya pasrah dan redha kerana saya pasti matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara. akhirnaya pada tahun ini, dgn izin Allah, Allah membuka pintu hati suami mengizinkan saya pergi..harap2 bukan kali terakhir.
Untuk suami yg saya kasihi..Terimakasih banyak2..itu saja kata2 yg mampu saya ucapkan..untuk anak2, mama sayang abang, angah dan adik. mama bukan ibu yg terbaik, tapi sentiasa berusaha untuk menjadi yg terbaik..jadi lah anak yg mendengar kata dan mempunyai akhlaq yg yg baik. Pjg umur...mama akan kembali ke tanahair..insyAllah. Kalau tidak..maafkan mama..
Untuk semua student/bekas student yg mengikuti blog saya..insyAllah saya akan mngemaskinikan blog bila pulang nanti dgn macam cerita pasal student pada sem depan. sya akan mula mengajar mungkin pada 29 atau 30 dec 2009..tak lama..dalam tahun ni juga..insyAllahh
salam hormat dan so long!
Doakan semoga saya selamat pergi dan selamat balik ke Tanahair ke pangkuan keluarga yg tercinta.
Ini merupakan haji pertama saya selepas 40 tahun hidup di dunia ini. Seruan nabi Ibrahim beribu2 ( puluhan ribu mungkin juga)tahun yg lepas, insyAllah baru dapat saya jawab..Labbaika Allahum Malabbaik..
Pemergian ke bumi para anbiya' ni adalah kerana Izin Allah semata2. Keinginan saya yg membuak2 untuk ke sana sudah lama..tetapi tiada keizinan dari suami membuatkan saya terpaksa menangguh dari setahun ke setahun dan tahun yg berikutnya.. saya pasrah dan redha kerana saya pasti matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara. akhirnaya pada tahun ini, dgn izin Allah, Allah membuka pintu hati suami mengizinkan saya pergi..harap2 bukan kali terakhir.
Untuk suami yg saya kasihi..Terimakasih banyak2..itu saja kata2 yg mampu saya ucapkan..untuk anak2, mama sayang abang, angah dan adik. mama bukan ibu yg terbaik, tapi sentiasa berusaha untuk menjadi yg terbaik..jadi lah anak yg mendengar kata dan mempunyai akhlaq yg yg baik. Pjg umur...mama akan kembali ke tanahair..insyAllah. Kalau tidak..maafkan mama..
Untuk semua student/bekas student yg mengikuti blog saya..insyAllah saya akan mngemaskinikan blog bila pulang nanti dgn macam cerita pasal student pada sem depan. sya akan mula mengajar mungkin pada 29 atau 30 dec 2009..tak lama..dalam tahun ni juga..insyAllahh
salam hormat dan so long!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Puisi Perpisahan
Mendung sekali hari ini
Hari terakhir aku bersama mu
Sebelum engkau pergi jauh dari ku
Aku hnya tempat persinggahan
Sebelum engkau
Meneruskan hidup manismu
Bersama si dia itu
Dan aku adalah pelabuhan sepi
Setelah kau tinggal pergi
Setelah puas madu di isi
Di kantung hati mu
Dan sepah dibiar meratai
Di wajah berparut sepi
Sambil aku meratap sendu
bayang-bayang mu itu
Yg kau tidak akan kembali
Untuk bersma ku lagi..
Hari terakhir aku bersama mu
Sebelum engkau pergi jauh dari ku
Aku hnya tempat persinggahan
Sebelum engkau
Meneruskan hidup manismu
Bersama si dia itu
Dan aku adalah pelabuhan sepi
Setelah kau tinggal pergi
Setelah puas madu di isi
Di kantung hati mu
Dan sepah dibiar meratai
Di wajah berparut sepi
Sambil aku meratap sendu
bayang-bayang mu itu
Yg kau tidak akan kembali
Untuk bersma ku lagi..
Saturday, November 7, 2009
menghitung hari..
Baru saja habis masukkan result pada Admission and Record unit. Alhamdulillah, satu tanggung jawab sudah selesai.Alhamdulillah siap marking dalam masa 3 hari. 2 malam turut2 tidur jam 12malam, marking punya pasal. Macam mana result? Hmm..itu tak boleh dijawab. Ada yg lulus dan ada yg tak lulus..itu adalah perkara biasa.
Ada lagi satu paper pada 11hb November jam 2.30pm. Paper ni ada dua sections dgn jumlah student 65 org..(rasanya). Yg ni mungkin berat sikit. Sebab ramai, tak mungkin siap dalam 3 hari..mungkin 5 hari kot..apa2 pun kena siapkan sebelum 19hb November..
16 nov ni akan balik kampong untuk 2 hari satu malam..jumpa ma, abah, adik2, bapa2 saudara, mak saudara dan sepupu2 dan juga saudra yg lain sebelum berangkat pergi pada 20 nov ni..banjir ke sekarang? Sedap tuh!
Hmmm..menghitung hari untuk berangkat ni agak berat jugak la. Macam2 perasaan di dalam hati. Saya ni sentimental orgnya..bukan sentimental biasa2 tapi sentimental dah peringkat kronik! aduhai! Mere Zindagi dah jerkoh kalau asyik berlinangan airmata, JANGAN pergi! Ayo!yo! Appa! Amma! Nehe babuji..Acha hae.. Kamal kata buat gedebe sikit.. itu yg susah tu..sebab sikit. Kalau suruh wat banyak tu boleh la… he!he!
Ok..jumpa lagi.
Ada lagi satu paper pada 11hb November jam 2.30pm. Paper ni ada dua sections dgn jumlah student 65 org..(rasanya). Yg ni mungkin berat sikit. Sebab ramai, tak mungkin siap dalam 3 hari..mungkin 5 hari kot..apa2 pun kena siapkan sebelum 19hb November..
16 nov ni akan balik kampong untuk 2 hari satu malam..jumpa ma, abah, adik2, bapa2 saudara, mak saudara dan sepupu2 dan juga saudra yg lain sebelum berangkat pergi pada 20 nov ni..banjir ke sekarang? Sedap tuh!
Hmmm..menghitung hari untuk berangkat ni agak berat jugak la. Macam2 perasaan di dalam hati. Saya ni sentimental orgnya..bukan sentimental biasa2 tapi sentimental dah peringkat kronik! aduhai! Mere Zindagi dah jerkoh kalau asyik berlinangan airmata, JANGAN pergi! Ayo!yo! Appa! Amma! Nehe babuji..Acha hae.. Kamal kata buat gedebe sikit.. itu yg susah tu..sebab sikit. Kalau suruh wat banyak tu boleh la… he!he!
Ok..jumpa lagi.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Terkadang aku,
tersalah bahasa..
Tersilap kata..
Terlanjur bicara..
Maafkan aku..
Kerana jadi begitu..
Lidah seperti peluru
Membuat kamu keliru
Siapakah aku
Yang mana satukah itu..
Kini atau dulu..
Aku mohon maaf dari mu
Sejujur2nya aku..
Badan ku semakin lesu
Airmata menjadi temanku
Jiwa menjadi kaku
Memikirkan nasibku..
Yang mungkin akan meninggalkan mu…
Maafkan aku…
tersalah bahasa..
Tersilap kata..
Terlanjur bicara..
Maafkan aku..
Kerana jadi begitu..
Lidah seperti peluru
Membuat kamu keliru
Siapakah aku
Yang mana satukah itu..
Kini atau dulu..
Aku mohon maaf dari mu
Sejujur2nya aku..
Badan ku semakin lesu
Airmata menjadi temanku
Jiwa menjadi kaku
Memikirkan nasibku..
Yang mungkin akan meninggalkan mu…
Maafkan aku…
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
exam fever
Sebenarnya tidak ada topic menarik untuk dikongsi bersama kali ini mengenai pelajar2 saya. Cuma sekarang ni tgh musim exam sampai 18hb nov ( eh, betul ke?).
Paper saya akan bermula pada 4 nov dan 11 nov. Cantiiik..memang cantik. Alhamdulillah. Ada gap 6 hari sebelum paper ke dua. InsyAllah sempat habis marking kertas pertama paper ke dua pada 11 hb.
Semenjak dari minggu lepas sudah ada beberpa orang student dtg untuk membuat consultation dgn saya. Budak2 ni, kena hati2 juga..ada soalan perangkap. Katanya nak Tanya apa yg tak faham tapi meleret2 pada soalan “ topic ni masuk periksa tak?” haah..itu yg sedap di dengar, susah nak jawab..
Ada juga yg tanya, “part 1 byk soalan dari part 2 kan, ustazah?” aiseyman..tak leh jawab sayang ooi..
“ Ustazah, ada tips2 exam tak”. “ ada”. “ apa dia ustazah?”. “baca semua yg saya ajar dalam kelas”
Jgn tnya soalan apa topic yg masuk periksa. Ini adalah amanah yg telah saya janji dan sign dalam declaratory form yg saya tak akan bocor pada student. Amanah yg saya junjung kerana Allah s w t. Yg penting, dtg kelas sokmo, bagi perhatian apa yg diajar di dalam kelas, buat yg disuruh..dan selalu2 lah ziarahi sya untuk bertanya isu2 yg kamu semua tidak faham..selebihnya lagi, berdoa dan bertawakkal pada Allah.
Lagi satu, jgn kecewa dgn carry marks yg rendah..pandang ke depan..yg sudah tu sudah lah..
Yg dapat markah tinggi, jgn leka..kamu mungkin jatuh bedebok atas tanah, disebabkan terlalu memandang ke atas..
All the best to all of you..
Paper saya akan bermula pada 4 nov dan 11 nov. Cantiiik..memang cantik. Alhamdulillah. Ada gap 6 hari sebelum paper ke dua. InsyAllah sempat habis marking kertas pertama paper ke dua pada 11 hb.
Semenjak dari minggu lepas sudah ada beberpa orang student dtg untuk membuat consultation dgn saya. Budak2 ni, kena hati2 juga..ada soalan perangkap. Katanya nak Tanya apa yg tak faham tapi meleret2 pada soalan “ topic ni masuk periksa tak?” haah..itu yg sedap di dengar, susah nak jawab..
Ada juga yg tanya, “part 1 byk soalan dari part 2 kan, ustazah?” aiseyman..tak leh jawab sayang ooi..
“ Ustazah, ada tips2 exam tak”. “ ada”. “ apa dia ustazah?”. “baca semua yg saya ajar dalam kelas”
Jgn tnya soalan apa topic yg masuk periksa. Ini adalah amanah yg telah saya janji dan sign dalam declaratory form yg saya tak akan bocor pada student. Amanah yg saya junjung kerana Allah s w t. Yg penting, dtg kelas sokmo, bagi perhatian apa yg diajar di dalam kelas, buat yg disuruh..dan selalu2 lah ziarahi sya untuk bertanya isu2 yg kamu semua tidak faham..selebihnya lagi, berdoa dan bertawakkal pada Allah.
Lagi satu, jgn kecewa dgn carry marks yg rendah..pandang ke depan..yg sudah tu sudah lah..
Yg dapat markah tinggi, jgn leka..kamu mungkin jatuh bedebok atas tanah, disebabkan terlalu memandang ke atas..
All the best to all of you..
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kesedaran Sivik dikalangan kita
Semasa perjalanan balik ke rumah selepas mengambil anak dari sekolah, ada van sekolah yg juga membawa pelajar2 berada di depan kereta saya. Dalam van tu, saya perhatikan mereka sedang makan aiskrim dan juga makanan ringan. Sya asyik memerhatikan budak2 tu membuka pembalut aiskrim dan terus membuangnya di atas pembahagi jalan sebelah kanan. Seorang budak lagi, membuka pembalut biskut dan membuangnya di sebelah kiri..Van terus bergerak laju bila lampu hijau terpasang. Pembalut tu berterbangan di atas cermin kereta saya.
Hati saya sungguh kecewa dgn sikap budak2 dan pemandu van juga. Anak2 sya turut memerhatikan kejadian tersebut. Sya cuma bertanya kepada mereka, apakah silap budak2 itu? Mereka menjawab, mama diaorg tak ajar mereka.. ( pandai pula budak2 ni bodek aku) Kita masih kekurangan kesedaran sivik untuk menjaga harta awam dan kebersihan negara kita. Di mana silapnya budak2 ni yg menyebabkan mereka sanggup mengotorkan jalan raya dan bandaraya kita? Sya ada kakak yg tinggal di Singapura. Anak2 kakak saya itu, dari segi kebersihan dan menjaga harta awam, saya boleh kata 1st Class! Kalau sebut sja Singapura, pasti org yg telah ke sana, pasti terpegun dgn kebersihan negara itu dan kekuatan pelaksanaan undang2 jalanraya dan segala macam undang2 di sana.
Sebenarnya undang2 ni, jika ada tetapi tidak ada penguatkuasaan dan pelaksanaan, tiada org akan mengikuti dan menghormati undang2 smada undang2 manusia atau undang2 Allah..
Berbalik kepada isu budak di atas, saya rasa bermula dari rumah. Dari keluarga dan ibu bapa yg mendidik anak2. Sayang pada diri sendiri, harta dan sayang juga pada negara sendiri..penerapan nilai2 murni yg menjadi amalan setiap masa dan di mana kita berada..
Hati saya sungguh kecewa dgn sikap budak2 dan pemandu van juga. Anak2 sya turut memerhatikan kejadian tersebut. Sya cuma bertanya kepada mereka, apakah silap budak2 itu? Mereka menjawab, mama diaorg tak ajar mereka.. ( pandai pula budak2 ni bodek aku) Kita masih kekurangan kesedaran sivik untuk menjaga harta awam dan kebersihan negara kita. Di mana silapnya budak2 ni yg menyebabkan mereka sanggup mengotorkan jalan raya dan bandaraya kita? Sya ada kakak yg tinggal di Singapura. Anak2 kakak saya itu, dari segi kebersihan dan menjaga harta awam, saya boleh kata 1st Class! Kalau sebut sja Singapura, pasti org yg telah ke sana, pasti terpegun dgn kebersihan negara itu dan kekuatan pelaksanaan undang2 jalanraya dan segala macam undang2 di sana.
Sebenarnya undang2 ni, jika ada tetapi tidak ada penguatkuasaan dan pelaksanaan, tiada org akan mengikuti dan menghormati undang2 smada undang2 manusia atau undang2 Allah..
Berbalik kepada isu budak di atas, saya rasa bermula dari rumah. Dari keluarga dan ibu bapa yg mendidik anak2. Sayang pada diri sendiri, harta dan sayang juga pada negara sendiri..penerapan nilai2 murni yg menjadi amalan setiap masa dan di mana kita berada..
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bajet 2010
salam semua..
Hari ni nak cerita sedikit saja mengenai Bajet( Hmm..macam pandai sgt)
Seingat2 saya sejak pandai baca suratkhabar hinggalah boleh menulis dalam suratkhabr atau mana2 makalah..semua bajet ni, bagus, terbaik, untuk semua, bertimbangrasa dan segala macam yg terbaik la.
sejak dari dulu juga, selalu terfikir bila bajet ni tidak baik ye? atau saya yg tak pandai membuat bajet..tau nak spend bajet je..
Yg saya cari dalam bajet, ada bonus tak tahun ni? Itu je..
p.s saya menaip entry ni dari Hotel Swiss Garden, Kuantan.
Hari ni nak cerita sedikit saja mengenai Bajet( Hmm..macam pandai sgt)
Seingat2 saya sejak pandai baca suratkhabar hinggalah boleh menulis dalam suratkhabr atau mana2 makalah..semua bajet ni, bagus, terbaik, untuk semua, bertimbangrasa dan segala macam yg terbaik la.
sejak dari dulu juga, selalu terfikir bila bajet ni tidak baik ye? atau saya yg tak pandai membuat bajet..tau nak spend bajet je..
Yg saya cari dalam bajet, ada bonus tak tahun ni? Itu je..
p.s saya menaip entry ni dari Hotel Swiss Garden, Kuantan.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hidup Bermadu..
Bila bercakap pasal bermadu ni, kita tidak akan terlepas dgn Filem Madu Tiga arahan dan lakonan Allahyarham P. Ramlee. Macam2 alasan akan dibuat agar dapat berkahwin lebih dari satu. Akhirnya, segala tembelang akan pecah dan kebenaran akan timbul jua jika kita tidak ikhlas dan jujur melakukan sesuatu.
Saya dimaklumkan oleh teman sepejabat yg juga merupakan prinicipal di asrama perempuan bahwa ramai pelajar2 perempuan membuat pengakuan yg mereka suka menjadi isteri ke2, ke 3 atau seterusnya..Menurut mereka, lelaki yg dah matang dan telah lama bekerja mempunyai simpanan yg yg byk dan juga harta yg berlebihan. Segala tuntuan wanita dipenuhi..justeru itu, mereka tidak2 ragu2 untuk di jadikan isteri ke 2.. Betul tu..statement sebegini buat saya sendiri dalam ketakutan. Ya lah mere zindagi pun mengajar jugak. Selalu je balik rumah bawa bunga, hadiah yg dibungkus rapi dan cantik, siap dgn bunga sekali..baju batik, coklat dan manisan2 yg sedap sekali..
Bila mendengar seorg teman sudah menjadi isteri, saya merasa sungguh gembira sekali..tapi bila diberitahu mnjadi isteri kedua.. terus hati mnjadi tawar, lidah pun kelu.. Betul, itu jodoh mereka. Mudah2an diberkati Allah s wt. Sya medoakn yg terbaik buat mereka sekeluarga.
Saya selalu ingatkan diri sendiri dan adik2 saya jgn ambil org lain punya..kita boleh kawin dgn org muda atau tua dari kita..biarlah diperkatakan org.. mulut org tidak boleh ditutup. mungkin itu sudah jodoh kita, tapi jgn ambil org lain punya.. Kalau mahu juga, minta la izin dgn yg pertama..tapi saya pasti jika ada keizinan pun, bukanya dari sepenuh ikhlas hati..Ada hati yg terluka dan merajuk..Mudah2an Allah melindungi kita..
Untuk yg hidup bermadu atau yg dimadukan, ingatlah....kebahagiaan kita bukan bergantung di atas seorg yg bernama suami tetapi pada Allah S W T. dan usaha kita sendiri untuk mendekatkan diri padaNya.
p.s bila saya secara berseloroh meminta mere zindagi kawin lagi, dia bilang..”an ideal marriage is between one man and one woman”…adus…chalte..chalte…
Saya dimaklumkan oleh teman sepejabat yg juga merupakan prinicipal di asrama perempuan bahwa ramai pelajar2 perempuan membuat pengakuan yg mereka suka menjadi isteri ke2, ke 3 atau seterusnya..Menurut mereka, lelaki yg dah matang dan telah lama bekerja mempunyai simpanan yg yg byk dan juga harta yg berlebihan. Segala tuntuan wanita dipenuhi..justeru itu, mereka tidak2 ragu2 untuk di jadikan isteri ke 2.. Betul tu..statement sebegini buat saya sendiri dalam ketakutan. Ya lah mere zindagi pun mengajar jugak. Selalu je balik rumah bawa bunga, hadiah yg dibungkus rapi dan cantik, siap dgn bunga sekali..baju batik, coklat dan manisan2 yg sedap sekali..
Bila mendengar seorg teman sudah menjadi isteri, saya merasa sungguh gembira sekali..tapi bila diberitahu mnjadi isteri kedua.. terus hati mnjadi tawar, lidah pun kelu.. Betul, itu jodoh mereka. Mudah2an diberkati Allah s wt. Sya medoakn yg terbaik buat mereka sekeluarga.
Saya selalu ingatkan diri sendiri dan adik2 saya jgn ambil org lain punya..kita boleh kawin dgn org muda atau tua dari kita..biarlah diperkatakan org.. mulut org tidak boleh ditutup. mungkin itu sudah jodoh kita, tapi jgn ambil org lain punya.. Kalau mahu juga, minta la izin dgn yg pertama..tapi saya pasti jika ada keizinan pun, bukanya dari sepenuh ikhlas hati..Ada hati yg terluka dan merajuk..Mudah2an Allah melindungi kita..
Untuk yg hidup bermadu atau yg dimadukan, ingatlah....kebahagiaan kita bukan bergantung di atas seorg yg bernama suami tetapi pada Allah S W T. dan usaha kita sendiri untuk mendekatkan diri padaNya.
p.s bila saya secara berseloroh meminta mere zindagi kawin lagi, dia bilang..”an ideal marriage is between one man and one woman”…adus…chalte..chalte…
Monday, October 19, 2009
Q & A with Wafi..
Case 1 ( wafi was between 4-5 years old)
I am spinning M.Nasir’s songs for the 3rd time in the car we were travelling in..
Wafi: Mama, do you like M. nasir?
Mama: Yes, wafi..I love him very much.
Wafi: Why you did not marry him then?...
Mama: Ohh..very good question wafi..but I have no answer at this moment
Case 2 ( wafi was between 7-8 years old)
I was busy preparing dishes for his birthday party.
Wafi: Mama, why are you doing this?
Mama: Today is your birthday. You are special my son..
Wafi: When is your special day?
Mama: My special day would be when I have you..well, when you were tiny and the doctor put you on my belly..hmm..when is your special day then?
Wafi: hmm…when you are dead.
Mama: astaghfirullah al azim… *@#%$&
Case 3 ( wafi is now..13years old)
We were watching a movie showing a man has a paralysed wife and she is on the wheel chair..
Mama: Hmm..he still loves his wife though she is paralysed..
Wafi: I want to ask you something mama..
Mama: Your something is not ordinary one, wafi…There must be a catch.. what is it?
Wafi: After you married to papa, have you ever thought of marrying a blind man?
Mama: What kind of question is that, huh? You are so imaginative and creative la..I need to tell your papa about this..
Wafi: I am serious mama..
Mama: astaghfirullah…subhanallah..masyAllah..
I am spinning M.Nasir’s songs for the 3rd time in the car we were travelling in..
Wafi: Mama, do you like M. nasir?
Mama: Yes, wafi..I love him very much.
Wafi: Why you did not marry him then?...
Mama: Ohh..very good question wafi..but I have no answer at this moment
Case 2 ( wafi was between 7-8 years old)
I was busy preparing dishes for his birthday party.
Wafi: Mama, why are you doing this?
Mama: Today is your birthday. You are special my son..
Wafi: When is your special day?
Mama: My special day would be when I have you..well, when you were tiny and the doctor put you on my belly..hmm..when is your special day then?
Wafi: hmm…when you are dead.
Mama: astaghfirullah al azim… *@#%$&
Case 3 ( wafi is now..13years old)
We were watching a movie showing a man has a paralysed wife and she is on the wheel chair..
Mama: Hmm..he still loves his wife though she is paralysed..
Wafi: I want to ask you something mama..
Mama: Your something is not ordinary one, wafi…There must be a catch.. what is it?
Wafi: After you married to papa, have you ever thought of marrying a blind man?
Mama: What kind of question is that, huh? You are so imaginative and creative la..I need to tell your papa about this..
Wafi: I am serious mama..
Mama: astaghfirullah…subhanallah..masyAllah..
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Semester 1 2009/2010 akan berakhir
Lecture dan tutorial akan berakhir tak lama lagi. Lega rasanya sebab kelas dah nak habis. Student pula akan mula berada di dalam minggu studi atau revision week. Minggu ini sepatutnya digunakan untuk student mengulangkaji pelajaran dan menyiapkan diri untuk peperiksaan yg akan menjelang tiba nanti. Tetapi ada ramai lecturer yg masih mengadakan lecture hingga ke malam hari. Malah minggu ini juga digunakan oleh sesetengah lecturer untuk membuat kelas ganti ( make up class panggilnya disini).Begitu juga test. Kesiaaaaan kat student…tapi student jgn pula ambil kesempatan untuk balik kg!..Itu sudah salah..
Biasanya saya bila kelas dah nak habis, hati jadi sayu..sedih..tak sanggup nak hadapi hari2 tanpa student “mengacau” kat bilik. Seronok sebab syllabus dah habis tapi harap2 hubungan guru-murid tak habis di situ saja. Mudah2an akan tetap maintain sampai bila.
Biasanya saya bila kelas dah nak habis, hati jadi sayu..sedih..tak sanggup nak hadapi hari2 tanpa student “mengacau” kat bilik. Seronok sebab syllabus dah habis tapi harap2 hubungan guru-murid tak habis di situ saja. Mudah2an akan tetap maintain sampai bila.
Student akan ingat guru dgn dua cara: Hari Guru dan Hari Raya. Hari lain yang student tidak ada keinginan untuk ingat..tidak menjadi masalah buat saya tapi bukan pada kedua hari yg saya sebut tadi..
“ If you love somebody, you have to let him go..if he comes back to you, he is yours..if he does not, then it is never meant to be…”
Semoga semua student saya menjadi manusia terbilang dan gemilang pada Islam dan Ummat sejagat..
Monday, October 12, 2009
my last weekend
My last weekend, I was the driver for my kids and a cook for my students.
My two boys had open house function at their friends’ houses at 12pm and 8pm. I was the driver for my youngest son in the morning since he has a taekwando class until 11am. So, since morning at 8.30am until 10pm I was working full time; driver. Drop off at their friend’s house at 12.30pm and fetched them after 2 ½ hours. Came home and rested a while ( not rested actually, I baked carrot cake!) and went out again at 7.30pm. I was at Jusco Setiawangsa for 1 1/2 hours while waiting for them until 9.40pm . Despite all these, my 2nd son asked me..Mama, do you love me? Hmm...I said I am enjoying doing this so that you are happy and yes, I love you very much..
I was a cook for my students on Sunday since I invited them to have makan2 at my small house. I think, there were 30 students all together. I was very happy to have them at my house..though at night, my legs were in pain due too much movements. ( but akim said I am getting old..hu hu..)I really hope that they will forgive me for any shortcomings on that day due to the limited space at house.. maaf zahir batin.
I hope to make this as a tradition to those who want to come my house..
My two boys had open house function at their friends’ houses at 12pm and 8pm. I was the driver for my youngest son in the morning since he has a taekwando class until 11am. So, since morning at 8.30am until 10pm I was working full time; driver. Drop off at their friend’s house at 12.30pm and fetched them after 2 ½ hours. Came home and rested a while ( not rested actually, I baked carrot cake!) and went out again at 7.30pm. I was at Jusco Setiawangsa for 1 1/2 hours while waiting for them until 9.40pm . Despite all these, my 2nd son asked me..Mama, do you love me? Hmm...I said I am enjoying doing this so that you are happy and yes, I love you very much..
I was a cook for my students on Sunday since I invited them to have makan2 at my small house. I think, there were 30 students all together. I was very happy to have them at my house..though at night, my legs were in pain due too much movements. ( but akim said I am getting old..hu hu..)I really hope that they will forgive me for any shortcomings on that day due to the limited space at house.. maaf zahir batin.
I hope to make this as a tradition to those who want to come my house..
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wanita hari ini..
Di dalam lecture baru2 ini, saya ada melontarkan persoalan mengenai kelayakan wanita untuk mnjadi hakim di mahkamah syariah di Malaysia. Rata2 jawapan yg diberikan oleh pelajar2 wanita adalah tidak layak; kenapa tidak layak? Wanita adalah manusia lemah dari segi fizikal dan mental; keputusan wanita bergantung kepada ijma' ulama dan juga lelaki; Lelaki adalah pemimpin bagi wanita; wanita menpunyai ketidakseimbangan hormon di dalam badan mereka yg menyebabkan mudah terpengaruh pada alam sekeliling semasa membuat keputusan; wanita adalah manusia beremosional!
Jawapan2 sebegini membuat saya sendiri menjadi manusia emosional! Kenapa kita sendiri memandang rendah pd kwibawaan yg kita ada. mengapa dari awal lagi kita telah menyerah kalah sebelum berperang. Kita tidak perlu bergnatung kepada sesiapa untuk membuat keputusan. Mata, hati, minda dan perasaan kita adalah milik Allah semata2 dan pada Dia kita bergantung harap. Kita difardhukan untuk menuntut ilmu supaya setiap keputusan yg dibuat adalah berdasarkan pada ilmu yg dituntut. Ilmu bukan setakat kelayakan akademik tetapi ianya termasuk juga pengalaman hidup.
Saya harap2 wanita2 di luar sana berhentilah dari memandang rendah pada kekuatan dan kebolehan yg kita ada. saya bukan pejuang hak wanita, bukan juga seorang yg anti lelaki. tidak sekali2. tapi saya anti manusia yg tiada pendirian dan istqamah di dalam hidup mereka. Tidak perlu untuk memperjuangkan hak kerana hak hak wanita sudah terang lagi bersuluh di dalam al quran dan sunnah dan juga di dalam peruntukan undang2 di MYS. Saya bukan anti lelaki kerana saya mempunyai suami yg begitu menjaga hak2 wanita/isteri. Ssya mempunyai seorang abah yg begitu mengasihi dan menghormati anak2 perempuannya.
Yg penting wanita akan terus2an melengkapkan diri dgn ilmu pengetahuan dan menjadi wanita modern penuh islamik lagi sejati. Selagi kita memandang rendah pada diri selagi itulah org akan terus memijak2 diri kita sendiri..
Jawapan2 sebegini membuat saya sendiri menjadi manusia emosional! Kenapa kita sendiri memandang rendah pd kwibawaan yg kita ada. mengapa dari awal lagi kita telah menyerah kalah sebelum berperang. Kita tidak perlu bergnatung kepada sesiapa untuk membuat keputusan. Mata, hati, minda dan perasaan kita adalah milik Allah semata2 dan pada Dia kita bergantung harap. Kita difardhukan untuk menuntut ilmu supaya setiap keputusan yg dibuat adalah berdasarkan pada ilmu yg dituntut. Ilmu bukan setakat kelayakan akademik tetapi ianya termasuk juga pengalaman hidup.
Saya harap2 wanita2 di luar sana berhentilah dari memandang rendah pada kekuatan dan kebolehan yg kita ada. saya bukan pejuang hak wanita, bukan juga seorang yg anti lelaki. tidak sekali2. tapi saya anti manusia yg tiada pendirian dan istqamah di dalam hidup mereka. Tidak perlu untuk memperjuangkan hak kerana hak hak wanita sudah terang lagi bersuluh di dalam al quran dan sunnah dan juga di dalam peruntukan undang2 di MYS. Saya bukan anti lelaki kerana saya mempunyai suami yg begitu menjaga hak2 wanita/isteri. Ssya mempunyai seorang abah yg begitu mengasihi dan menghormati anak2 perempuannya.
Yg penting wanita akan terus2an melengkapkan diri dgn ilmu pengetahuan dan menjadi wanita modern penuh islamik lagi sejati. Selagi kita memandang rendah pada diri selagi itulah org akan terus memijak2 diri kita sendiri..
kisah di Kota Bharu
Kisah Satu:
Cara nak bersalam ni ialah dgn mengenggam erat tangan yg dihulur sambil mengucap selawat dan salam kepada Nabi ( kalau mahu) dan melihat wajah teman sambil tersenyum mesra. Selepas bersalam, tangan di hulurkan di dada atau di raut ke muka sebagai tanda salam diterima dan doa diaminkan. Itulah sebaik2 cara bersalam. Tapi sekarang ni cara bersalam raya macam apa ye? Org muda2 sekarang ni cakap, tangkap muat saja. tak pandang pun kita..senyum pun tarak..aisey man..?
Kisah dua:
Saya ni dah lama benar tak tengok berita tv nasional. Bukan tak patriotik tapi Mere Zindagi kat rumah yg suka tengok berita CNN, BBC world news and Al Jazeera. Kiranya saya ni tak uptodate la pasal berita tempatan.. tak juga, saya adalah pelanggan tetap SINAR HARIAN alert news. Cerita sebenarnya ialah, bila di kg, abah saya yg conquer tvnya dan berita tempatan adalah kegemaran beliau. Satu hari saya tengok pembaca berita mengakhiri bacaanya dgn Salam Satu Malaysia. Aik, mana pergi assalamulaikum ni??
Kisah ketiga:
Lebih seminggu saya berada di Kg untuk sambut raya. Seronok tu mesti la seronok. Cuma terfikir ramainya org buat kenduri masa raya. Maksud saya kenduri kawin dan sempena majlis pertunangan. Ada 3-4 jemputan sehari spjg minggu pertama raya. Itu belum masuk jemputan rumah terbuka lagi. Kiranya saya ni beraya sakan jugak la. Cuma saya tak sempat nak berjalan ke rumah kawan2 atau saudara. Byk menerima jemputan dtg ke rumah dan kenduri kawin. Jalan di KOTA Bharu, masyAllah, Allah saja yg tahu.. ore kelate kato Sumbat. Ore KL ( kesesakan lalulintas)kato Trafik jam. Maid saya kat rumah kata Machep! Kota Bharu dah ada Parkson, Tesco, Giant, Kota Bharu Trade Centre dan hotel 5 star pun ada. Ma abah pun ada di Kota Bahru. Kota Bharu tetap baru sampai bila2.. tiap kali pergi ke pasar siti khadijah ( 3 ke 4 kali gi pasar cuti hari tu) asyik dengar org bercakap luar ( luai) je jalan depan atau sebelah atau belakang saya. Maksudnya, ramai pelancong luar dtg ke Kota Bahru…sapa2 yg belum dtg ke KB sila jemput ke sana. anak saya yg kecik nangis2 tak nak balik Gombak..
Apa komen anda pasal kisah2 di atas..silakan.
Hingga berjumpa lagi..
Cara nak bersalam ni ialah dgn mengenggam erat tangan yg dihulur sambil mengucap selawat dan salam kepada Nabi ( kalau mahu) dan melihat wajah teman sambil tersenyum mesra. Selepas bersalam, tangan di hulurkan di dada atau di raut ke muka sebagai tanda salam diterima dan doa diaminkan. Itulah sebaik2 cara bersalam. Tapi sekarang ni cara bersalam raya macam apa ye? Org muda2 sekarang ni cakap, tangkap muat saja. tak pandang pun kita..senyum pun tarak..aisey man..?
Kisah dua:
Saya ni dah lama benar tak tengok berita tv nasional. Bukan tak patriotik tapi Mere Zindagi kat rumah yg suka tengok berita CNN, BBC world news and Al Jazeera. Kiranya saya ni tak uptodate la pasal berita tempatan.. tak juga, saya adalah pelanggan tetap SINAR HARIAN alert news. Cerita sebenarnya ialah, bila di kg, abah saya yg conquer tvnya dan berita tempatan adalah kegemaran beliau. Satu hari saya tengok pembaca berita mengakhiri bacaanya dgn Salam Satu Malaysia. Aik, mana pergi assalamulaikum ni??
Kisah ketiga:
Lebih seminggu saya berada di Kg untuk sambut raya. Seronok tu mesti la seronok. Cuma terfikir ramainya org buat kenduri masa raya. Maksud saya kenduri kawin dan sempena majlis pertunangan. Ada 3-4 jemputan sehari spjg minggu pertama raya. Itu belum masuk jemputan rumah terbuka lagi. Kiranya saya ni beraya sakan jugak la. Cuma saya tak sempat nak berjalan ke rumah kawan2 atau saudara. Byk menerima jemputan dtg ke rumah dan kenduri kawin. Jalan di KOTA Bharu, masyAllah, Allah saja yg tahu.. ore kelate kato Sumbat. Ore KL ( kesesakan lalulintas)kato Trafik jam. Maid saya kat rumah kata Machep! Kota Bharu dah ada Parkson, Tesco, Giant, Kota Bharu Trade Centre dan hotel 5 star pun ada. Ma abah pun ada di Kota Bahru. Kota Bharu tetap baru sampai bila2.. tiap kali pergi ke pasar siti khadijah ( 3 ke 4 kali gi pasar cuti hari tu) asyik dengar org bercakap luar ( luai) je jalan depan atau sebelah atau belakang saya. Maksudnya, ramai pelancong luar dtg ke Kota Bahru…sapa2 yg belum dtg ke KB sila jemput ke sana. anak saya yg kecik nangis2 tak nak balik Gombak..
Apa komen anda pasal kisah2 di atas..silakan.
Hingga berjumpa lagi..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Gambar Kad Raya
kad2 raya di atas adalah sebahagian dari kad2 yg saya terima tahun ni.. Tahun ni, tak byk sangat, rasa2nya dlam 30-35 keping kad sahaja. Sya pernah terima lebih 50 kpg kad pada suatu ketika dahulu.. Text message pun ada juga. Ingin saya nyatakan di sini yg saya lebih suka terima kad raya dari text message sebab saya rasa ada kasih sayang dan ingatan dari kad raya; dgn membelinya, menulisnya dan mengepos kad tersebut.
Kepada sesiapa yg mana kad raya mereka tidak tertera di dalam entry kali ni, minta maaf byk2. Kad raya anda dlam simpanan saya. Terimakasih bayk diucapkan. Mudah2an segala penat lelah Tuan2 dan Puan semua mendapat keberkatan dari Azzawajalla.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Salam Aidil Fitri
Rasanya suasana aidil fitri semakin rancak berjalan di kalangan umat Islam hari ni. Lagi 2 hari kita akan beraya. Ramai dah balik kampong. Suasana di AIKOL pun semakin sayup sayup kedengaran..suara2 manusia sudah semakin hilang. Yg kedngaran sekarang ialah, lagu2 raya di corong2 radio..lagi fazidah Joned, Ahmad jais, P. Ramlee dan lagu berhantu saya dan Mere Zindagi…"Satu hari Di hari raya”,nyanyian M.Nasir.
Saya dan keluarga akan balik ke kampong Penambang yg tecinta pada esok pagi, jam 11 pagi. Kali ni kita semua naik pesawat ( kata pembantu rumah saya). Bila nak balik dgn kereta pada musim perayaan ni, belum balik lagi dah rasa penat..Penat dok tekan brek kereta..maklum lah trafik jam! Jadi, saya mengambil keputusan untuk naik flight. Mere Zindagi ikut je..Alhamdulillah.
Anak2 lah yg paling gembira terutama Si kecik ( tapi orgnya besar) tu. Dah cakap awal2 yg nak duduk di Kelantan 20 hari..Banyak cantik! Snggup tak nak pergi sekolah, janji boleh duduk Kelantan lama.
Hari ni hari terakhir di pejabat. Kertas kerja masih belum siap. Tapi sekurang2nya dah tulis 9 mukasurat. InsyAllah, boleh sambung semula bila dah habis cuti.
Untuk semua yg membaca blog saya, di ucapkan selamat hari lebaran. Terimakasih byk kepada sesiapa yg hantar kad raya. Ada yg sempat balas dan ada yg tidak. Apa2 pun ingatan dari semua amat saya hargai.
Semoga berjumpa lagi..
Saya dan keluarga akan balik ke kampong Penambang yg tecinta pada esok pagi, jam 11 pagi. Kali ni kita semua naik pesawat ( kata pembantu rumah saya). Bila nak balik dgn kereta pada musim perayaan ni, belum balik lagi dah rasa penat..Penat dok tekan brek kereta..maklum lah trafik jam! Jadi, saya mengambil keputusan untuk naik flight. Mere Zindagi ikut je..Alhamdulillah.
Anak2 lah yg paling gembira terutama Si kecik ( tapi orgnya besar) tu. Dah cakap awal2 yg nak duduk di Kelantan 20 hari..Banyak cantik! Snggup tak nak pergi sekolah, janji boleh duduk Kelantan lama.
Hari ni hari terakhir di pejabat. Kertas kerja masih belum siap. Tapi sekurang2nya dah tulis 9 mukasurat. InsyAllah, boleh sambung semula bila dah habis cuti.
Untuk semua yg membaca blog saya, di ucapkan selamat hari lebaran. Terimakasih byk kepada sesiapa yg hantar kad raya. Ada yg sempat balas dan ada yg tidak. Apa2 pun ingatan dari semua amat saya hargai.
Semoga berjumpa lagi..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Letter to Roger Federer
Dear Mr Federer,
I have no hatred against you nor I dislike you. You are Mr Cool Guy. You have won how many grand slams..15? That is incredible. You are the greatest player in the world. I am proud of you.
Today, however, I am very very happy that another player has successfully defeated you in the final. The first one was Rafael Nadal. I was thrilled when Nadal beat you in the French Open and Wimbledon Open respectively. Today, another player defeated you..amazingly, he is underdog player. He is none other than Juan Martin Del Potro. Though i was very sad because Nadal lost to Del Potro but his winning over you, is a medicine to my broken heart.
Before I pen off,I would like to say, now you can go home and play with your twin girls and spend your time with your family... forget about winning any tournament..now try to win your twin girls' heart
I have no hatred against you nor I dislike you. You are Mr Cool Guy. You have won how many grand slams..15? That is incredible. You are the greatest player in the world. I am proud of you.
Today, however, I am very very happy that another player has successfully defeated you in the final. The first one was Rafael Nadal. I was thrilled when Nadal beat you in the French Open and Wimbledon Open respectively. Today, another player defeated you..amazingly, he is underdog player. He is none other than Juan Martin Del Potro. Though i was very sad because Nadal lost to Del Potro but his winning over you, is a medicine to my broken heart.
Before I pen off,I would like to say, now you can go home and play with your twin girls and spend your time with your family... forget about winning any tournament..now try to win your twin girls' heart
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hari yg sunyi..
Kat AIKOL hari ni, teramatlah sunyi. Tak Nampak student seekoq pun. Tapi saya pula menyibukkan diri ( untuk meghilangkan kesunyian) dgn pergi ke Perpustakaan, cari bahan utk kertas kerja mengenai Muslims in Thailand. Hampir satu jam jugak lah kat sana. Dah dekat 2 bulan tak menziarahi perpustakaan. Kat perpustakaan pun tk ramai org, staff je yg ramai. Staff pun bila tak ramai, ramah lah jadinya..Kalau sibukmm senyum pun tak sempat.
Lama dah rasanya tak pergi ke perpusatakaan. Sya selalu pastikan bahawa setiap minggu mesti ke sana. Kalau bukan nak mentelaah mana buku2 atau jurnal yg di baca, saya ke sana untuk melihat buku2 yg baru sampai dan di letakkan dibhg display. Tetapi, dek kerana kesibukan kelas dan diri di kacau oleh “peminat2 setia” ( untuk sem ni je) maka keinginan saya terbantut. Perpustakaan di UIAM ni, saya kira antara satu institusi yg lengkap dgn bahan rujukan dan kemudahan yg ada seperti lab, multimedia unit dan discussion rooms.
Student2 baru IIUM, mesti kenal masjid dan perpustakaan. Tapi bila dah lama, dua tempat tu semakin jauh..yg lebih terkenal ialah Nescafe Kiosk, tempat untuk mereka melepak dan sambil2 tu boleh juga bertentang mata ( duduk mengadap la) dan merokok..
Sekian untuk kali ini..nak pergi ambil 3 orang anak teruna dari sekolah dan tak pergi lagi balik ke office sebab tak ada kelas. Hmmm..apa lagi, boleh lah berdengkor sekejap..
Jumpa lagi..
Lama dah rasanya tak pergi ke perpusatakaan. Sya selalu pastikan bahawa setiap minggu mesti ke sana. Kalau bukan nak mentelaah mana buku2 atau jurnal yg di baca, saya ke sana untuk melihat buku2 yg baru sampai dan di letakkan dibhg display. Tetapi, dek kerana kesibukan kelas dan diri di kacau oleh “peminat2 setia” ( untuk sem ni je) maka keinginan saya terbantut. Perpustakaan di UIAM ni, saya kira antara satu institusi yg lengkap dgn bahan rujukan dan kemudahan yg ada seperti lab, multimedia unit dan discussion rooms.
Student2 baru IIUM, mesti kenal masjid dan perpustakaan. Tapi bila dah lama, dua tempat tu semakin jauh..yg lebih terkenal ialah Nescafe Kiosk, tempat untuk mereka melepak dan sambil2 tu boleh juga bertentang mata ( duduk mengadap la) dan merokok..
Sekian untuk kali ini..nak pergi ambil 3 orang anak teruna dari sekolah dan tak pergi lagi balik ke office sebab tak ada kelas. Hmmm..apa lagi, boleh lah berdengkor sekejap..
Jumpa lagi..
Saturday, September 12, 2009
hari sabtu yg serabut..
sekarang tengah mengadap PC kat office. Hari sabtu pun kena dtg office. Ini gara2 nak siapkan kertas kerja yg mana due datenya ialah 30 september ni. Baru satu mukasurat taip dah naik boring dah..baik taip entry dalam blog tempat melepaskan perasaan.
Bila student tak ada kat kampus, saya pun seronok jugak. Sebabnya tak payah buat kelas. Tapi ada yg tak seronoknya, rasa sunyi pulak..aik? Lagu mana tu? Begitu lah resam manusia, bila org tu ada di depan kita kita rasa meluat, boring dan sebagainya. Bila org dh pergi atau tak ada, baru lah kita nak menyebut2 tentang kebaikan dia.
sebenarnya rasa risau sangat pasal kertas kerja ni, rasa macam susah pulak. hari tu gatal tangan nak hantar abstract..nak tulis pasal Muslims in Thailand: Inequality, Injustice and Insurgency. Bunyi tu macam susah dah. Apa2 pun akan cuba siapkan bukan shj sebelum tarikh akhir tapi yg pentingnya sebelum student mula dtg mengacau saya kat bilik..
chaw chin chaw..
Bila student tak ada kat kampus, saya pun seronok jugak. Sebabnya tak payah buat kelas. Tapi ada yg tak seronoknya, rasa sunyi pulak..aik? Lagu mana tu? Begitu lah resam manusia, bila org tu ada di depan kita kita rasa meluat, boring dan sebagainya. Bila org dh pergi atau tak ada, baru lah kita nak menyebut2 tentang kebaikan dia.
sebenarnya rasa risau sangat pasal kertas kerja ni, rasa macam susah pulak. hari tu gatal tangan nak hantar abstract..nak tulis pasal Muslims in Thailand: Inequality, Injustice and Insurgency. Bunyi tu macam susah dah. Apa2 pun akan cuba siapkan bukan shj sebelum tarikh akhir tapi yg pentingnya sebelum student mula dtg mengacau saya kat bilik..
chaw chin chaw..
Friday, September 11, 2009
kenangan di bulan ramadhan
Pada saat terakhir bulan Ramadhan di mana semua orang sibuk nak balik kampong, saya teringat pada arwah pelajar saya yg meninggal pada minggu terakhir bulan Ramadhan. Arwah yg saya maksudkan itu ialah Zumratullan Zakaria. Dia meninggal akibat kemalangan jalanraya semasa perjalanan pulang ke kampong di Kota Bharu.
Malah ingatan pada arwah bukan setakat saat ini sahaja tetapi setiap masa. Kadang2 bila saya melihat mana student lelaki yg seiras Zum ( panggilan mesra), saya akan cepat2 teringat pada arwah. Kadang2 saya akan terus melihat pada student tersebut dan cuba mengamati wajahnya yg seiras Zum. Bila saya sedar yg dia bukan Zum, pasti airmata saya tumpah..lagi dan lagi.. Malah ketika menaip entry ni pun, tisu basah di tangan saya.
Peristiwa kehilangan student ini adalah pertama kali dalam hidup saya. Sesekali saya fikir adakah saya sebenarnya begitu kasih sekali pada student saya atau saya terlalu sensitif pada kisah2 sedih sebegini?
Pernah sekali saya mengalir airmata di kelas tutorial bila saya menyebut kad raya pada pelajar2 dalam kelas tersebut. Tak dapat ditahan2 lagi bila saya memberitahu bahawa arwah Zum ada menghantar kad raya pada saya 2 hari sebelum dia meninggal. Kad itu masih saya simpan..mudah2an sampai bila2.
Untuk bekas2 pelajar saya yg membaca entry ni, seperti Zukhairi, Anthony,Ismail, Pok Ye, Cik Puan dan lain2 lagi, simpanlah kenangan bersama Zum sampai akhir hayat. Jgn lupa untuk menyedekahkan al fatihah pada arwah.
Untuk pelajar2 saya sekarang ni atau mana2 bekas pelajar saya yg membaca entry kali ini, ketahuilah, anda semua tetap diingatan saya..mudah2an sentiasa diberkati Allah. Ingat pesan saya sokmo, jaga solat, jaga aurat dan akhlaq.
Malah ingatan pada arwah bukan setakat saat ini sahaja tetapi setiap masa. Kadang2 bila saya melihat mana student lelaki yg seiras Zum ( panggilan mesra), saya akan cepat2 teringat pada arwah. Kadang2 saya akan terus melihat pada student tersebut dan cuba mengamati wajahnya yg seiras Zum. Bila saya sedar yg dia bukan Zum, pasti airmata saya tumpah..lagi dan lagi.. Malah ketika menaip entry ni pun, tisu basah di tangan saya.
Peristiwa kehilangan student ini adalah pertama kali dalam hidup saya. Sesekali saya fikir adakah saya sebenarnya begitu kasih sekali pada student saya atau saya terlalu sensitif pada kisah2 sedih sebegini?
Pernah sekali saya mengalir airmata di kelas tutorial bila saya menyebut kad raya pada pelajar2 dalam kelas tersebut. Tak dapat ditahan2 lagi bila saya memberitahu bahawa arwah Zum ada menghantar kad raya pada saya 2 hari sebelum dia meninggal. Kad itu masih saya simpan..mudah2an sampai bila2.
Untuk bekas2 pelajar saya yg membaca entry ni, seperti Zukhairi, Anthony,Ismail, Pok Ye, Cik Puan dan lain2 lagi, simpanlah kenangan bersama Zum sampai akhir hayat. Jgn lupa untuk menyedekahkan al fatihah pada arwah.
Untuk pelajar2 saya sekarang ni atau mana2 bekas pelajar saya yg membaca entry kali ini, ketahuilah, anda semua tetap diingatan saya..mudah2an sentiasa diberkati Allah. Ingat pesan saya sokmo, jaga solat, jaga aurat dan akhlaq.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I am a foreigner?
I was at the Bangladesh Community Iftar gathering last Saturday together with Mere Zindagi and children. We were late arriving at the venue since we did not know where the venue was. Anyway, since I came late I sat at the last row with two girls who already seated there. I noticed the girls were looking at me a few times. I was sure they thought I was at no man’s land or at the wrong place. Then one of them asked me, “ Sister, are you a foreigner here?” I said, “ Sorry?”. “ Are you a foreigner here?”. I was looking at other people in front of me..they have the same uniform colour. I looked at myself..hmm..I am bit different ( warna siang sikit). Then I realized that I am the foreigner here.. My answer to her was, “ No, I am a Malaysian.” Actually I am a foreigner in my own country at that time..hu hu..
Monday, September 7, 2009
My day today...
Today is a holiday in conjunction with Nuzul al Quran. University is closed today but my children’s school which is in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur,is on today.
I did a few things today. First in the morning, after my children gone to school, the first thing i did was, to bake chocolate chip cookies. I have finished baking it at 9.30am.
At 10.15 am I went to the office and marked the test paper which I had it on Friday. Alhamdulillah, I am done with that. I came home at 1pm and went straight to the kitchen to prepare for iftar. I did two dishes.
I was supposed to fetch my kids from the school today at 3pm but suddenly I felt that i am going to doze off easily..immediatley i called my other half to do that job..alhamdulillah he listened to my request.
Tomorrow, i am going to give all the test scripts to my students.. I am sure many of them are shock to receive their result...
I did a few things today. First in the morning, after my children gone to school, the first thing i did was, to bake chocolate chip cookies. I have finished baking it at 9.30am.
At 10.15 am I went to the office and marked the test paper which I had it on Friday. Alhamdulillah, I am done with that. I came home at 1pm and went straight to the kitchen to prepare for iftar. I did two dishes.
I was supposed to fetch my kids from the school today at 3pm but suddenly I felt that i am going to doze off easily..immediatley i called my other half to do that job..alhamdulillah he listened to my request.
Tomorrow, i am going to give all the test scripts to my students.. I am sure many of them are shock to receive their result...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tips untuk cemerlang dalam pelajaran
Topik ini dipilih sempena minggu ujian pertengahan semester yg sedang rancak berlangsung di AIKOL sekarang ini.
Pertama: Jaga hak Allah. Pastikan kita menunaikan kewajipanNya pada waktunya seperti Solat. Jgn cuba nak melengah2kan solat tanpa sebab yg tertentu apatah lagi nak meninggalkan solat.
Kedua: Jaga hak manusia iaitu guru kita. Pastikan kita selalu menghadiri kuliah seperti yg telah ditetapkan oleh pihak universiti. Jgn sekali2 cuba nak tuang kelas tanpa ada sebab yg menasabah seperti sakit dan kecemasan. Jika kita terpaksa dtg kelas lewat atau tak dapt nk dtg kelas, sila maklumkan pada guru/lecturer tentang masalah kita. Jgn buat muka selambarland bila tak dtg kelas. Sikap sebegini adalah tidak menghormati guru yg mengajar sabjek yg kita tinggalkan itu. Ada juga yg sanggup tak dtg kelas yg sebelah pagi disebabkan ada test di sebelah petang, ini menyebaabkan lecturer dlam kelas terpinga2 kenapa jumlah kelas sedikit berbanding biasa. Adakah dgn tidak menghadirkan diri pada kelas yg awal, kita akan dapt menjawab soalan dgn lebih cemerlang? I doubt they can do that.
Ketiga: Jaga hak manusia iaitu sahabat2 di dalam kelas. Sahabat kita adalah org yg paling dekat dgn kita semasa kita berada di dalam kelas menuntut ilmu. Bila kita dtg lambat ke kelas, bukan shj kita tidak menghormati guru tetapi teman2 yg sudah ada di dalam kelas. Kita sebenarnya menganggu kekhusyukan mereka mendengar kuliah. Tambah2 lagi kalau yg dtg dgn kasut tumit tinggi dan make up yg tebal atau keadaan rambut yg terurus. Satu lagi, ada juga teman yg menolong fotokopi nota2 yg diberikan oleh guru, sila bayar walaupun 10 sen dan jgn lupa mengucapkan terimaksih dan mendoakan dia.
Keempat: jadikan masalah sebagai cabaran. Masalah yg berlaku semasa belajar kita jgn jadikan masalah tetapi cabaran, peringatan dan pengalaman untuk kita manjadi lebih matang dan bertanggungjawab. Masalah seperti Motor buruk, helmet buruk, terpaksa berjalan kaki di bawah terik matahari ataupun basah kuyup kena hujan dan sebagainya. Jadikan perkara2 tersebut sbg pencetus semangat untuk lebih kuat belajar. Kalau dimarahi guru sebab dtg lambat, kita beringat bahwa sikap sedmikian adalah tidak baik untuk diri sendiri..
Akhir sekali, jgn lupa memohon doa pada Allah agar diberi kekuatan iman untuk menghadapi hari2 mendatang dan memudahkan urusan dunia kita
Dan jgn lupa maafkan diri sendiri dan org lain kerana tiada yg sempurna dalam dunia ini..
Pertama: Jaga hak Allah. Pastikan kita menunaikan kewajipanNya pada waktunya seperti Solat. Jgn cuba nak melengah2kan solat tanpa sebab yg tertentu apatah lagi nak meninggalkan solat.
Kedua: Jaga hak manusia iaitu guru kita. Pastikan kita selalu menghadiri kuliah seperti yg telah ditetapkan oleh pihak universiti. Jgn sekali2 cuba nak tuang kelas tanpa ada sebab yg menasabah seperti sakit dan kecemasan. Jika kita terpaksa dtg kelas lewat atau tak dapt nk dtg kelas, sila maklumkan pada guru/lecturer tentang masalah kita. Jgn buat muka selambarland bila tak dtg kelas. Sikap sebegini adalah tidak menghormati guru yg mengajar sabjek yg kita tinggalkan itu. Ada juga yg sanggup tak dtg kelas yg sebelah pagi disebabkan ada test di sebelah petang, ini menyebaabkan lecturer dlam kelas terpinga2 kenapa jumlah kelas sedikit berbanding biasa. Adakah dgn tidak menghadirkan diri pada kelas yg awal, kita akan dapt menjawab soalan dgn lebih cemerlang? I doubt they can do that.
Ketiga: Jaga hak manusia iaitu sahabat2 di dalam kelas. Sahabat kita adalah org yg paling dekat dgn kita semasa kita berada di dalam kelas menuntut ilmu. Bila kita dtg lambat ke kelas, bukan shj kita tidak menghormati guru tetapi teman2 yg sudah ada di dalam kelas. Kita sebenarnya menganggu kekhusyukan mereka mendengar kuliah. Tambah2 lagi kalau yg dtg dgn kasut tumit tinggi dan make up yg tebal atau keadaan rambut yg terurus. Satu lagi, ada juga teman yg menolong fotokopi nota2 yg diberikan oleh guru, sila bayar walaupun 10 sen dan jgn lupa mengucapkan terimaksih dan mendoakan dia.
Keempat: jadikan masalah sebagai cabaran. Masalah yg berlaku semasa belajar kita jgn jadikan masalah tetapi cabaran, peringatan dan pengalaman untuk kita manjadi lebih matang dan bertanggungjawab. Masalah seperti Motor buruk, helmet buruk, terpaksa berjalan kaki di bawah terik matahari ataupun basah kuyup kena hujan dan sebagainya. Jadikan perkara2 tersebut sbg pencetus semangat untuk lebih kuat belajar. Kalau dimarahi guru sebab dtg lambat, kita beringat bahwa sikap sedmikian adalah tidak baik untuk diri sendiri..
Akhir sekali, jgn lupa memohon doa pada Allah agar diberi kekuatan iman untuk menghadapi hari2 mendatang dan memudahkan urusan dunia kita
Dan jgn lupa maafkan diri sendiri dan org lain kerana tiada yg sempurna dalam dunia ini..
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Syariah Court and Merdeka
The word Syariah Court only appears in our Federal Constitution in 1988, after the insertion of article 121 (1A). That is the only article that mentions the status of syariah court. It is quite strange to hear this despite Islam is the religion of the Federation.
Syariah Court is the state court which means it does not belong to the Federal Govt except for Syariah court in the Fedreal Territory. By whatever status it belongs to, Syariah Court remains a court which demands a respect from the public and anybody who questioned the credibility of a decision made by Syariah cort could amount to contempt of court.
In the context of criminal jurisdiction, the maximum punishment can punish the offender is 3,5 and 6. 3 year imprisonment, RM5000 fine and 6 lashes. This power of punishing the offender is applicable for all the three levels of court. On the other hand, Magistrate court can punish more than the Syariah court. Why? The simple answer is that Magistarte court is a civil court.
In conjunction with our 52nd Merdeka Day tomorrow, I hope Syariah Court would remain an independent judicial institution and the syariah court judge has no hesitation to give judgement withour fear and favour. Hopefully, Syariah court’s decision would be “Merdeka “ from any form of interference from executive and legislative... This is a real MERDEKA
Syariah Court is the state court which means it does not belong to the Federal Govt except for Syariah court in the Fedreal Territory. By whatever status it belongs to, Syariah Court remains a court which demands a respect from the public and anybody who questioned the credibility of a decision made by Syariah cort could amount to contempt of court.
In the context of criminal jurisdiction, the maximum punishment can punish the offender is 3,5 and 6. 3 year imprisonment, RM5000 fine and 6 lashes. This power of punishing the offender is applicable for all the three levels of court. On the other hand, Magistrate court can punish more than the Syariah court. Why? The simple answer is that Magistarte court is a civil court.
In conjunction with our 52nd Merdeka Day tomorrow, I hope Syariah Court would remain an independent judicial institution and the syariah court judge has no hesitation to give judgement withour fear and favour. Hopefully, Syariah court’s decision would be “Merdeka “ from any form of interference from executive and legislative... This is a real MERDEKA
Friday, August 28, 2009
In the tutorials..
This week is such a beautiful week since there was rain for a couple of days and the weather was cool. We enjoyed this kind of weather very much esp. in the month of ramadhan.
The lectures and tutorial are going smoothly except for Monday and Thursday tutorials when one or two students came to the tuto unprepared; without the tutorial questions. One of them copied the tuto question (which I pasted it on the notice board)in his hp and save it at a saved message. I was so disappointed with his attitude. There were 3 questions and one quranic verse and he just wrote the questions in a point form. When I asked him where is the question, he showed me his hp. Hmm..banyak cantik! Another student did not have the question at all. I asked him, where is the question? I don’t have it..( dgn muka connfident pulak tu)So, why did you come to the class then? This really made me so furious. Actually, this kind of attitude would remain in my mind whenever I look at these students.
Two things in my mind; They are not serious in their studies and they think that they are smart .This is attitude problem.
Students must always try to impress their teacher with their works. Academically speaking your work and attitude go hand in hand.
Your attitude will determine your altitude…
The lectures and tutorial are going smoothly except for Monday and Thursday tutorials when one or two students came to the tuto unprepared; without the tutorial questions. One of them copied the tuto question (which I pasted it on the notice board)in his hp and save it at a saved message. I was so disappointed with his attitude. There were 3 questions and one quranic verse and he just wrote the questions in a point form. When I asked him where is the question, he showed me his hp. Hmm..banyak cantik! Another student did not have the question at all. I asked him, where is the question? I don’t have it..( dgn muka connfident pulak tu)So, why did you come to the class then? This really made me so furious. Actually, this kind of attitude would remain in my mind whenever I look at these students.
Two things in my mind; They are not serious in their studies and they think that they are smart .This is attitude problem.
Students must always try to impress their teacher with their works. Academically speaking your work and attitude go hand in hand.
Your attitude will determine your altitude…
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hak Allah ke hak manusia?
Seorang teman di pejabat telah kehilangan ibu dia hari ni. Innalillah wa inna ilaihi raajiuun.. Al fatihah untuk arwah dan mudah2 an teman saya itu diberi kekuatan di bulan yg mulia ini.
Saya terpanggil untuk menulis dalam entry kali ni, bila melihat seorang lagi teman yg dtg berziarah dan membaca yasin pada arwah. Sedang asyik membaca Yasin, deringan hp berbunyi, lantas dia meletak Quran di bawah dan menjawab hp untuk 1-2 minit. Tahun lepas, saya masih ingat teman yg sama berbuat benda yg sama; menjawab hp semasa tadarrus Quran di Musolla.Sempat lagi, ketawa dan membuat temujanji. Kemudian sambil membaca Quran, tangan membalas message. MasyAllah..
Sekarang ni hp lebih diutamakan dari Allah..Hak Allah jatuh ke no 2 dari hak manusia. Urusan dunia didahulukan dari urusan Allah.
Adab membaca al Quran ialah memahami sedalam2 makna al Quran. Satu lagi, kita sebenarnya tengah berkomunikasi dgn Azza Wajalla. Sanggup kita berpaling dari Allah hanya kerana satu panggilan untuk urusan dunia?!
Saya merasa sungguh sedih melihat sikap masyarakat Islam yg tidak tahu adab membaca al Quran..lebih2 lagi seorang ahli akademik yg tesohor.
Manusia mudah lupa..
Saya terpanggil untuk menulis dalam entry kali ni, bila melihat seorang lagi teman yg dtg berziarah dan membaca yasin pada arwah. Sedang asyik membaca Yasin, deringan hp berbunyi, lantas dia meletak Quran di bawah dan menjawab hp untuk 1-2 minit. Tahun lepas, saya masih ingat teman yg sama berbuat benda yg sama; menjawab hp semasa tadarrus Quran di Musolla.Sempat lagi, ketawa dan membuat temujanji. Kemudian sambil membaca Quran, tangan membalas message. MasyAllah..
Sekarang ni hp lebih diutamakan dari Allah..Hak Allah jatuh ke no 2 dari hak manusia. Urusan dunia didahulukan dari urusan Allah.
Adab membaca al Quran ialah memahami sedalam2 makna al Quran. Satu lagi, kita sebenarnya tengah berkomunikasi dgn Azza Wajalla. Sanggup kita berpaling dari Allah hanya kerana satu panggilan untuk urusan dunia?!
Saya merasa sungguh sedih melihat sikap masyarakat Islam yg tidak tahu adab membaca al Quran..lebih2 lagi seorang ahli akademik yg tesohor.
Manusia mudah lupa..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Puasa dan Nurin...
hari ni hari pertama umat Islam seluruh Malaysia menunaikan ibadat puasa. Mudah2an dapat kita pertingkatkan amal pada bulan yg penuh dgn " tawaran murah" dari segi pahala.
saya teringat pada Nurin Jazlin yg hilang pada awal puasa. sehingga dh nak raya baru jumpa mayat arwah nurin dlm keadaan menyayat hati. sya masih ingat pada malam sebelum mayat nruin dijumpai, saya bermimpi nurin tgh menangis..meleleh airmata dia..sedih..tapi dia tak meraung2. esok pagi selepas sahur dan solat subuh, saya membaca Quran..smbil membaca, fikiran saya terbayang pada Nurin..seolah2 Nurin memanggil saya menyebabkan ternggu bacaan saya disebabkan oleh airmata yg meleleh turun. Kemudian saya menyambung lagi bacaan Quran selepas solat dhuha, hati dan fikiran saya masih tersangkut pada Nurin. Lantas saya terus memohon pada Allah dgn sepenuh hati saya agar Nurin dapat dijumpai.. Ya, doa saya dimakbulkan oleh Allah,jam 11.30 pagi saya dapat alert message dari Star News yg mayat kanak2 perempuan di jumpai..( W/pun disahkan beberapa minggu kemudian)
Mudah2an di bulan yg mulia ni, jgn kalut sangat nak bershopping hingga anak2 kecil dibiarkan tanpa diawasi.. yg pasti, Nurin sekarang sudah tenang di sisi Allah dan pembunuh Nurin entah di mana..yg pasti hidup dia tidak akan tenang sampai bila2.
Ramadhan Karim.....Allahu Akram..
saya teringat pada Nurin Jazlin yg hilang pada awal puasa. sehingga dh nak raya baru jumpa mayat arwah nurin dlm keadaan menyayat hati. sya masih ingat pada malam sebelum mayat nruin dijumpai, saya bermimpi nurin tgh menangis..meleleh airmata dia..sedih..tapi dia tak meraung2. esok pagi selepas sahur dan solat subuh, saya membaca Quran..smbil membaca, fikiran saya terbayang pada Nurin..seolah2 Nurin memanggil saya menyebabkan ternggu bacaan saya disebabkan oleh airmata yg meleleh turun. Kemudian saya menyambung lagi bacaan Quran selepas solat dhuha, hati dan fikiran saya masih tersangkut pada Nurin. Lantas saya terus memohon pada Allah dgn sepenuh hati saya agar Nurin dapat dijumpai.. Ya, doa saya dimakbulkan oleh Allah,jam 11.30 pagi saya dapat alert message dari Star News yg mayat kanak2 perempuan di jumpai..( W/pun disahkan beberapa minggu kemudian)
Mudah2an di bulan yg mulia ni, jgn kalut sangat nak bershopping hingga anak2 kecil dibiarkan tanpa diawasi.. yg pasti, Nurin sekarang sudah tenang di sisi Allah dan pembunuh Nurin entah di mana..yg pasti hidup dia tidak akan tenang sampai bila2.
Ramadhan Karim.....Allahu Akram..
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
what happened in today's class
I am very much offended if any of students starts giggling or grinning ( from ear to ear) in my class without any specific reasons. Memang berasap sungguh! I, sometimes, will have a commercial break where I would tell some jokes or my personal experience on something. At this juncture, you can laugh or smile at your own risk. But when I am in a serious mode, and suddenly I see you grinning…hmmm..siap la, memang kena bagi khutbah hari raya ( khutbah jumaat pendek)!
It is rude to giggle at something which is not related with the subject teaching. This kind of attitude shows that you did not listen to my lecture. You were doing “khayyalling”. Besides, I would feel suspicious about my appearance. Pakai tudung terbalik ke, awning tudung tak tajam ke..ada cili lekat kat gigi dke..eeii..all kinds of negative thinkings will come. So, students, you better watch out while you are in class, behave well and give full respect to the teacher..
Faham semuaaaaa….?
It is rude to giggle at something which is not related with the subject teaching. This kind of attitude shows that you did not listen to my lecture. You were doing “khayyalling”. Besides, I would feel suspicious about my appearance. Pakai tudung terbalik ke, awning tudung tak tajam ke..ada cili lekat kat gigi dke..eeii..all kinds of negative thinkings will come. So, students, you better watch out while you are in class, behave well and give full respect to the teacher..
Faham semuaaaaa….?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
IIUM...dulu dan kini
Dulu masa kat UIA ( sebelum UIAM) di PJ, kampusnya kecik sahaja. Orang pun tak lah smpai beribu-ribu orang. Mungkin masa batch saya dulu dalm 1000+ je..Sekarang ni? AIKOLians saja dan berapa ribu…
Dulu masa kat UIA, tak da pulak Nescafe Kiosk.. adanya pun café mamak kiosk je.. Sekarang ni, macam café ada..Mama Mia, Mok’ Ku café, Nile Café, Babush ( ke dah Berambus?) etc. Bila sebut Nescafe Kiosk ni, selalu buat saya geram. Geram sebab student suka merokok kat situ. Setakat yg saya tengok hari ni ialah, bukan budak2 local yg mengotor ozon bumi ni tapi budak2 luar atau international students. ( jgn panggil “Foreigner”..that is an offensive word!) Saya tahu budak2 kita pun merokok juga, tapi dia orang malu sikit jd merokok kat bilik atau mahallah. Tapi budak2 international ni..buat selamba rock je. Kurang asam boi betul..
Bila saya bising2 kat student, dia orang tnya saya, kenapa Ustazah tak marah dia orang? Aduh Mak Ooi!, saya pun takut tgk kat student yg merokok tu. Besar2 dan tinggi2. Berjambang, berjanggut..bermacam2 lagi .Sekali dia jerkah kat saya..hmm tak tau la apa nak jadi..
Sekarang ni kita ada law for display only and NOT to be enforced. Betul la kata pepatah, nak seribu daya tak nak seribu dalih..bila ada undang2 yg semua student kena pakai helmet dalam kampus, kita enforce betul2 undang2 tersebut dgn membuat road block di sekitar kampus dan bagi saman pada mereka yg melanggar undang2..
Sekian dulu untuk hari ini…
Dulu masa kat UIA, tak da pulak Nescafe Kiosk.. adanya pun café mamak kiosk je.. Sekarang ni, macam café ada..Mama Mia, Mok’ Ku café, Nile Café, Babush ( ke dah Berambus?) etc. Bila sebut Nescafe Kiosk ni, selalu buat saya geram. Geram sebab student suka merokok kat situ. Setakat yg saya tengok hari ni ialah, bukan budak2 local yg mengotor ozon bumi ni tapi budak2 luar atau international students. ( jgn panggil “Foreigner”..that is an offensive word!) Saya tahu budak2 kita pun merokok juga, tapi dia orang malu sikit jd merokok kat bilik atau mahallah. Tapi budak2 international ni..buat selamba rock je. Kurang asam boi betul..
Bila saya bising2 kat student, dia orang tnya saya, kenapa Ustazah tak marah dia orang? Aduh Mak Ooi!, saya pun takut tgk kat student yg merokok tu. Besar2 dan tinggi2. Berjambang, berjanggut..bermacam2 lagi .Sekali dia jerkah kat saya..hmm tak tau la apa nak jadi..
Sekarang ni kita ada law for display only and NOT to be enforced. Betul la kata pepatah, nak seribu daya tak nak seribu dalih..bila ada undang2 yg semua student kena pakai helmet dalam kampus, kita enforce betul2 undang2 tersebut dgn membuat road block di sekitar kampus dan bagi saman pada mereka yg melanggar undang2..
Sekian dulu untuk hari ini…
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I have been tagged...
I have been tagged by my cousin last week..She wants to know 10 interesting facts about me.. Hmm..I have been thinking very hard about this. I fear that people may misunderstand when we talk about interesting facts abot us..nanti org kata, naik lif tekan sendiri, masuk bakul angkat sendiri atau naik perahu kayuh sendiri... lama2 dapat idea macam ni.. the list goes like this:
1. I was born on 9.6.69..cantik tak nombor ni? Macam keluarga 69 dalam filem P. Ramlee pulak.
2. My staff no in IIUM is 1717..ini pun no cantik jugak kan?
3. On 17.07.07 I lost two precious things in my life..my uterus and my ovary. Hence, I cannot have anymore children..this is interesting yet disheartening :-(
4. My other half whom I call him Mere Zindagi is from Bangladesh. Though I am kelantanese Totok but I happened to marry a foreigner..
5. He is 20 years older than me..well, age is just a number, huh? kuang kuang...
6. I have 3 boys..full stop.
7. I have 10 siblings, 9 girls and 1 boy..Is this also interesting?
8. I lived with my grandmother since I was 7 or 8 yr old till the age of 14..every weekend I would go back to my parents's house.
9. I dont eat durian..my hubby said I am not a malay since i dont eat durian. How dare he said this to me..hu hu..
10. What else,huh...? I took my driving my lesson for over 9 months! Why? Because my hubby said so...But I passed once and for all...he he..
That's all..interesting? Whatever laa kak..
1. I was born on 9.6.69..cantik tak nombor ni? Macam keluarga 69 dalam filem P. Ramlee pulak.
2. My staff no in IIUM is 1717..ini pun no cantik jugak kan?
3. On 17.07.07 I lost two precious things in my life..my uterus and my ovary. Hence, I cannot have anymore children..this is interesting yet disheartening :-(
4. My other half whom I call him Mere Zindagi is from Bangladesh. Though I am kelantanese Totok but I happened to marry a foreigner..
5. He is 20 years older than me..well, age is just a number, huh? kuang kuang...
6. I have 3 boys..full stop.
7. I have 10 siblings, 9 girls and 1 boy..Is this also interesting?
8. I lived with my grandmother since I was 7 or 8 yr old till the age of 14..every weekend I would go back to my parents's house.
9. I dont eat durian..my hubby said I am not a malay since i dont eat durian. How dare he said this to me..hu hu..
10. What else,huh...? I took my driving my lesson for over 9 months! Why? Because my hubby said so...But I passed once and for all...he he..
That's all..interesting? Whatever laa kak..
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
text message..
I received a text message from my student last night. The message goes like this:
“Salam Ustazah..My name is XY. I am in your Usul Fiqh class. I think I am not feeling well tonight. So, I will not be attending your class tomorrow morning. I will go to the clinic tomorrow and get an M.C. from a doctor then I will give it to you later. I am very very sorry, ustazah..”
My reply to her:
“ So, you have decided that you are not going to attend my class tomorrow?”
Her reply to me:
“ I think so..because I am not feeling fine now..very sorry ustazah..”
The moral of the story is that, if you think that you are sick..you are going to be sick and sick and who knows, it may be forever. This is all psychology, negative thinking..I believe if you have strong commitment to the class and love for the knowledge you will not make such decision until the time arrives, indicating that you are sick.
Besides, how can you be sure that the doctor is going to issue you an M.C?
Sigh....whatever laa..( kak, pinjam jap perkataan ni)
p.s. before I could post this entry, I saw her in the class this morning..dtg jugak ke kelas
“Salam Ustazah..My name is XY. I am in your Usul Fiqh class. I think I am not feeling well tonight. So, I will not be attending your class tomorrow morning. I will go to the clinic tomorrow and get an M.C. from a doctor then I will give it to you later. I am very very sorry, ustazah..”
My reply to her:
“ So, you have decided that you are not going to attend my class tomorrow?”
Her reply to me:
“ I think so..because I am not feeling fine now..very sorry ustazah..”
The moral of the story is that, if you think that you are sick..you are going to be sick and sick and who knows, it may be forever. This is all psychology, negative thinking..I believe if you have strong commitment to the class and love for the knowledge you will not make such decision until the time arrives, indicating that you are sick.
Besides, how can you be sure that the doctor is going to issue you an M.C?
Sigh....whatever laa..( kak, pinjam jap perkataan ni)
p.s. before I could post this entry, I saw her in the class this morning..dtg jugak ke kelas
Monday, August 10, 2009
telephone call..
Madam X: assalamualaikum ustazah?
Me: Waalaikumussalam..who is this please?
Madam X: I am student X’s mother..He could not attend your class since last week because he is sick. Now he is still sick. He is at home. He cannot go to your class tomorrow.
Me: Alright..hmm..But where is student XXX?
Madam X: He is here..next to me. XXX..ustazah wants to talk to you..
XXX: Assalamualaikum Ustazah..
Me: Waalaikumussalam..How are you?
XXX: I am not feeling fine
Me: Why did you ask your mother to talk on your behalf?
XXX: I am tired, ustazah..I cannot talk
Me: If you cannot talk, you can text me a message. With due respect I will call your mother..she doesn’t have to call me..
XXX: I am sorry to bother you..
Me: You did not bother me at all..Go and see the doctor and bring me an MC.
XXX: Thank you
The moral of the story, you talk to your teacher. Don’t ask your mother to do this to you. She is not your PA or secretary..You are not a kid anymore. You are a person with responsibilities and enough maturities. If you give me any problem, then I will call your mother..
Me: Waalaikumussalam..who is this please?
Madam X: I am student X’s mother..He could not attend your class since last week because he is sick. Now he is still sick. He is at home. He cannot go to your class tomorrow.
Me: Alright..hmm..But where is student XXX?
Madam X: He is here..next to me. XXX..ustazah wants to talk to you..
XXX: Assalamualaikum Ustazah..
Me: Waalaikumussalam..How are you?
XXX: I am not feeling fine
Me: Why did you ask your mother to talk on your behalf?
XXX: I am tired, ustazah..I cannot talk
Me: If you cannot talk, you can text me a message. With due respect I will call your mother..she doesn’t have to call me..
XXX: I am sorry to bother you..
Me: You did not bother me at all..Go and see the doctor and bring me an MC.
XXX: Thank you
The moral of the story, you talk to your teacher. Don’t ask your mother to do this to you. She is not your PA or secretary..You are not a kid anymore. You are a person with responsibilities and enough maturities. If you give me any problem, then I will call your mother..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Long Live Aikolians!
Wah! Bukan main semangat lagi Ustazah ni..Hari tu komplen sakit sana sakit sini.. Sebenarnya seronok pergi tengok Legal Theatre semalam di Mini Audi di UIAM. Rasanya dah lama sangat tak tgk teater..dulu pun rasanya tgk di UIA juga masa di PJ.
Student aikol ni kreatif la.. ( kreatif giler kalau istilah kontemporari di kalangan remaja). Pandai jadi pelakon, penulis skrip, pengarah dsbg. Walaupun ada sedikit kekurangan tapi saya lupakan saja sebab byk yg best!
2 minggu lepas, student buat AIKOL family day. sedap jugak..sedap dpt makan free! semalam legal theatre, hari ni ada sports carnival. Hari ni adalah hari terakhair program AIKOL Fest.
Walaupun sibuk dgn lecture, tuto dan pelbagi komitmen belajar, tapi mereka masih lagi boleh memberi persembahan yg first class semalam.
Harap2 pagi esok kelas Ustazah pada pukul 9-10 dan 10-11, semua pelakon2 terbabit ada dlam kelas esok pagi..Cik Katie, Mikhael jackson, Datuk X dan lain2. Kalau tidak, ustazah akan hantar surat cinta secepat mungkin.
Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengambil peluang di sini merayu pihak2 yg di atas sana tu, tolong la jgn slash bajet studetn utnuk buat program. Bukan setakat slash 50 % tapi sampai 80 %! macam mana budak nak kerja. Kadang2 org di atas sana terlepas pandang pada kehendak dan hak student di UIAM..yg mereka pentingkan ialah research..research.. Seterusnya kebajikan stduent ni terabai. Pihak terbabit nak sangat student buat prrogram tapi duit tak cukup lepas tu suruh pergi cari sponsosrhip sendiri... tak ke sakit hati?
rasanya cukup lah mak nenek ni membebel...
Student aikol ni kreatif la.. ( kreatif giler kalau istilah kontemporari di kalangan remaja). Pandai jadi pelakon, penulis skrip, pengarah dsbg. Walaupun ada sedikit kekurangan tapi saya lupakan saja sebab byk yg best!
2 minggu lepas, student buat AIKOL family day. sedap jugak..sedap dpt makan free! semalam legal theatre, hari ni ada sports carnival. Hari ni adalah hari terakhair program AIKOL Fest.
Walaupun sibuk dgn lecture, tuto dan pelbagi komitmen belajar, tapi mereka masih lagi boleh memberi persembahan yg first class semalam.
Harap2 pagi esok kelas Ustazah pada pukul 9-10 dan 10-11, semua pelakon2 terbabit ada dlam kelas esok pagi..Cik Katie, Mikhael jackson, Datuk X dan lain2. Kalau tidak, ustazah akan hantar surat cinta secepat mungkin.
Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengambil peluang di sini merayu pihak2 yg di atas sana tu, tolong la jgn slash bajet studetn utnuk buat program. Bukan setakat slash 50 % tapi sampai 80 %! macam mana budak nak kerja. Kadang2 org di atas sana terlepas pandang pada kehendak dan hak student di UIAM..yg mereka pentingkan ialah research..research.. Seterusnya kebajikan stduent ni terabai. Pihak terbabit nak sangat student buat prrogram tapi duit tak cukup lepas tu suruh pergi cari sponsosrhip sendiri... tak ke sakit hati?
rasanya cukup lah mak nenek ni membebel...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Well, actually I have a few things in my mind what to write. But my mind and body are aching for the past one week..a lot of things are coming up within this week. This really takes toll on me.
Today, there is an Ahmad Ibrahim Memorial Lecture at the Moot Court. This is AIKOL's annual event. Alhamdulillah, we have a big turn out. Most of the ex AKOLIANs were inivted to attend this event.
Hmm..which one I should start first? Let me think..or else I should go to bed and have a peace of my mind..
Tomorrow morning i have to go to my children's school to collect their books at 8.30. Got class at 10 and another class at 12. Then what else, my friends from UM are coming to have a meeting at 1. Have to finish my paper to be sent to one journal.. got class at 4 and got to go home by 5.30 to prepare for iftar.. frankly,this is not much but I feel it too much for me too handle. or may be, i am getting old...hu hu..
By the way, tomorrow is 15th Sya'baan and I should wake up for sahur tomorrow morning.
Got to go now..good nite...
Today, there is an Ahmad Ibrahim Memorial Lecture at the Moot Court. This is AIKOL's annual event. Alhamdulillah, we have a big turn out. Most of the ex AKOLIANs were inivted to attend this event.
Hmm..which one I should start first? Let me think..or else I should go to bed and have a peace of my mind..
Tomorrow morning i have to go to my children's school to collect their books at 8.30. Got class at 10 and another class at 12. Then what else, my friends from UM are coming to have a meeting at 1. Have to finish my paper to be sent to one journal.. got class at 4 and got to go home by 5.30 to prepare for iftar.. frankly,this is not much but I feel it too much for me too handle. or may be, i am getting old...hu hu..
By the way, tomorrow is 15th Sya'baan and I should wake up for sahur tomorrow morning.
Got to go now..good nite...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
dont act so fast..
last week one student came to my office and complained about his CGPA had dropped from 3.5 to 3.3..I was so shocked to hear that because I knew that he did well in the exam last sem.
He told me that he appealed to one of his papers whcih he got B or B-. I could not remember. After that, the latest result he got was C+! Ouch! Ouch! I could imagined why he looked extremely sad on that day..
I tried to console him to forget what has happened. Just dont look what happend yesterday, it was a history..yet this could not make him happy. The next day was his birthday, i wished hime Happy Birthday, he did not reply..
The moral of the story is that, dont act so fast. Think twice. Ask your lecturer, is it worth to appeal? When you appeal for re checking, your paper is going to be given to two different lecturers. Ask your seniors.. talk to them. If you want to see any other lecturer/academic advisor, that is great idea. They are your elders..then make doa to Allah that this decision ( yes/no) is the correct one. Perform solat hajat and istikharah.. let Him show you what is best for you..
I know there are cases when your grades are upgraded. This is just a matter of rezki.
I am still feeling sorry for him...
He told me that he appealed to one of his papers whcih he got B or B-. I could not remember. After that, the latest result he got was C+! Ouch! Ouch! I could imagined why he looked extremely sad on that day..
I tried to console him to forget what has happened. Just dont look what happend yesterday, it was a history..yet this could not make him happy. The next day was his birthday, i wished hime Happy Birthday, he did not reply..
The moral of the story is that, dont act so fast. Think twice. Ask your lecturer, is it worth to appeal? When you appeal for re checking, your paper is going to be given to two different lecturers. Ask your seniors.. talk to them. If you want to see any other lecturer/academic advisor, that is great idea. They are your elders..then make doa to Allah that this decision ( yes/no) is the correct one. Perform solat hajat and istikharah.. let Him show you what is best for you..
I know there are cases when your grades are upgraded. This is just a matter of rezki.
I am still feeling sorry for him...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
islamic environment
This semester, we have to collect student's biodata form. some of my studens hve passed up the forms to me..hmm.majority are sisters. brothers? berapa kerat saja. i hve to keep on reminding them. Geram dibuatnya.
anyway, the most interesting part is to read their comments on why they chose IIUM as thier univ . Of course, some said because, UIA was the only univ which offered them a place. or close to their house or parents' choice. However, majority said because of Islamic environment, hence they chose this univ.
I just want t comment that environment is not created by itself. It is made by the people..by the inhabitants of any environment.
Univ consists of 4 major components; students, staff( academic and administrative). business operators and cleaners. However, students are the biggest majority in this univ. some of the acadmic Staffs are the policy makers in this univ. They created the environemt; the dos and the donts and later imposed them on us..incld them and students. So, those major components are actually the agents of environment. It is upon us lie the duties to create the environment. If one had actually polluted the environment, everybody would be affected.
One more thing, we need to have the enforcers of the laws so that our environemt will be protected. I really hope those who would like to smoke at Nescafe Kiosk, would think twice. They are not only polluted the physical environment of earth and thinning the ozone but also violating the laws of the univ not to smoke within the univ campus..
by the way, where is your form?
anyway, the most interesting part is to read their comments on why they chose IIUM as thier univ . Of course, some said because, UIA was the only univ which offered them a place. or close to their house or parents' choice. However, majority said because of Islamic environment, hence they chose this univ.
I just want t comment that environment is not created by itself. It is made by the people..by the inhabitants of any environment.
Univ consists of 4 major components; students, staff( academic and administrative). business operators and cleaners. However, students are the biggest majority in this univ. some of the acadmic Staffs are the policy makers in this univ. They created the environemt; the dos and the donts and later imposed them on us..incld them and students. So, those major components are actually the agents of environment. It is upon us lie the duties to create the environment. If one had actually polluted the environment, everybody would be affected.
One more thing, we need to have the enforcers of the laws so that our environemt will be protected. I really hope those who would like to smoke at Nescafe Kiosk, would think twice. They are not only polluted the physical environment of earth and thinning the ozone but also violating the laws of the univ not to smoke within the univ campus..
by the way, where is your form?
Friday, July 17, 2009
2nd post of the day!
I have two posts today..What an acheivement! ha!ha!
Today one stduent came to my office seeking advice about her academic workload. She has problem with her studies due to some failed subjects. One of the subjects she has taken twice and yet she failed..Ohh..
I explained to her, if you failed any subject you started to lose your confidence in your academic life. That is the impact of being failed in your studies. She started to cry and explaind to me about losing some of her friends due to different year of studies. Friends are very very important at the univ level. Without friends you started to lose grip of your strength. That shows that man is social by nature. We must always live with jamaah. However, in terms of academic workload, some students say that I want to take 21 credit hours beacause my friends did that. This one, you cannot follow your friend. You have to do it based on your CGPA..how much you can go. The more you carry workload, the more possiblity of messing them up in the final exam. Be honest with your self. I am sure most of us aware about limitation.
One more thing, dont think that the earlier you graduate, the sooner you will get a job. Job is a matter of rezki..just dont stop making doa and efforts. The rest, let Allah dispose what is best fof you.
Today one stduent came to my office seeking advice about her academic workload. She has problem with her studies due to some failed subjects. One of the subjects she has taken twice and yet she failed..Ohh..
I explained to her, if you failed any subject you started to lose your confidence in your academic life. That is the impact of being failed in your studies. She started to cry and explaind to me about losing some of her friends due to different year of studies. Friends are very very important at the univ level. Without friends you started to lose grip of your strength. That shows that man is social by nature. We must always live with jamaah. However, in terms of academic workload, some students say that I want to take 21 credit hours beacause my friends did that. This one, you cannot follow your friend. You have to do it based on your CGPA..how much you can go. The more you carry workload, the more possiblity of messing them up in the final exam. Be honest with your self. I am sure most of us aware about limitation.
One more thing, dont think that the earlier you graduate, the sooner you will get a job. Job is a matter of rezki..just dont stop making doa and efforts. The rest, let Allah dispose what is best fof you.
it is fine.
I have two replacement classes today for two different subjects at two different times . One of my students had entered the wrong class..It was a kind of embarrassing to make such mistake actually.
She came to see me and expressed how embarrassed she was in the class just now. Well, sis, this is still a trial week. This is part of growing process..besides, everybody does that at least once in his/her life. Betul tak?
She came to see me and expressed how embarrassed she was in the class just now. Well, sis, this is still a trial week. This is part of growing process..besides, everybody does that at least once in his/her life. Betul tak?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Ohh..what a day..
Today is the 1st day of the semester.It has been a hectic one for me. Being an academic advisor and had to stay at the One Stop Centre from 8.30-5pm..owh..such a tiring job. Attending to the students' querries and requests on academic stuffs..
Despite all these, I managed to release myself for two hours to give two lectures from 9-11am. (I am wondering what will happen in ramadhan..2 hours?..). after the classess, I went back to One Stop Centre to continue advising some more students until 1pm.
I have a break at 1-2.15 to pray and have my lunch. Before I could pray zohor, I received a courtesy visit from my previous sem students; ah thiam, awai and ahsraf..That was sweet of you.
At 2.30, continued my duty and at 3.10, I received a text message from my deputy dean to be at the Moot court to give a speech on the roles and duties of academic advisor to the First Year students.
One of the things that I mentioned was that, " when you came to this university, I believed that you wanted to get a degree..Before you get your degree, you need to pay tuition fees..However, it does not mean that once you paid it ( fees) you will automatically get the degree..You have earn for that..either hard way or easy way.."
Till then, all the best!
p.s. Dhue Comel and Norfairoz Cute,congrats!
Despite all these, I managed to release myself for two hours to give two lectures from 9-11am. (I am wondering what will happen in ramadhan..2 hours?..). after the classess, I went back to One Stop Centre to continue advising some more students until 1pm.
I have a break at 1-2.15 to pray and have my lunch. Before I could pray zohor, I received a courtesy visit from my previous sem students; ah thiam, awai and ahsraf..That was sweet of you.
At 2.30, continued my duty and at 3.10, I received a text message from my deputy dean to be at the Moot court to give a speech on the roles and duties of academic advisor to the First Year students.
One of the things that I mentioned was that, " when you came to this university, I believed that you wanted to get a degree..Before you get your degree, you need to pay tuition fees..However, it does not mean that once you paid it ( fees) you will automatically get the degree..You have earn for that..either hard way or easy way.."
Till then, all the best!
p.s. Dhue Comel and Norfairoz Cute,congrats!
Monday, July 6, 2009
kisah MJ..
Saya terpanggil untuk menulis entry kali ni bila anak saya yg bongsu, Lutfi, mula menyebut lagu2 Michael Jackson. Sebelum kematian MJ, tak da seorang pun dalam rumah ni yg kenal MJ melainkan Mama dia saja..
Apa yg boleh diperhatikan di sini bahawa sebelum orang itu meninggal dunia kita tidak megambil endah sangat pada kebaikan dia. Kita byk menyenbut keburukan dan kekurangan orang tersebut. Berbalik pada kisah MJ ni, byk cerita yg buruk timbul pada beliau. Macam2..ini lah harga yg perlu dibayar sebagai seorng celebriti. Saya bukan nak menyebelahi MJ dgn pelbagai tuduahn yg dilemparkan pada beliau sebab saya tidak terlibat langsung dalam kes tersebut Cuma media massa yg menguar2kan cerita beliau. Sebenarnya kita tidak boleh percaya sngat pada cerita2 dalam majalah, suratkhabr dsbg. Byk yg berat sebelah dan byk yg tidak betul..
Saya teringat juga pada Allahyarham Sudirman haji Arshad yg baru2 ni diberi anugerah Datuk setelah hamper 18 tahun meninggal dunia. Saya membesar dgn lagu2 sentimental Sudirman..setelah dia meniggal dunia baru saya mampu membeli koleksi CD lagu2 beliau.
Begitu juga dgn Tan Sri P Ramlee..dah meninggal baru la nak bagi tu nak bagi ni.. Nampaknya Shah Rukh Khan saja yg untung..senang2 je dapat Datuk..masih hidup dan senang lenang lagi.. Kera dihutan disusukan, anak dipangkuan entah ke mana.
Satu lagi isu yg saya nak kongsikan di sini ialah, di Malaysia ni terutama sekali, yg popular ialah celebriti atau ahli politik. Ahli akademik ni tak macam selebriti. Orang lebih kenal selebriti daripada Profesor, Prof Madya dsbg..
Ada tak org kenal saya…? Ada..mesti ada..student saya kan? Tapi dia org ni kenal saya masa nak exam je.. huhu..
Apa yg boleh diperhatikan di sini bahawa sebelum orang itu meninggal dunia kita tidak megambil endah sangat pada kebaikan dia. Kita byk menyenbut keburukan dan kekurangan orang tersebut. Berbalik pada kisah MJ ni, byk cerita yg buruk timbul pada beliau. Macam2..ini lah harga yg perlu dibayar sebagai seorng celebriti. Saya bukan nak menyebelahi MJ dgn pelbagai tuduahn yg dilemparkan pada beliau sebab saya tidak terlibat langsung dalam kes tersebut Cuma media massa yg menguar2kan cerita beliau. Sebenarnya kita tidak boleh percaya sngat pada cerita2 dalam majalah, suratkhabr dsbg. Byk yg berat sebelah dan byk yg tidak betul..
Saya teringat juga pada Allahyarham Sudirman haji Arshad yg baru2 ni diberi anugerah Datuk setelah hamper 18 tahun meninggal dunia. Saya membesar dgn lagu2 sentimental Sudirman..setelah dia meniggal dunia baru saya mampu membeli koleksi CD lagu2 beliau.
Begitu juga dgn Tan Sri P Ramlee..dah meninggal baru la nak bagi tu nak bagi ni.. Nampaknya Shah Rukh Khan saja yg untung..senang2 je dapat Datuk..masih hidup dan senang lenang lagi.. Kera dihutan disusukan, anak dipangkuan entah ke mana.
Satu lagi isu yg saya nak kongsikan di sini ialah, di Malaysia ni terutama sekali, yg popular ialah celebriti atau ahli politik. Ahli akademik ni tak macam selebriti. Orang lebih kenal selebriti daripada Profesor, Prof Madya dsbg..
Ada tak org kenal saya…? Ada..mesti ada..student saya kan? Tapi dia org ni kenal saya masa nak exam je.. huhu..
Monday, June 29, 2009
masa buat IEEP minggu lepas, sempat juga sya berkarya.. karya ini dihasilkan sebab geram melihat manusia2 yg terlalu taksub pada masalah dunia..
Jauh akau berjalan
dari utara ke selatan
hatta ke barat dan timur
melihat pelbagai ragam manusia
Tawa ada, menangis juga,termenung saja,masam mencuka, panik sahaja
Macam2 ada!
Wahai semua!
Ingatlah dunia ini sementara sahaja
Bukannya juga milik kita
Dunia ini fana sifatnya
Jgn taksub dgn masalah dunia
Berpada2 menyelesaikannya
mengikut kudrat yg ada
mengikut hala sunnah nabi kita
mengikut Quran perlembagaan kita
Selebihnya, percayalah pada Pentabdir dunia
Yakinlah pada Yang Maha Kaya
Azzawajalla Allah Maha Esa...
Jauh akau berjalan
dari utara ke selatan
hatta ke barat dan timur
melihat pelbagai ragam manusia
Tawa ada, menangis juga,termenung saja,masam mencuka, panik sahaja
Macam2 ada!
Wahai semua!
Ingatlah dunia ini sementara sahaja
Bukannya juga milik kita
Dunia ini fana sifatnya
Jgn taksub dgn masalah dunia
Berpada2 menyelesaikannya
mengikut kudrat yg ada
mengikut hala sunnah nabi kita
mengikut Quran perlembagaan kita
Selebihnya, percayalah pada Pentabdir dunia
Yakinlah pada Yang Maha Kaya
Azzawajalla Allah Maha Esa...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Luahan perasaan
dua hari lepas, semua staff kat AIKOL ada buat Islamic Enhancement Programme kat Senate Hall..programnya ialah banyak mendengar la..biasa la bukannya dengar semua.. isinya berat sangat ( buat saya la). Nak buat research, nak jadi research universiti, nak minta grant banyak nanti Univ dan Kulliyyah jadi famous, boleh masuk asia ranking dan world ranking.
Saya ni kurang setuju sangat pada usaha2 yg keterlaluan pada ranking2 dan research universiti. Sebabnya ialah bila kita dah taksub sangat pada isu2 sebegini kita akan lalai pada tugas sebenar kita untuk mendidik ummah. mengadakan kelas dan utorial mengikut jumlah yg ditetapkan oleh undang2. Mmberi sedikit masa untuk student buat consulataion. Bila lecturer dok sibuk attend confernce, sminar, meeting kat luar dan buat research, sampai lupa nak buat kelas dan budak2 tak dapat ilmu. test buat juga tapi dah last2 minit. kalau buat awal pun, bagi kertas nya last sekali ataupun tak bagi langsung. student pun tak tau dia dapt markah berapa. yg untung lecturer dapat gaji tiap2 bulan walau kelas tunggang terbalik..masyaAllah.
Research adalah satu usaha yg bagus, ia adalah ijtihad dari orang yg pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Reseacrh juga adalah sumbanagn kita pada ummah, pada negara. Research juga adalah sebenarnya self gain. untuk diri agar dapat naik pangkat, ramai orang sebut nama kita, jadi popular, nanti ada orang ajak jadi consultant dan akhirnya dapat duit.. alhamdulillah.
Tiada yg lebih gembira bila melihat anak2 didik kita menjadi seorang yg tetap menjaga akhlaq, solat dan aurat di mana2 sja mereka berada..pengisian jiwa itu adalah asas kehidupan kita.
Saya ni kurang setuju sangat pada usaha2 yg keterlaluan pada ranking2 dan research universiti. Sebabnya ialah bila kita dah taksub sangat pada isu2 sebegini kita akan lalai pada tugas sebenar kita untuk mendidik ummah. mengadakan kelas dan utorial mengikut jumlah yg ditetapkan oleh undang2. Mmberi sedikit masa untuk student buat consulataion. Bila lecturer dok sibuk attend confernce, sminar, meeting kat luar dan buat research, sampai lupa nak buat kelas dan budak2 tak dapat ilmu. test buat juga tapi dah last2 minit. kalau buat awal pun, bagi kertas nya last sekali ataupun tak bagi langsung. student pun tak tau dia dapt markah berapa. yg untung lecturer dapat gaji tiap2 bulan walau kelas tunggang terbalik..masyaAllah.
Research adalah satu usaha yg bagus, ia adalah ijtihad dari orang yg pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Reseacrh juga adalah sumbanagn kita pada ummah, pada negara. Research juga adalah sebenarnya self gain. untuk diri agar dapat naik pangkat, ramai orang sebut nama kita, jadi popular, nanti ada orang ajak jadi consultant dan akhirnya dapat duit.. alhamdulillah.
Tiada yg lebih gembira bila melihat anak2 didik kita menjadi seorang yg tetap menjaga akhlaq, solat dan aurat di mana2 sja mereka berada..pengisian jiwa itu adalah asas kehidupan kita.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Birthday Cards
It has been quite some time that I did not paste any pictures in my blog. Last night I saw a few birthday cards which I received for my 40th Birthday. I thought of sharing these beautiful cards with you..of course I received many many text messages from my students, siblings and relatives; kisses from sons and a bouquet of flower from my husband
These are the cards..
This card is from Faezah..hand and home made card..
This one is from my niece in Singapore, Annisa' Nasuha..
This card is from my youngest son, Lutfi..using A4 paper
My son used the word "BLAST" twice! Hu.hu..Hopefully, Allah will bless him with his good intention but not what has expressly written..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Nak Seribu Daya, Tak Nak seribu Dalih.
Betul la orang kata, nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih..
Bila jumpa dgn kawan yg tak dapat nak ziarah ke rumah atau ke hospital masa saya terlantar sakit baru2 ni, ramai yg bagi tahu yg mereka sibuk dgn keluarga, balik kg, kerja bertimbun2 dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya, tidak menjadi hal sedikit pun kalau tak datang. Isu ziarah ni, adalah hak individu,kita tak boleh paksa. Tetapi bagi saya, sekurang2nya bertanya khabar..sekarang ni, boleh dikatakan semua ada h/phone dan ramai yg ada email..tak boleh dtg, kita boleh hantar message atau hantar email untuk bertnyakan khabar.. Ianya sudah cukup menunjukkan bahwa kita prihatin dan concerned dgn teman atau ahli keluarga yg sakit itu. Ada juga yg memberi alasan, takut lah nak hantar message, nanti menganggu pulak. Aik? Ganggu apa pulak..kalau si penerima lapang pasti dia akan membalas message yg dihantar..kalau dihantar masa dia tidur, macam mana dia nak balas?..bila dia bangun, insyAllah dia balas la message tu. Sebenarnya dalam keadaan sakit tu, bila baca message dari kawan2 atau keluarga, hati rasa lega..perasaan jadi terharu. Ada juga orang tanya khabar..ada juga orang ingat kat kita.
Ada seorang teman snggup bertnya, “ jah, operation hari tu minor je kan?” Maksudnya di sini kalau major operation atau kalau dah sakit berat sangat baru nak melawat dan bertnaya kbhar la.. kalau dah masuk ICU atau dalam keadaan coma baru nak tnaya khabar.. :-(
Hmm..entahlah, pelbagai ragam manusia dgn pelbagai alasan yg diberikan untuk lari dari tanggungjawab. Jarang sangat saya mendengar, “ Kegagalan saya tidak ziarah/tidak menghubungi melalui email atau h/phone, adalah silap saya sendiri..saya yg tidak meluangkan sedikit masa untuk bertnaya khbr dsbg” Jarang sangat orang akan menyalahkan diri sendiri tetapi sebaliknya menuding jari pada kesibukan kerja dan sebagainya. Harap2 celoteh saya ni akan member peringatan juga pada diri sendiri..
Akhirnya bila orang itu sudah pergi barulah dtg kesesalan di hati sambil mengigit jari dan memujuk diri bahawa ajalnya sudah menanti…satu alasan lagi diberi sehingga ajal sendiri datang menjemput pergi...
Bila jumpa dgn kawan yg tak dapat nak ziarah ke rumah atau ke hospital masa saya terlantar sakit baru2 ni, ramai yg bagi tahu yg mereka sibuk dgn keluarga, balik kg, kerja bertimbun2 dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya, tidak menjadi hal sedikit pun kalau tak datang. Isu ziarah ni, adalah hak individu,kita tak boleh paksa. Tetapi bagi saya, sekurang2nya bertanya khabar..sekarang ni, boleh dikatakan semua ada h/phone dan ramai yg ada email..tak boleh dtg, kita boleh hantar message atau hantar email untuk bertnyakan khabar.. Ianya sudah cukup menunjukkan bahwa kita prihatin dan concerned dgn teman atau ahli keluarga yg sakit itu. Ada juga yg memberi alasan, takut lah nak hantar message, nanti menganggu pulak. Aik? Ganggu apa pulak..kalau si penerima lapang pasti dia akan membalas message yg dihantar..kalau dihantar masa dia tidur, macam mana dia nak balas?..bila dia bangun, insyAllah dia balas la message tu. Sebenarnya dalam keadaan sakit tu, bila baca message dari kawan2 atau keluarga, hati rasa lega..perasaan jadi terharu. Ada juga orang tanya khabar..ada juga orang ingat kat kita.
Ada seorang teman snggup bertnya, “ jah, operation hari tu minor je kan?” Maksudnya di sini kalau major operation atau kalau dah sakit berat sangat baru nak melawat dan bertnaya kbhar la.. kalau dah masuk ICU atau dalam keadaan coma baru nak tnaya khabar.. :-(
Hmm..entahlah, pelbagai ragam manusia dgn pelbagai alasan yg diberikan untuk lari dari tanggungjawab. Jarang sangat saya mendengar, “ Kegagalan saya tidak ziarah/tidak menghubungi melalui email atau h/phone, adalah silap saya sendiri..saya yg tidak meluangkan sedikit masa untuk bertnaya khbr dsbg” Jarang sangat orang akan menyalahkan diri sendiri tetapi sebaliknya menuding jari pada kesibukan kerja dan sebagainya. Harap2 celoteh saya ni akan member peringatan juga pada diri sendiri..
Akhirnya bila orang itu sudah pergi barulah dtg kesesalan di hati sambil mengigit jari dan memujuk diri bahawa ajalnya sudah menanti…satu alasan lagi diberi sehingga ajal sendiri datang menjemput pergi...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Back to office
I am back to office! Yesterday was my 1st day at the Kulliyyah after a 3 week m.c. Alhamdulillah. What a relief to see my office which is still in the original shape ( in a mess...)
I received a few guests at my office esp those who could not pay me a visit.
However, the most important thing that happened yesterday was a meeting with my colleague to update the Islamic Legal System course outline. To make sure that student can benefit througout his/her 4 year study on Islamic legal system subject Actualy they benefit a lot.. but as time goes, they tend to forget and by the time they graduate..they dont forget but buat2 forget..tak tutup aurat..bergaul bebas sesama lelaki perempuan..yg haram di haruskan dan vice versa..
Today, I have just finished updated course outline on Usul Fiqh. Hmm..now it is in a better shape.
Next semeter, I will be teaching two sections of Islamic legal system and one section of Usul Fiqh..and I am the course coordinator of the latter subject.
Cannot wait to see new students. actually, the feeling is not that excited but anticipative..dont know what kind of students I will face ..hmm..mana shazrin ni..lama tak jumpa.
I received a few guests at my office esp those who could not pay me a visit.
However, the most important thing that happened yesterday was a meeting with my colleague to update the Islamic Legal System course outline. To make sure that student can benefit througout his/her 4 year study on Islamic legal system subject Actualy they benefit a lot.. but as time goes, they tend to forget and by the time they graduate..they dont forget but buat2 forget..tak tutup aurat..bergaul bebas sesama lelaki perempuan..yg haram di haruskan dan vice versa..
Today, I have just finished updated course outline on Usul Fiqh. Hmm..now it is in a better shape.
Next semeter, I will be teaching two sections of Islamic legal system and one section of Usul Fiqh..and I am the course coordinator of the latter subject.
Cannot wait to see new students. actually, the feeling is not that excited but anticipative..dont know what kind of students I will face ..hmm..mana shazrin ni..lama tak jumpa.
Monday, June 8, 2009
being sensitive..
Since I have not been going to office for the past two weeks, there is not much story I could tell about my students..There are a few of them whom I have been catching up lately..Those who are still rememberand concerned about me
anyway, the above topic that I chose today is not that I am being sensitive lately..I am doing great, alhamdulillah :-D Enjoying my life at home with my Bibi until 3.20pm everyday ( minus friday, sat and sunday).
This is about others being sensitive..or I would say too sensitive..
I remember when I had my 1st operation in 2007, I did not disclose about my illness to my friends. It was a very personal matter until the last day when I need to inform to some of them about the operation whcih was schduled on the next day. I found out later, after the operation and I was discharged from the hospital, that there was one of my colleagues who felt offended ( kecil hati la) that I didn not infrom her personally. Of course, she did not come and visit me at all.
Another inicident happened in 2008 when one of my students passed away in Ramadhan. I did not tell her about the death right away..I mean the moment I heard the news at 5am in the month of Ramadhan..I had no idea that she knows the students. Besides, I did not send message to any of my friends including her until afternoon. My friend sent me a text message that she felt kecik hati sebab tak bagi tau pada masa tu jugak..
This year, 2009, I had again another operation and I did not infrom about it to one of my female friends. ( yg lain pula ni..) I was informed later that female friend kecik hati dgn saya because I did not tell her and she got the news from somebody. Of course, no message, no email no visit from her.. well, I have no idea what to say. I am sure all of you know when is the right time to disclose about yolur sickness to others. If no one asks about your health and wellbeing, I dont think you will make anouncement to anyone you bump into. Sometimes, you need find the right time and right place to do that...
I hope by tomorrow ( 9th June), when I turn 40 years old, I will become more matured woman and learn not to be selfish..
A friend in need is a friend indeed..
anyway, the above topic that I chose today is not that I am being sensitive lately..I am doing great, alhamdulillah :-D Enjoying my life at home with my Bibi until 3.20pm everyday ( minus friday, sat and sunday).
This is about others being sensitive..or I would say too sensitive..
I remember when I had my 1st operation in 2007, I did not disclose about my illness to my friends. It was a very personal matter until the last day when I need to inform to some of them about the operation whcih was schduled on the next day. I found out later, after the operation and I was discharged from the hospital, that there was one of my colleagues who felt offended ( kecil hati la) that I didn not infrom her personally. Of course, she did not come and visit me at all.
Another inicident happened in 2008 when one of my students passed away in Ramadhan. I did not tell her about the death right away..I mean the moment I heard the news at 5am in the month of Ramadhan..I had no idea that she knows the students. Besides, I did not send message to any of my friends including her until afternoon. My friend sent me a text message that she felt kecik hati sebab tak bagi tau pada masa tu jugak..
This year, 2009, I had again another operation and I did not infrom about it to one of my female friends. ( yg lain pula ni..) I was informed later that female friend kecik hati dgn saya because I did not tell her and she got the news from somebody. Of course, no message, no email no visit from her.. well, I have no idea what to say. I am sure all of you know when is the right time to disclose about yolur sickness to others. If no one asks about your health and wellbeing, I dont think you will make anouncement to anyone you bump into. Sometimes, you need find the right time and right place to do that...
I hope by tomorrow ( 9th June), when I turn 40 years old, I will become more matured woman and learn not to be selfish..
A friend in need is a friend indeed..
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I am doing ok...relatively ok....
yesterday, one of my former students visited me. She is now a chef in one of the hotels in KL. How did she end up being a chef while she was a law stdudent? He he..It is a long story anyway.
She came to my house and cooked for me Mushroom Soup! Wow! it was super delicious. She gave me some tips on how to make a super delicious mushroom soup. The key ingredient of best mushroom soup is the brown stock. She gave me a packet of the stock for future mushroom soup which I will cook later.
I also called up my department to find out abour exam scripts and appeal script which I hve to mark. Thanks to my hubby who is kind enough to collect the scripts at the deaprtment. I know if i have to wait until my MC is over, this will give a burden to the affected students to register in the cmoning sem..Student's first! One good news is that I am still the Academic Advisor for another session. I am so happy to serve as an Academic Advisor. This is what I love most to be as close as possible with students.
Hmm,,need to get some rest now. One of the wounds is yet to heal.. :-( cannot sit down for too long.. my MC has been extended for another week.. ouch..
I need to lie down...bye..zzzzzz...
She came to my house and cooked for me Mushroom Soup! Wow! it was super delicious. She gave me some tips on how to make a super delicious mushroom soup. The key ingredient of best mushroom soup is the brown stock. She gave me a packet of the stock for future mushroom soup which I will cook later.
I also called up my department to find out abour exam scripts and appeal script which I hve to mark. Thanks to my hubby who is kind enough to collect the scripts at the deaprtment. I know if i have to wait until my MC is over, this will give a burden to the affected students to register in the cmoning sem..Student's first! One good news is that I am still the Academic Advisor for another session. I am so happy to serve as an Academic Advisor. This is what I love most to be as close as possible with students.
Hmm,,need to get some rest now. One of the wounds is yet to heal.. :-( cannot sit down for too long.. my MC has been extended for another week.. ouch..
I need to lie down...bye..zzzzzz...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Alhamdulillah..Syukur to the Almighty..
First and foremost, my gratitude and thankfulness to Allah, the Almighty for giving me the greatest chance to wake up from my long long sleep and able to enjoy His creations again.. Alhamdulillah..
Just to share my experince in the hospital..I had an operation at 12.30pm and ended at 3.50pm. The operation was thought to be a normal or a standard procedure turned out to be a compliacted one according to the surgeon. Instead of making 3 holes on my stomach, he had to dig another hole.total 4 holes! ouch! My gallbladder and gallstone are too big, so he had to make another one so that the two beautiful things would be able to be removed from my stomach..
Well, it seems here that I dont have much things in my abdomen. A few things have been removed so far..my uterus, my ovary ( one more left ) and my gallbladder..I guess I still can enjoy my life even without those precious things in my body. The most important thing I am happy, healthy with my loved ones..
Cannot wait to go to office and see if any of my students around. This time operation, I had only one guest from amongst my students :-( However,I am sure they are praying for me out there.
One great thing happened today is that I managed to perform my solat in a proper manner i.e. standing on the 7th day after the operation...Syukur.
Till then, take care!
Just to share my experince in the hospital..I had an operation at 12.30pm and ended at 3.50pm. The operation was thought to be a normal or a standard procedure turned out to be a compliacted one according to the surgeon. Instead of making 3 holes on my stomach, he had to dig another hole.total 4 holes! ouch! My gallbladder and gallstone are too big, so he had to make another one so that the two beautiful things would be able to be removed from my stomach..
Well, it seems here that I dont have much things in my abdomen. A few things have been removed so far..my uterus, my ovary ( one more left ) and my gallbladder..I guess I still can enjoy my life even without those precious things in my body. The most important thing I am happy, healthy with my loved ones..
Cannot wait to go to office and see if any of my students around. This time operation, I had only one guest from amongst my students :-( However,I am sure they are praying for me out there.
One great thing happened today is that I managed to perform my solat in a proper manner i.e. standing on the 7th day after the operation...Syukur.
Till then, take care!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
" bercuti rehat"
Sebenarnya segan juga nak cerita pasal diri sendiri dalam blog saya ni.Blog ni lebih kepada nak berkongsi pengalaman saya mengajr di UIAM dan berdepan dgn pelajar2 di AIKOL.
W/pun, kali ni nak sisipkan sedikit personal note. saya akan bercuti rehat selama ( kata dr, 3 hari) di pusat perubatan pantai di Bangsar, KL. InsyAllah, saya akan dibedah oleh consultant surgeon di sana, Dr Fahmi Abdul Karim. Penyakitnya tak da lah besar sangat..kecik je. Tapi bila kena general anaesthetic tu, risau juga. Kot2 tak bangun-bangun!
Pembedahan akan dijalankan pada hari isnin, 25/5 jam 12.30pm. Saya akan mula masuk wad pada Ahad (24/5) jam 9 malam. Saya pun sebenarnya mahu pembedahan ini dibuat secepat yg mungkin. Maklum lah UIAM sekarang ni tgh cuti semester panjang ( w/pun ada yg mengajar tetapi hnya segelintir saja). Sya risau sgt kalau saya sakit semasa sem berjalan.. risau takut tak boleh buat kelas..nanti student ketinggalan pelajaran dari kelas2 lain.
Yg pasti kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan..
Akhir sekali, doakan saya..mudah2an semuanya selamat dan berjalan seperti yg dirancangkan.. Amin Ya rabbal alamin
W/pun, kali ni nak sisipkan sedikit personal note. saya akan bercuti rehat selama ( kata dr, 3 hari) di pusat perubatan pantai di Bangsar, KL. InsyAllah, saya akan dibedah oleh consultant surgeon di sana, Dr Fahmi Abdul Karim. Penyakitnya tak da lah besar sangat..kecik je. Tapi bila kena general anaesthetic tu, risau juga. Kot2 tak bangun-bangun!
Pembedahan akan dijalankan pada hari isnin, 25/5 jam 12.30pm. Saya akan mula masuk wad pada Ahad (24/5) jam 9 malam. Saya pun sebenarnya mahu pembedahan ini dibuat secepat yg mungkin. Maklum lah UIAM sekarang ni tgh cuti semester panjang ( w/pun ada yg mengajar tetapi hnya segelintir saja). Sya risau sgt kalau saya sakit semasa sem berjalan.. risau takut tak boleh buat kelas..nanti student ketinggalan pelajaran dari kelas2 lain.
Yg pasti kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan..
Akhir sekali, doakan saya..mudah2an semuanya selamat dan berjalan seperti yg dirancangkan.. Amin Ya rabbal alamin
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hari Guru
Hari Guru telah disambut pada 16 Mei lepas. Masa tu saya berada di Batu Kikir, negeri Sembilan. Banyak text message saya terima pada hari tu..pelbagai madah dan ucapan dari student2 saya sekarang ni atau pun bekas2 student yg dah lama grad dan bekerja. Ada yg dah lebih setahun tak tanya khabar, akhirnya ada juga ucapan dari mereka. Sya pulak, bila dah 3 bulan tak tanya khabr, saya akan delete no hp mereka..itu time limitnya. macam nak file suit juga. ada time frame dia, bila dah habis tempoh..no cause of action..betul kan?
ada juga yg hantar email pada saya berserta dgn kad ucapan. kdg2 bila baca isi hati dia orang ni buat airmata saya bergenang..saya sendiri pun boleh agak, adakah ucapan dari idea dia sendiri atau pun chain message yg di forwardkan dari seorang ke seorang yg lain.
Semalam saya dtg office, ada kad besar lebih satu kaki panjang di tepek di pintu office saya..Bila buka rupanya dari Jidah..Norjidah mohd jusan. Bekas student saya yg sekarang ni sdg buat MBA di UIAM juga. Yg buat saya terharu bila baca puisi dari jidah..Here it goes..
" I m like a cloud
an you are my wind
the wind that blows me with knowledge and wisdom
So i will safley arrive at mys destination
I m like a cloud
and you are my sun
the sun that showers me your golden shine
to guide me through the darkness in my life
I m like a clould and you are my moon
the moon tha glows me with inspiration & aspiration
So that i will survive the dullness of life
I m like a cloud and you are the sea
the sea that provides me with virtues
I will absorb whatever you provide me
and i will drain out all the vices as rain falls
But in the end I m ME
and you are YOU
which in the end
there ever is for me!
Thank you very much jidah..
To all of my student
thank you for being my student..
thank you for letting me sharing my limited knowledge with you..
Thank you for being so patience with me
Thank you for giving me the time to understand wht life is all about
Thank you for allowing me to know you..
and most of all, thank you for carved my name in you heart..
ada juga yg hantar email pada saya berserta dgn kad ucapan. kdg2 bila baca isi hati dia orang ni buat airmata saya bergenang..saya sendiri pun boleh agak, adakah ucapan dari idea dia sendiri atau pun chain message yg di forwardkan dari seorang ke seorang yg lain.
Semalam saya dtg office, ada kad besar lebih satu kaki panjang di tepek di pintu office saya..Bila buka rupanya dari Jidah..Norjidah mohd jusan. Bekas student saya yg sekarang ni sdg buat MBA di UIAM juga. Yg buat saya terharu bila baca puisi dari jidah..Here it goes..
" I m like a cloud
an you are my wind
the wind that blows me with knowledge and wisdom
So i will safley arrive at mys destination
I m like a cloud
and you are my sun
the sun that showers me your golden shine
to guide me through the darkness in my life
I m like a clould and you are my moon
the moon tha glows me with inspiration & aspiration
So that i will survive the dullness of life
I m like a cloud and you are the sea
the sea that provides me with virtues
I will absorb whatever you provide me
and i will drain out all the vices as rain falls
But in the end I m ME
and you are YOU
which in the end
there ever is for me!
Thank you very much jidah..
To all of my student
thank you for being my student..
thank you for letting me sharing my limited knowledge with you..
Thank you for being so patience with me
Thank you for giving me the time to understand wht life is all about
Thank you for allowing me to know you..
and most of all, thank you for carved my name in you heart..
Thursday, May 14, 2009
gambar2 dgn student ILS sem 2 2008/2009
Gambar2 ni dah lama awai bagi cuma tak sempat nak upload je.. nama sebenar awai ialah Ridhwan bin jalaludin.. budak laki dalam gambar bwh ni awai.. yg buat peace tu, farhan alia..monitor dalam kelas. very helpful girl..boleh buat menantu..

Gambar bwah ni pulak group photo semua student dalam kelas..budak2 dlm kelas ni memang happening! sebabnya adalah..cikgu dia la lagi happening! jgn mare!
Gambar bwah ni pulak group photo semua student dalam kelas..budak2 dlm kelas ni memang happening! sebabnya adalah..cikgu dia la lagi happening! jgn mare!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
no human touch at all
kali ni saya nak bercerita pasal org2 muda zaman la ni..tidak ada human touch langsung..tak ada mesra alam sekeliling dia termasuk lah orang yg lalu lalang. yg dia tahu, tengok handset, taip message, hantar email guna 3G, i phone..atau pun, pasang MP3/4 dan lekat benda Allah tu kat telinga, kita panggil pun tak dengar. aktivit sebgini bukan setakat di tempat awam malah berlaku di surau2 atau di masjid.
senario begini juga berlaku di kampus UIAM Gombak. ramai student berjalan mata tengok bawah..warak bunyinya. sebenarnya mata tengok handset. Lecturer lalu sebelah pun tak nampak. malah ada juga yg melanggar saya sebab asyik melayan message dalam handset.
Saya teringat zaman saya kecil2 dulu, saya suka menegur org2 tua hatta kat perhentian bas. bertanya, makcik/pakcik nak pergi mana? banyak barang makcik bawa..atau pun bagi salam pada mereka dan senyum kemesraan dilemparkan kepada mereka. sekarang ni, jauh sekali nak tengok anak2 muda zaman sekarang bersikap sedemikian. semuanya Mind your own business!
sya teringat, satu ceramah yg diberikan oleh Datuk Harrussani, mufti negeri Perak ( negeri yg popular sekarang ni di seantero dunia) sekarang ini, dia ada memperingatkan diri kita bahwa, badan kita dan aktiviti yg kita lakukan sehari2 adalah milik Allah semata2. Peribahasa melayu jangan mengacau tepi kain orang adalah silap dalam konteks Islam...kita kena bersedia untuk dikritik, dikomen atau ditnya tentang tindak tanduk kita sehari-hari..
senario begini juga berlaku di kampus UIAM Gombak. ramai student berjalan mata tengok bawah..warak bunyinya. sebenarnya mata tengok handset. Lecturer lalu sebelah pun tak nampak. malah ada juga yg melanggar saya sebab asyik melayan message dalam handset.
Saya teringat zaman saya kecil2 dulu, saya suka menegur org2 tua hatta kat perhentian bas. bertanya, makcik/pakcik nak pergi mana? banyak barang makcik bawa..atau pun bagi salam pada mereka dan senyum kemesraan dilemparkan kepada mereka. sekarang ni, jauh sekali nak tengok anak2 muda zaman sekarang bersikap sedemikian. semuanya Mind your own business!
sya teringat, satu ceramah yg diberikan oleh Datuk Harrussani, mufti negeri Perak ( negeri yg popular sekarang ni di seantero dunia) sekarang ini, dia ada memperingatkan diri kita bahwa, badan kita dan aktiviti yg kita lakukan sehari2 adalah milik Allah semata2. Peribahasa melayu jangan mengacau tepi kain orang adalah silap dalam konteks Islam...kita kena bersedia untuk dikritik, dikomen atau ditnya tentang tindak tanduk kita sehari-hari..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
invigilation duties
Whenever exam season is coming, one of our main duties is to main invigilate our exam paper or somebody else's exam paper. If it is our paper, it would not be boring because student could ask question and we are qualified enough to answer it. However, if somebody else's paper..eeeiii..boringnya..dah la tak kenal sangat student and it is not our paper. The invigilation duty becomes so technical..no human touch at all!
I am always looking forward to invigilate my paper. I will write a notice outside and inside my office, i will set an alarm in my HP about it...this to make sure that I will not miss it. Any conference, seminar, workshop will defintely be set aside during examination and marking weeks. I strongly believe that my studnets need me at the exam hall, physically and mentally. Physical- I MUST be there. My presence would actually motivate them to answer the question. Sometimes, they would ask me question; my comment on the question would relieve their confusion..or may be they dont ask question but I smile at them or wish them good luck..I am sure this small gesture would create wonders to them, mentally or emotionally..
Having said all this, I am so so geram and upset whenver I hear (or see in the minutes meeting) that any one of my colleagues who did not turn up at the exam hall at all..with no reasons! No M.C.! Where are you? Do you think that your duty ends whenever your lecture and tutorial end? Dont you want to see your "children's" faces? This is a total IRRESPONSIBLE lecturer/teacher.. Worst still, if he also submit the exam result late and give problem to the stduents later on.
I always try my best to give my exam result on time..always try my best to protect their rights so that Allah will protect mine.. what goes around comes around..
I am always looking forward to invigilate my paper. I will write a notice outside and inside my office, i will set an alarm in my HP about it...this to make sure that I will not miss it. Any conference, seminar, workshop will defintely be set aside during examination and marking weeks. I strongly believe that my studnets need me at the exam hall, physically and mentally. Physical- I MUST be there. My presence would actually motivate them to answer the question. Sometimes, they would ask me question; my comment on the question would relieve their confusion..or may be they dont ask question but I smile at them or wish them good luck..I am sure this small gesture would create wonders to them, mentally or emotionally..
Having said all this, I am so so geram and upset whenver I hear (or see in the minutes meeting) that any one of my colleagues who did not turn up at the exam hall at all..with no reasons! No M.C.! Where are you? Do you think that your duty ends whenever your lecture and tutorial end? Dont you want to see your "children's" faces? This is a total IRRESPONSIBLE lecturer/teacher.. Worst still, if he also submit the exam result late and give problem to the stduents later on.
I always try my best to give my exam result on time..always try my best to protect their rights so that Allah will protect mine.. what goes around comes around..
Monday, May 4, 2009
Exam result
Exam result was released about a week ago. As usual, my inbox is full of messages from my student, thanking me..( betul2 ke ni?) for passing them. Of course, those who failed, never ever thanked me for failing them..he!he! but they would cursed me instead. Anyway, normally I will tell them that I did not give you A or B or D or F. You earned those grades. I marked your paper as prescribed in the answer scheme.
I received a group of students of my previous sem class about appealing their failed paper. I advised them, if it is D grade, may be you can appeal..but if if it is D-or E or F, i guess there is no point of appealing. The chance of upgrading your grade is very very slim..or may be no chance at all. Some thought that they did well in the exam yet they failed. I said , may be your efforts is not well enough.
I believe to pass in your exam is not only needs your efforts and doa but also your luck..your rezeki.. Most of the times, what you thought is not what you got.. believe in your self, put enough efforts, abstain yourself from making ma'siyat, respectful to your parents and make doa as much as possible..insyallah, if that is your rezki, you will get what you dreamed for..
my personal note on this, I dont pray of getting A or A- in my paper. I only pray that i will pass my exam...I study according to my own pace..no stress, no jealousy, no envy, no competition..always enjoy my life to the fullest.. :-D
I received a group of students of my previous sem class about appealing their failed paper. I advised them, if it is D grade, may be you can appeal..but if if it is D-or E or F, i guess there is no point of appealing. The chance of upgrading your grade is very very slim..or may be no chance at all. Some thought that they did well in the exam yet they failed. I said , may be your efforts is not well enough.
I believe to pass in your exam is not only needs your efforts and doa but also your luck..your rezeki.. Most of the times, what you thought is not what you got.. believe in your self, put enough efforts, abstain yourself from making ma'siyat, respectful to your parents and make doa as much as possible..insyallah, if that is your rezki, you will get what you dreamed for..
my personal note on this, I dont pray of getting A or A- in my paper. I only pray that i will pass my exam...I study according to my own pace..no stress, no jealousy, no envy, no competition..always enjoy my life to the fullest.. :-D
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hukum Sebat dalam Islam
Kelmarin saya pergi menghadiri satu seminar anjuran JAKIM di pusat konvensyen putrajaya di Putrajaya..Adus, mak oi! gah sungguh pusat tu. mcam hotel 5 star.. tapi entry kali ni bukan nak cerita pasal hotel tapi nak cerita pasal seminar Hukuman sebat bagi Pesalah jenayah syariah di Malaysia.
ada beberapa isu penting yg ingin saya kongsikan bersama dengan student2 saya..
yg pertama, cara sebat dalam Islam ni lebih baik dari sebat cara hukuman sivil. Atau dgn kata lain. sebat dalam Islam lebih berperikemanusiaan dari cara hukuman sivil. dalam syariah, cara nak sebat, masa nak angkat rotan tu, tak boleh nampak ketiak kita ( hadith rasulullah) misalannya, kalau kita kepit buku kat ketiak tu dan angkat rotan untuk sebat pesalah tu, buku tu tak jatuh. rotan yg digunakan bagi pesalah jenayah syariah adalah lebih kecil diameternya dari svil. Objektif dilaksanakan hukuman adalah li ta'dib-untuk mendidik dan bukannya li ta'ziib-untuk menyiksa pesalah. Kesan dari sebatan tidak boleh berdarah pada kulit pesalah tapi bagi pesalah sivil hmm.. parut tu hanya akan hilang selepas 2 tahun. Ini pun bergantung pada jenis kulit jugak..
yg kedua, pendakwa syarie, pengawai jabatan agama dan hakim2, jgn takut untuk memastikan penjenayah yg melakukan jenayah yg membawa hukuman sebat, jgn takut untuk melaksanakan tugas anda.
yg terakhir, Negeri2 lain selain dari negeri kelantan, ikut lah jejak langkah negeri kelantan yg telah pun melaksnakan hukuman sebat ini sejak 1987 lagi. kalau yg belum beli rotan lagi, sila lah ke kedai buat survey, yg mana satu rotan yg sesuai mengikut syara' untuk digunakan.
perkara2 di atas adalah antara isu2 penting yg ingn saya kongsikan bersama.
ada ditunjukkan gambar dan demonstrasi cara sebatan yg dibuat oleh pegawai penjara.. takuuut saya tengok. utuk pesalah sivil saya tengok, tukang sebat tu, pusing 360' untuk menyebat pesalah. Pah bakpo, tak terberak n terkencing pesalah. pengsan tu biasa lah, kata pengawai penjara. Menurut Tuan Abu Bakar Abdullah Kutty, Ketua pendaftar mahkamah syariah negeri Kelantan, masa dia tengok demonstrasi di jabatan penjara ( masa tu dia jadi ketua pendakwa syarie-hok bengkeng sekali padahal tu) lepas tengok, 3 hari dia demam. tak tau kalau saya yg tengok.. pengsan tak bangun2 lagi kot!
dalam kereta saya termenung sendiri sepnjang perjalanan balik ke UIAM. Ingat pada anak2, adik2 dan student yg saya kasihi.. jgn buat maksiat..maksiat adalah jalan untuk buat jenayah.. sakitnya, pedihnya.. tapi saya terfikir pula..azab di akhirat sebenarnya adalah lebih pedih, lebih azab dari azab di dunia... masyaAllah.. pintu taubat masih terbuka..subhanallah..
ada beberapa isu penting yg ingin saya kongsikan bersama dengan student2 saya..
yg pertama, cara sebat dalam Islam ni lebih baik dari sebat cara hukuman sivil. Atau dgn kata lain. sebat dalam Islam lebih berperikemanusiaan dari cara hukuman sivil. dalam syariah, cara nak sebat, masa nak angkat rotan tu, tak boleh nampak ketiak kita ( hadith rasulullah) misalannya, kalau kita kepit buku kat ketiak tu dan angkat rotan untuk sebat pesalah tu, buku tu tak jatuh. rotan yg digunakan bagi pesalah jenayah syariah adalah lebih kecil diameternya dari svil. Objektif dilaksanakan hukuman adalah li ta'dib-untuk mendidik dan bukannya li ta'ziib-untuk menyiksa pesalah. Kesan dari sebatan tidak boleh berdarah pada kulit pesalah tapi bagi pesalah sivil hmm.. parut tu hanya akan hilang selepas 2 tahun. Ini pun bergantung pada jenis kulit jugak..
yg kedua, pendakwa syarie, pengawai jabatan agama dan hakim2, jgn takut untuk memastikan penjenayah yg melakukan jenayah yg membawa hukuman sebat, jgn takut untuk melaksanakan tugas anda.
yg terakhir, Negeri2 lain selain dari negeri kelantan, ikut lah jejak langkah negeri kelantan yg telah pun melaksnakan hukuman sebat ini sejak 1987 lagi. kalau yg belum beli rotan lagi, sila lah ke kedai buat survey, yg mana satu rotan yg sesuai mengikut syara' untuk digunakan.
perkara2 di atas adalah antara isu2 penting yg ingn saya kongsikan bersama.
ada ditunjukkan gambar dan demonstrasi cara sebatan yg dibuat oleh pegawai penjara.. takuuut saya tengok. utuk pesalah sivil saya tengok, tukang sebat tu, pusing 360' untuk menyebat pesalah. Pah bakpo, tak terberak n terkencing pesalah. pengsan tu biasa lah, kata pengawai penjara. Menurut Tuan Abu Bakar Abdullah Kutty, Ketua pendaftar mahkamah syariah negeri Kelantan, masa dia tengok demonstrasi di jabatan penjara ( masa tu dia jadi ketua pendakwa syarie-hok bengkeng sekali padahal tu) lepas tengok, 3 hari dia demam. tak tau kalau saya yg tengok.. pengsan tak bangun2 lagi kot!
dalam kereta saya termenung sendiri sepnjang perjalanan balik ke UIAM. Ingat pada anak2, adik2 dan student yg saya kasihi.. jgn buat maksiat..maksiat adalah jalan untuk buat jenayah.. sakitnya, pedihnya.. tapi saya terfikir pula..azab di akhirat sebenarnya adalah lebih pedih, lebih azab dari azab di dunia... masyaAllah.. pintu taubat masih terbuka..subhanallah..
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lama sungguh tak menulis puisi..tak dok idea sangat. Lepas tu, 2/3 hari lepas, datang kampus, tengok sunyi je..student pun tak dok, kawan pun asyik berperap dalam off sebab marking banyak lagi yg belum habis..kantin pun tutup..pah bakpo tak boring..Mula lah ingat student tu, student ni..yg suka mengacau saya di office. Ingat juga yg lama2 sangat tak tnaya khabar.. dulunya bukan main lagi rapat dgn saya, tup tup sekarang ni habuk pun tarak! bertahun2 tak tnaya khbar.. entahlah..
cerita kali ini ialah puisi..bila hati dah sedih tu, dtg la idea mencurah mencoret puisi..
Aku berjalan di tepi bukit sepi
Yang dulunya dilakari penuh dengan siswa siswi
Kamar ku yang tak putus-putis dilewati
Oleh jiwa jiwa bakal menjejaki
alim ulama tedahului
untuk Islam yang dicintai
Berat sungguh kantung hati ini
dengan rindu ynag tak terperi
pada siswa siswi
Yang ku kasihi
Kapan kamu datang lagi
Kapan kamu kan kemari
Mengubati sanubari
Yang masih terlekat di sisi
Aku masih di sini
Mengais-ngais sisa di kaki
mungkin ada kenangan manis untuk dinikmati
buat ke sekian kali..
Walau aku jauh dibuang sepi..
cerita kali ini ialah puisi..bila hati dah sedih tu, dtg la idea mencurah mencoret puisi..
Aku berjalan di tepi bukit sepi
Yang dulunya dilakari penuh dengan siswa siswi
Kamar ku yang tak putus-putis dilewati
Oleh jiwa jiwa bakal menjejaki
alim ulama tedahului
untuk Islam yang dicintai
Berat sungguh kantung hati ini
dengan rindu ynag tak terperi
pada siswa siswi
Yang ku kasihi
Kapan kamu datang lagi
Kapan kamu kan kemari
Mengubati sanubari
Yang masih terlekat di sisi
Aku masih di sini
Mengais-ngais sisa di kaki
mungkin ada kenangan manis untuk dinikmati
buat ke sekian kali..
Walau aku jauh dibuang sepi..
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Non Muslim students
For the past 15 years teaching at IIUM, I have at least two non muslim students in my class every semester. This sem, I have two; one brother one sister. I enjoyed haviung non muslim students in my class. First I think this is the opportunity for me to explain to them about Islam.. the beauty of Islam. second, I would like engage some intellectual discourse with them about their understanding on Islam. Generally, they respect the Islamic values and aware the limitations as prescribed in Islam. To certain extent, they know better about Hukum syara' and remind their fellow muslim students not to commit any prohibited acts.
I remember one of non muslim student, his name is Nicholas Netto, whom i gave him " A" for Islamic Crimnal law paper. Another student, Ng boon Ka, who is extremely good in Shariah papers and he alslo memorised some quranic verses. Low Chin yi, Brother Ling..these are the few names whom I remember that they gave full commitment in my class and memorised the Quranic verses.
Every student in my class, whther Muslim or Non Muslims, is treated equally..They must memorise the quranic verses and hadith ( optional) and produce it in the form of writings. However, if they come and tell me that they have problem in memorising, that would be fine but they need to remember the exact translations from a specifc book. What is amzing, they did not want to be exempted. They wanted to memorise the quranic verses too! This is what i called, Passion and commitment. Besides, they told me that they aware about Islamic law where Quran and Sunnah are the sources of Islamic law. It very sad though to hear some muslim students refused to memorise and dont evern remember the surah's names in the holy quran..they dont have the will and commitment in their academic's life.
This encouragement to non muslim students to study the Quran, memorise the verse and explain the verse, is to show Quran is the source of hukum for everybody. This is the problem with Muslims..or Malay Muslim. They think that Quran or Islam is for solely for them.
We must exemplify to non muslim that Islam is not only amputation of hand, stoning to death etc..Islam is a way of life.
I remember one of non muslim student, his name is Nicholas Netto, whom i gave him " A" for Islamic Crimnal law paper. Another student, Ng boon Ka, who is extremely good in Shariah papers and he alslo memorised some quranic verses. Low Chin yi, Brother Ling..these are the few names whom I remember that they gave full commitment in my class and memorised the Quranic verses.
Every student in my class, whther Muslim or Non Muslims, is treated equally..They must memorise the quranic verses and hadith ( optional) and produce it in the form of writings. However, if they come and tell me that they have problem in memorising, that would be fine but they need to remember the exact translations from a specifc book. What is amzing, they did not want to be exempted. They wanted to memorise the quranic verses too! This is what i called, Passion and commitment. Besides, they told me that they aware about Islamic law where Quran and Sunnah are the sources of Islamic law. It very sad though to hear some muslim students refused to memorise and dont evern remember the surah's names in the holy quran..they dont have the will and commitment in their academic's life.
This encouragement to non muslim students to study the Quran, memorise the verse and explain the verse, is to show Quran is the source of hukum for everybody. This is the problem with Muslims..or Malay Muslim. They think that Quran or Islam is for solely for them.
We must exemplify to non muslim that Islam is not only amputation of hand, stoning to death etc..Islam is a way of life.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
exam fever..
I am supposed to write this topic last week but could not do it. My students, they are having exam since last week. Normally during this time, I will get as early as 6.30 am, a text message from anyone of them asking me to make doa for them. At least two messages per day...but only this exam season. Once the exam is over, rarely anyone of them sending me any message. I will only get more text messages when new sem begins..
I always remind my student to keep a good relationship with your teacher and parents in the c0urse of seeking knowledge. This kind of peace relationship is very essential so that it will help you at the exam hall and eventually getting good result, insyAllah. Some student would think that getting "A" is the destiny of their life and they would do anything as long as their mission accomplished. They would cheated in the exam, they would not sleep the whole night, they lied and to the extent sacrificing their frienship for exam's sake. please, we can always try and give our best but the end result is in the hand's of Allah S W T. What Allah wants is by getting A, our iman to Him is increased..is stronger and stronger..but if we become riya' and takabbur.. there's nothing else you will be getting but Shirk..Ya Allah..Nauzubillah min zalik..
To those who have graduated, I am sure they must have missed this occassion.. Betul tak? I am sure many of you would have agreed with me that they wished that they are still studying..
Anyway, all the best! Love you guys..
I always remind my student to keep a good relationship with your teacher and parents in the c0urse of seeking knowledge. This kind of peace relationship is very essential so that it will help you at the exam hall and eventually getting good result, insyAllah. Some student would think that getting "A" is the destiny of their life and they would do anything as long as their mission accomplished. They would cheated in the exam, they would not sleep the whole night, they lied and to the extent sacrificing their frienship for exam's sake. please, we can always try and give our best but the end result is in the hand's of Allah S W T. What Allah wants is by getting A, our iman to Him is increased..is stronger and stronger..but if we become riya' and takabbur.. there's nothing else you will be getting but Shirk..Ya Allah..Nauzubillah min zalik..
To those who have graduated, I am sure they must have missed this occassion.. Betul tak? I am sure many of you would have agreed with me that they wished that they are still studying..
Anyway, all the best! Love you guys..
Friday, April 3, 2009
ex students..
I received a visitor yesterday..Arasu,my ex student who is now doing his chambering in KL. He came to get my signature for his referral letter to be submitted to the KL bar. datang bawa karipap untuk saya..hmm, pandai pula dia, ada akhlaq. actually, evrytime i got a call or a text message or email or a surprise visit from my ex students, i am very very happy and pleased to see them or to hear any news from them.This shows that they still remember me. student teacher relationship does not end once you are no longer her studnet or once you have graduated. It is disheartening to hear from them, if i tell them, " You have not been contacting me for a long time". The answer goes this way..." I am busy madam..." This is the common answer from anybody who does not have time management.
A few days ago another ex student came to see me at my office. He brought me a bangle from sabah. he said that, this bangle I bought it from my first salary..i dont know what to say but thank you very much, faiz.
ada yg dtg bawa 2 supit buah belimbing ko saya..that was all he could buy because lalu ikut jalan yg dipenuhi hutan2.. at least dia ingat ko saya, tak dtg dgn tangan kosong.. actually he was not my student..but UIAM student. Thank you hayyi..
there was one bagi saya kain sepasang..saya buat baju kurung..tiap kali pakai ingat kat dia.. thank you, daus..
I also remember one of my ex students who made the promise that he would belanja me a glass of milo if he ever received his first salary..until now, i dont see that he is going to fulfill his words. It does not mean that I really want to drink a milo but he issue here is that you dont make promise if you think you cannot do it.
I got a thank you also from my chinese student who garduated a few years back. In that note she was telling me that she will never forget me because I gave a chocolate bar for getting highest mark in the class. I could not recall when did I give her the chcolote but i remember quite well that she was a good student. I know a small token that you got from your teacher, you will always remember..A thank you note from her is the return of what I gave to her long long time ago..Whatever you give, you will always get back..if not in this world insyAllah in the hareafter.
A few days ago another ex student came to see me at my office. He brought me a bangle from sabah. he said that, this bangle I bought it from my first salary..i dont know what to say but thank you very much, faiz.
ada yg dtg bawa 2 supit buah belimbing ko saya..that was all he could buy because lalu ikut jalan yg dipenuhi hutan2.. at least dia ingat ko saya, tak dtg dgn tangan kosong.. actually he was not my student..but UIAM student. Thank you hayyi..
there was one bagi saya kain sepasang..saya buat baju kurung..tiap kali pakai ingat kat dia.. thank you, daus..
I also remember one of my ex students who made the promise that he would belanja me a glass of milo if he ever received his first salary..until now, i dont see that he is going to fulfill his words. It does not mean that I really want to drink a milo but he issue here is that you dont make promise if you think you cannot do it.
I got a thank you also from my chinese student who garduated a few years back. In that note she was telling me that she will never forget me because I gave a chocolate bar for getting highest mark in the class. I could not recall when did I give her the chcolote but i remember quite well that she was a good student. I know a small token that you got from your teacher, you will always remember..A thank you note from her is the return of what I gave to her long long time ago..Whatever you give, you will always get back..if not in this world insyAllah in the hareafter.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Trip to Langkawi Island
We went to Langkawi Island during maulidirasul holiday. This was our second trip to Langkawi after more than 10 years! Of corse there was a tremendous changes in terms of the hotel, places of attraction, food price and etc. Whatever it is , we enjoyed our stay there.. we snapped a lot of pictures there. Here are some of the relevant and publishable picture for public viewing.. of course tak leh lawan aussies.. :-)

On the boat, heading for island hopping..
On the boat, heading for island hopping..
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